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meanwhile I will record the song

ahh that's good to know! It's been complicated for a bit, but I'm doing better now.

wha no

Oh, I see. At least things are going better though, right? Hit me up on Skype if you need to say anything, okay?

Some people said there was a Lucina figurine... (amiiboo)

Not a figurine, per se, just her artwork in a circle. Mr. Game and Watch was like it too

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Police Cameras

And how they find people

Suitcases huh

once upon a time not so long ago

we played hide-and-seek with like

ten-year olds

kitty hid inside a suitcase and it took like

fifteen minutes to find her

tl;dr kitty is gud at hiding places

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once upon a time not so long ago

we played hide-and-seek with like

ten-year olds

kitty hid inside a suitcase and it took like

fifteen minutes to find her

tl;dr kitty is gud at hiding places

Isn't that fucking bad

You can like die from that

Kitty what the actual fuck

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it's okay kitty

apparently MC can wear glasses in this game

unless s/he already could in past games I forgot


Isn't that fucking bad

You can like die from that

Kitty what the actual fuck

well it wasn't zipped up entirely so I could see light at the bottom and still breathe normally o vo)/

besides, there were at least 2 kids sitting on top of the suitcase so I'm pretty sure they would remember

wha no

Oh, I see. At least things are going better though, right? Hit me up on Skype if you need to say anything, okay?

wynaut :c

but if you say so then! thank you for your kindness

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On one side:

Acid Armor Smeargle. Which tried to boost its Defense against an obvious special attacker.

Flame Body Talonflame. Again.

Double-Edge Mega Aerodactyl.

On the other: What I'm assuming must be an in-game team from DPP.

-Petal Dance Roserade.

-Leaving said Roserade in on Talonflame.

-Aqua Jet Empoleon.


-Kricketune ever.

-Shell Bell Staraptor.

-Shell Bell period.

-Rapidash. With Poison Jab.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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that squid paint shooting game, tho

wow yes

I've been around longer than you

Plus one of the skype chats I'm in is called

I'm more stranger than you I'm afraid

ok sure

(aka I've lost interest in this debate)

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