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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I'm so happy for you! The first time on the road is scary for many. Did I tell when I first started driving I was so nervous that I almost went into the wrong lane?

You'll get used to it after a while. Building confidence is key.

Have you been to driving school?

that's great, you're not sick ^^ do you think you were able to study enough for that test?

I think I'm set. My fingers crossed for a good mark!

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What have you got

I don't have internet for three days so that works out then ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ

I threw away most of my rejects when the pokebank was released, since my boxes were almost full, so i don't know what i still have, but i'm pretty sure i still have plenty of them, including rotom, gible and special riolos
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My friend safari is ghost. boo

I don't remember what's in yours


I'm so happy for you! The first time on the road is scary for many. Did I tell when I first started driving I was so nervous that I almost went into the wrong lane?

You'll get used to it after a while. Building confidence is key.

Have you been to driving school?

Thank you! Believe me, I was close

I have two classes left!

I threw away most of my rejects when the pokebank was released, since my boxes were almost full, so i don't know what i still have, but i'm pretty sure i still have plenty of them, including rotom, gible and special riolos

Rotom and Gible sound great

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Catching up with this thread is so hard ._.

I simply gave up on that now that i'm travelling and have better thing to do than spending a lot of time on the internet haha

Edited by Nobody
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Catching up with this thread is so hard ._.

I don't bother. I just catch up with what's on the current page and go from there.

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I has rejects of Froakie, hippopatas, starly, Absol, frillish, tentacool, fletchling, rotom, ralts (for gallade), Growlithe, swablu, Marill, and more that I can't remember...

My FS has Golurk, and I forget the rest.

Edited by Comet
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I has rejects of Froakie, hippopatas, starly, Absol, frillish, tentacool, fletchling, rotom, ralts (for gallade), Growlithe, swablu, Marill, and more that I can't remember...

My FS has Golurk, and I forget the rest.

Would you mind parting with a somewhat good nature Marill

I'll PM you and Daniel about it when I have internet

Anyway, I gots to go to sleep. Good night everybody ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ

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Would you mind parting with a somewhat good nature Marill

I'll PM you and Daniel about it when I have internet

Anyway, I gots to go to sleep. Good night everybody ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ

Later Duck

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I don't remember what's in yours

Thank you! Believe me, I was close

I have two classes left!

Rotom and Gible sound great

:3 You got this! Smooth cruising to ya!

I simply gave up on that now that i'm travelling and have better thing to do than spending a lot of time on the internet haha

What else is new?

I don't bother. I just catch up with what's on the current page and go from there.

;_____; So it's still just me that attempts this.

Sometimes, on the current page, I have no idea what everyone is talking about.

Then I keep linking to previous posts and before I know it I'm reading through half of the day

Hi Mei, how are you, you feeling better?

I'm a lot better. Thank you for asking ^.^

Funny enough my dad also had some of the nasty fish but he never got sick. He's got a strong stomach O.o

Edited by Hashuni Mei
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;_____; So it's still just me that attempts this.

Sometimes, on the current page, I have no idea what everyone is talking about.

Then I keep linking to previous posts and before I know it I'm reading through half the day

There there..... No shame in that

But when you afk so much that you never know how much time you really have, reading back is merely a detriment. For me, anyway

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I'm a lot better. Thank you for asking ^.^

Funny enough my dad also had some of the nasty fish but he never got sick. He's got a strong stomach O.o

of the day.

Good, that is good.

Your old man has an iron stomach it sounds like? That is impressive, was he even fazed?

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