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FE13 is ew.

Fuck yes.

FE2 was...interesting.

Not this again

FF4 DS: best thing that isn't Chrono Trigger DS

I'm glad that it was made given it's impact on the series, but I still hate the game itself.

Edited by SecondWorld
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yeah okay

4's not that bad.

It's sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow and has loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong maps

I'm not a patient person

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6=7>8=9=13>11>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>10>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>watching paint dry>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4

RD literally took me a year and a half to finish because it was my first FE game and I didn't know you could turn off animations

I also sucked terribly due to being a n00b

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I hope the next FE is like 4

But with some of its flaws solved, like what Nobody's saying about the length of it

I wish FE13 was like FE4, plotwise.

Would be so much better than time travel to just cut the game in half.

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Not this again

FF4 DS: best thing that isn't Chrono Trigger DS

I'm glad that it was made given it's impact on the series, but I still hate the game itself.

I like the GBA version.

Yeah well, I look at FE8 as if it's an improved version of FE2.

It's sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow and has loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong maps

I'm not a patient person

I can tell, Mr. Wind Waker Hater. :P

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I like the GBA version.

Yeah well, I look at FE8 as if it's an improved version of FE2.

I can tell, Mr. Wind Waker Hater. :P

I'm actually interested as to why you like that one of the many many versions there are.

So do I, though I wish it went with the whole using two parties thing that FE2 did.

Wind Waker is amazing, just putting that out there.

I must be the only one who enjoyed Awakening in this thread


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I must be the only one who enjoyed Awakening in this thread

I liked it, but I think it's overrated. My main issue is the plot. I have no problems with the gameplay.

Though I do think it would be better as a spiritual successor to FE4 alone, due to vague plot similarities in the original timeline.

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I'm actually interested as to why you like that one of the many many versions there are.

So do I, though I wish it went with the whole using two parties thing that FE2 did.

Wind Waker is amazing, just putting that out there.


TWW is my favorite game ever~!

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I like FE13 at face value but IMO, the gameplay is unbalanced, the characters are bland, the story is full of plotholes and like I said before, waifus everywheeeere ;~; it brought a lot more fans to the series though, so I guess that's good.

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I'm actually interested as to why you like that one of the many many versions there are.

So do I, though I wish it went with the whole using two parties thing that FE2 did.

Wind Waker is amazing, just putting that out there.

Because it's the only one I've played.

That'd be really cool. And maybe more characters, too.

It's the best game ever, of course.

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