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Look like someone challenged fate, Glac

And it was ugly from what I saw... but chaos is good

I wish you the best of luck to win that battle against skype today o7

This tank is the best, the resistance is down for the count.

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Chapter 7: Ruins of Home

Silver P.O.V.

"I never thought I'd come back here again..." I mutter as Duck, Lux, and I enter Aries Village. "Oh, the memories..."

The once lush pastures and quaint homes of our village had been reduced to burning wasteland and rubble. I looked around, but most life had vacated the village, except...

"Anon!" Lux cries. "You... have wings! And... who is that?"

"Duck, I saw what had happened when Dusk attacked these two." Anon says. "Why didn't you tell Lord Tonton what you and Shinpichu were doing?"

"I..." Duck mumbles, looking down. "I didn't know if they thought it was possible." He lets his wings unfold as Lux and I stare at him.

"I went and reported what I saw to Lord Tonton. General Poly was assigned to come with me after you."

"Hold up!" A feminine voice cries. A young girl with white wings flew down from the sky, followed by more of this apparent third type of angel. "Sorry, but we have orders on what to do with these two."

"Orders?" I start to ask, but I was already scooped up by the white angels' leader.

"I'll take her to him." She says confidently. "You all take the boy to Queen Kinumi." I steal a glance at Lux, who is fainted in the arms of a different angel. Her comerades began flying off as her orders had dictated.

"Who's him?" I asked, but she was already flying toward Ice Angel territory.

"We're sorry but... Lord Comet..."


Duck P.O.V.

"Wait! Where are you--" I cry.

"Let them go." General Poly says, calmer than usual. "Lord Comet needs the girl, Duck."

"Who is Comet?" I sob. "What is he..."

"Now isn't the time to tell you." He answers. "But it will all become clearer, soon."

Edited by Sylveon Lord
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Chapter 7: Ruins of Home

"I never thought I'd come back here again..." I mutter as Duck, Lux, and I enter Aries Village. "Oh, the memories..."

The once lush pastures and quaint homes of our village had been reduced to burning wasteland and rubble. I looked around, but most life had vacated the village, except...

"Anon!" Lux cries. "You... have wings! And... who is that?"

"Duck, I saw what had happened when Dusk attacked these two." Anon says. "Why didn't you tell Lord Tonton what you and Shinpichu were doing?"

"I..." Duck mumbles, looking down. "I didn't know if they thought it was possible." He lets his wings unfold as Lux and I stare at him.

"I went and reported what I saw to Lord Tonton. General Poly was assigned to come with me after you."

"Hold up!" A feminine voice cries. A young girl with white wings flew down from the sky, followed by more of this apparent third type of angel. "Sorry, but we have orders on what to do with these two."

"Orders?" I start to ask, but I was already scooped up by the white angels' leader.

"I'll take her to him." She says confidently. "You all take the boy to Queen Kinumi." I steal a glance at Lux, who is fainted in the arms of a different angel. Her comerades began flying off as her orders had dictated.

"Who's him?" I asked, but she was already flying toward Ice Angel territory.

"We're sorry but... Lord Comet..."


"Wait! Where are you--" I cry.

"Let them go." General Poly says, calmer than usual. "Lord Comet needs the girl, Duck."

"Who is Comet?" I sob. "What is he..."

"Now isn't the time to tell you." He answers. "But it will all become clearer, soon."

Fire: Tonton, Shinpichu, Duck, Anon, Poly

Ice: Glac, Dusk, Comet

Light: Kin, Kitty, Riru, Fre

Human: Me, Silva, (Shytende, Soledai, Damian, all taken by Ice)

The plot thickens
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Oh wow, you guys even have a story. This is kind of amazing @_@

guess third rate third gens like me wont get a part

I can try to squeeze you in if you want.

Excellent, very nice update Glace.

I eagerly await the fight scenes.

Spiraled to the point that they are an if.

There was a short one between Shinpichu and Dusk so far and that's about it.

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Oh wow, you guys even have a story. This is kind of amazing @_@

guess third rate third gens like me wont get a part

Hey, third gen isn't third rate, I'm the candidate leader, apparently... and my squads are the best

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The plot thickens..

agh this is getting way too good to be waiting for such a thing

though I guess good writing like this takes a good amount of time as well

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So the last humans are all split up...

I'm unsure as to what's going to happen. Why do Comet want one human and the light angels the other ><

Such suspense, we have to wait for the next episode... the SUSPENSE

It's a conspiracy, they've made a truce, to overthrow the common foe.

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The plot thickens..

agh this is getting way too good to be waiting for such a thing

though I guess good writing like this takes a good amount of time as well

Actually I just write on the spot after some mental prewriting of the overall plot.

I really just wrote that after finishing the post prior.

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The plot thickens..

agh this is getting way too good to be waiting for such a thing

though I guess good writing like this takes a good amount of time as well

And the proper motivation, even if you have the story in your head if you can't will the "pen" it won't move

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