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I don't know if I'll be on tomorrow, so could someone give this gif to glac?

thank you in advance, I appreciate it ;v;

Did you make that gif? What about the one in your avatar?

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Both of the gifs go with the song I'm listening to... but if no one else does, I'll make sure she gets it

oh my, another song that seems to match the gifs o:

but thank you!

Did you make that gif? What about the one in your avatar?

yes to both questions

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i have gender identity disorder. i set my gender to not telling because of that and i don't want people accusing me of pretending to be a female just for attention. i would have preferred to be born a girl, definitely.

If people are fickle enough to think you're just doing it for the attention, they're likely not worth the trouble. If it is because of some issue you had with them in the past and the way they see you, the better option is to lay low, not argue with them, and focus your actions to reassure yourself, your conviction is worth more.

That usually doesn't happen here in SF that I know, though. So if you want to, you have all the reason to.

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hi there XINOODY


Oh, Xinnidy, now I remember your name

The Max Huckebein 009 thing always stuck in my head for some reason.


Then I used the MkII-M in OG2 to the very end.

Fun silly times

then 2nd OG happened ;_;

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Ah yes, the Huckebein thing...

Maybe they're doing it on purpose for, like, I don't know, 3rd OG reveals the Huckebein mk IV or something...

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Then I used the MkII-M in OG2 to the very end.

Fun silly times

then 2nd OG happened ;_;

I'm sorry for your loss... I was about to wonder how you took that...

I'm more of a Gespenst guy myself though... but look on the bright side, I hear the Ex-bein breaks the game

EDIT: Or was it Ing...? I dunno

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If people are fickle enough to think you're just doing it for the attention, they're likely not worth the trouble. If it is because of some issue you had with them in the past and the way they see you, the better option is to lay low, not argue with them, and focus your actions to reassure yourself, your conviction is worth more.

That usually doesn't happen here in SF that I know, though. So if you want to, you have all the reason to.

I agree with this.

But either case Boney, it doesn't make a difference to me, a friend's a friend to me.

thanks...it's still something i'm not completely sure about, though. i'm not considering a sex change operation. i mean i want to feel pretty, but i would rather just avoid sex/gender things

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hm I finshed swan song and it was good but not great. I really wanted to know who that mysterious man whose face you could never see was.(I got the good ending so nothing left to see). I also wish aroe had more significance in the story.

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hm I finshed swan song and it was good but not great. I really wanted to know who that mysterious man whose face you could never see was.(I got the good ending so nothing left to see). I also wish aroe had more significance in the story.

because she was basically significant at the end of the normal end.

I still need to play through the bad endings though

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thanks...it's still something i'm not completely sure about, though. i'm not considering a sex change operation. i mean i want to feel pretty, but i would rather just avoid sex/gender things

It's cool, Crizix, had somewhat told me that you prefer not to specify genders... or I heard it from her you could say

hm I finshed swan song and it was good but not great. I really wanted to know who that mysterious man whose face you could never see was.(I got the good ending so nothing left to see). I also wish aroe had more significance in the story.

Did you do the unlockable routes... or so I hear, there's an option to go with takuma, when you're being chased by those cops

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