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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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i was being SARCASTIC! HELP ME!

punishment for not finishing pokemon conquest

Not finishing? Lol pls, I never even started

huh. guess i'm not the only one having a dull afternoon.

well my bro was thinking of watching Frozen so I may join him later.

well have you started any new sigs?

Ah, Frozen. *Still hasn't watched it*

One actually. Tho I do have a few ideas, this project has most of my attention, which is why I haven't done any others.

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Not finishing? Lol pls, I never even started

Ah, Frozen. *Still hasn't watched it*

One actually. Tho I do have a few ideas, this project has most of my attention, which is why I haven't done any others.

Frozen is cool.
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of course you would you fedora wearing warrior

I still think Dusk loathes Dan--the man who tried to steal his waifu and did someone else I have forgotten

To be fair, I think Dusk disliked most people

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I still think Dusk loathes Dan--the man who tried to steal his waifu and did someone else I have forgotten

To be fair, I think Dusk disliked most people

never did have that arm wrestle rematch

also i keep rethinking shit i could have done that would have made things A LOT more funny

i regret everything

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I wonder if anyone here has had orange coloured hair before.

Not finishing? Lol pls, I never even started

Ah, Frozen. *Still hasn't watched it*

One actually. Tho I do have a few ideas, this project has most of my attention, which is why I haven't done any others.

Get on that. (Watching Frozen I mean).

Well in all honesty I thought Frozen was okay. Not too spectacular or anything.

I see. Put your best effort into that project. So it turns out great :)

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I wonder if anyone here has had orange coloured hair before.

Get on that. (Watching Frozen I mean).

Well in all honesty I thought Frozen was okay. Not too spectacular or anything.

I see. Put your best effort into that project. So it turns out great :)

I did for a while in X.

Mainly because wacky colors aren't allowed crai.

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