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I should ask John to make a poll to ask who in the thread joined because of FE13

I tried the other ones because of FE10.
I feel so weird because that's uncommon among newer members.

My first FE was FE10

Edited by LuxSpes
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Youz correct, eh.

Watching it is so boring but playing it is okay. Playing floor hockey tho, bc I can't skate.

Same reason why I play floor/street hockey ^o^

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aren't those spin-off that play differently from the main series, tho?

and have nothing in common besides the "Shin Megami Tensei" on the title in some cases?

Hey, like you said, you wanted to play other games in the series before you played SMT IV to see if you liked the series as a whole. So yeah, just try that.

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What are your other questions

And I'm horrible since I mis-remembered my brother's age. He's 19 going on 20 lel

Mainly donuts

Hey! I'm not the only Canadian that doesn't like hockey! (well I like playing street hockey, but I don't watch it)

I don't have anymore for here, actually.

Hahahah! Well, then he can drink no matter where in Canada he is!

Eh, donuts are good, but I prefer other stuff.

That's still hockey, but I see your point.

I searched DQV, DQVII, and DQIX on pixiv and chose something.

Of those three, I haven't played DQVII but want to.


Youz correct, eh.

Isn't it supposed be 'eh?'?

Anon, I live in Cleveland.

Do you think I like rock music?

What, you expect me to learn regional stereotypes?

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Hey, like you said, you wanted to play other games in the series before you played SMT IV to see if you liked the series as a whole. So yeah, just try that.

not really, I want to play other games in the main series (or spin-offs that are pretty similar to it) to see if I could like SMTIV

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I should ask John to make a poll to ask who in the thread joined because of FE13

Well, I had been lurking the site for years, gathering whatever information I could on the other games before FE13 was announced. Then the forums started blowing up, so I thought "eh, what the hell, I'll just join anyway." So here I am.

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I don't have anymore for here, actually.

Hahahah! Well, then he can drink no matter where in Canada he is!

Eh, donuts are good, but I prefer other stuff.

That's still hockey, but I see your point.


Isn't it supposed be 'eh?'?

What, you expect me to learn regional stereotypes?

Cleveland is considered the birthplace of rock and is the home of the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame.

I hate rock music yet here I am.

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not really, I want to play other games in the main series (or spin-offs that are pretty similar to it) to see if I could like SMTIV

Just try out Strange Journey, then. It doesn't exactly fall into the category of a spinoff, but it's as close to a readily accessible main-series SMT game as you can get that isn't that difficult.

Or Nocturne, if you want to solve your pirating needs.

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Cleveland is considered the birthplace of rock and is the home of the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame.

I hate rock music yet here I am.

Great, thank you for telling me that, I guess...

Excuuuuse me?


WHOZ da canadian, eh? :P

You are...

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Anon, I live in Cleveland.

Do you think I like rock music?

I know this, can I answer it anyway?

not really, I want to play other games in the main series (or spin-offs that are pretty similar to it) to see if I could like SMTIV

I really don't see the problem with starting with the first SMT, then going to SMT2 then Nocturne, and such...

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Cleveland is considered the birthplace of rock and is the home of the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame.

I hate rock music yet here I am.

Then if you hate it so much, what kind of music do you actually listen to?

If you say pop music, I'm going to kill you

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Just try out Strange Journey, then. It doesn't exactly fall into the category of a spinoff, but it's as close to a readily accessible main-series SMT game as you can get that isn't that difficult.

Or Nocturne, if you want to solve your pirating needs.

i kinda prefer playing on my ps2 instead of emulating ds, tho

maybe if i had an r4 i would try that first

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