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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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someone's turning me off from the thread.. Won't say who, but yes.

Something happened yesterday and Reminding of said person is a headache

I think I know who you're talking about.Can we talk?
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Nah, not you in General.. I'm just getting over my mental side of me.

no I meant if you wanted to talk about it

I don't post here enough anymore for it to be me

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someone's turning me off from the thread.. Won't say who, but yes.

Something happened yesterday and Reminding of said person is a headache


hope everything works out

proooobably doesn't mean much coming from me but still

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how does that work

That seems a little weird as far as logic goes

It's weird to explain. I have to remove my contacts, change clothes, and the hardest of all the things: get up from the computer chairs. I'm so tired that actually takes a lot of effort haha

But I'll manage to do that soon

i think

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