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Wait what is that?

A new 3ds model?


there are also new trigger buttons and it took me forever to get a screenshot


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[8/29/14 4:23:57 AM] Eukydia: lmao they're just calling it "new 3ds"

[8/29/14 4:24:05 AM] Eukydia: that is literally the name of the new model

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[8/29/14 4:14:06 AM] Eukydia: something something 3DS home menu something

[8/29/14 4:14:12 AM] Eukydia: mario music

[8/29/14 4:15:47 AM] Eukydia: something about amiibos on your 3DS

[8/29/14 4:24:35 AM] Eukydia: something about SD cards

[8/29/14 4:24:55 AM] Eukydia: something about sending data to your PC wirelessly or s/t

this is literally most of what I've been saying

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[8/29/14 4:27:57 AM] Eukydia: ooh some suspenseful music

[8/29/14 4:28:02 AM] Eukydia: and cool looking world

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[8/29/14 4:28:11 AM] Eukydia: YEAH

[8/29/14 4:28:12 AM] Eukydia: IT IS

[8/29/14 4:28:16 AM] Eukydia: HOLY SHIT

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[8/29/14 4:28:35 AM] Eukydia: XENOBLADE REMAKE

[8/29/14 4:29:15 AM] Eukydia: FOR 3DS

[8/29/14 4:29:19 AM] Eukydia: IT LOOKS AWESOME

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[8/29/14 4:30:25 AM] Eukydia: holy shit walls of exclusive 3DSes

[8/29/14 4:30:31 AM] Eukydia: and I didn't screen cap any of them

[8/29/14 4:30:51 AM] Eukydia: it's like

[8/29/14 4:30:58 AM] Refan³: lol

[8/29/14 4:31:06 AM] Refan³: they say cover plates

[8/29/14 4:31:06 AM] Eukydia: holy shit so many

[8/29/14 4:31:10 AM] Eukydia: changea-

[8/29/14 4:31:11 AM] Eukydia: yeah

[8/29/14 4:31:12 AM] Eukydia: that

[8/29/14 4:31:15 AM] Eukydia: cover plates

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WAIT is that REALLY happening? Fuck

[8/29/14 4:32:15 AM] Eukydia: SHIT

[8/29/14 4:32:26 AM] Eukydia: I didn't get screen caps of the xenoblade announcement

[8/29/14 4:32:35 AM] Eukydia: I was too busy picking my jaw up off the floor

but yeah it's really happening

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