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here one of the words for satan is "cão" which is also a word for dog

Like 'shi' is four and death in some eastern countries, I get it... but that's not why I have Dog.

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I right-clicked Soledai's avatar, reverse-searched it and it brought me to the right place: 'Shadowrun Dog'

And only one person got it.

But yeah, that's the message you get when you meet Dog.

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Like 'shi' is four and death in some eastern countries, I get it... but that's not why I have Dog.

Not really. They call the demon "cão" because cão is dog. It's associating the devil to dog, unlike the four/death relation, that i assume is a coincidence

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I don't know, though he saw the BS that happened in that fight, it had a quarter of health left... :<

But the unlimited mode thing... is total BS, I got a game over in the first stage...

oh no :c so close yet so far

though that's..well. that was not something to be expected from a pro like yourself.

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So why are you here instead of packing? At which hour do you have to go to sleep?

And good to hear you won't be completely cut-off from the civilized world (read as the Internet)

I'm tempted to post that Mustang rap

Ouch, will you be able to rest during your trip at least? Or will it be tiring?

Because tiredness. Dunno, but soonish.

I hope I can, but my sister wants to go walking in Old San Juan, El Yunque (rainforest), Cave of Camui River, etc. since she's bringing a friend for sight seeing, and I don't think my feet can handle it....

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Because tiredness. Dunno, but soonish.

I hope I can, but my sister wants to go walking in Old San Juan, El Yunque (rainforest), Cave of Camui River, etc. since she's bringing a friend for sight seeing, and I don't think my feet can handle it....

Can I find you a theme for your packing?

Your feet haven't recovered?

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Can I find you a theme for your packing?

Your feet haven't recovered?

No, because as soon as I go back to work, my feet get destroyed all over again. And what's really scaring me right now is the numbness in my toe that isn't going away... D:

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No, because as soon as I go back to work, my feet get destroyed all over again. And what's really scaring me right now is the numbness in my toe that isn't going away... D:

Oh... that sounds familiar... and worrisome... after or during vacation I'd take some time to get that checked out... I can relate to that.

Steel toe boots, I might suggest.

Edited by Soledai
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No, because as soon as I go back to work, my feet get destroyed all over again. And what's really scaring me right now is the numbness in my toe that isn't going away... D:

I would check that out to be safe.

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Because tiredness. Dunno, but soonish.

I hope I can, but my sister wants to go walking in Old San Juan, El Yunque (rainforest), Cave of Camui River, etc. since she's bringing a friend for sight seeing, and I don't think my feet can handle it....

You might want to still rest a bit. All those blisters+the numbness is definitely something that justify trying to not walk too much for a while to let them heal. You're gone for around 10 days, so you should take the chance to rest. Please take care of yourself ><

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Still 2-3 more days till I get PoR finally. I hope it is worth close to what I payed for it.

Path of Radiance is a solid game, my fourth or fifth favorite. I prefer Radiant Dawn, even with all the problems in Radiant Dawn, but it's still worth playing.

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