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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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okay, so like

EiMM stands for Everyone is Mafia Mafia

the game is split up into night phases, the first being forty eight hours (real time) and the rest being twenty four

everyone signs up as an ALIAS (at least in the recent games), which is what the rest of the players see. which alias you are isn't known unless you decide to tell other people.

basically everyone is given a role, a bulletproof vest (BPV) and a single shot (sometimes their role gives them more, though)

generally it isn't allowed to target yourself (so you can't doc yourself to victory)

players are encouraged to talk to other players and trade information, usually roleclaims and who they're shooting that night

alliances are a thing, but so is backstabbing

each night, you tell the host what you're doing (ie. ##Kill: <ALIAS> and ##Roleblock: <ALIAS>)

and well

that's pretty much it

I don't think my explanation made sense

EiMM is also way more organized than epicmafia

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also also shock my favorite newcomer is

[spoiler=THE ANSWER][spoiler=GET HYPE][spoiler=so hype]dark pit sorry

although chances are the person I'm planning to give the code to will already have it by tomorrow so you will be next up on the list owo/

not mega man ;_;

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But I guess for a more personal statement, I appreciate all the people I've interacted with here! N-no offence to the others, people are just blank to me unless they somehow arouse my interest. ;_;

I guess I still appreciate them for giving activity and stuff to the thread!

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hm so i just got the first bad ending in f/sn,SPOILERS:wondering who that mysterious girl was, another master?

is she young?

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But I guess for a more personal statement, I appreciate all the people I've interacted with here! N-no offence to the others, people are just blank to me unless they somehow arouse my interest. ;_;

I guess I still appreciate them for giving activity and stuff to the thread!


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THERE we go Night

EiMM is also way more organized than epicmafia

Sounds a bit convoluted, but experience is the best teacher

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I have participated in four (4) EiMM's and I can say that they the bestest

EiMM's are pretty cool, but I wasn't aware that there was going to be another one soon? Are you making??????

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hm so i just got the first bad ending in f/sn,SPOILERS:wondering who that mysterious girl was, another master?

Yes, she is another master.

I think if you got the first, you should've been "folded up"

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But I guess for a more personal statement, I appreciate all the people I've interacted with here! N-no offence to the others, people are just blank to me unless they somehow arouse my interest. ;_;

I guess I still appreciate them for giving activity and stuff to the thread!

You and me both, brother

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