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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Given how there was this one case where one student (I don't remember if he was in HS or college) merely tweeted about doing so and got arrested and expelled.....

She did, actually.

I don't... think?

In due time. I can deff cofirm that its on the agenda

I've many sources, but when all else fails, Google is a wonderful comrade

especially when I don't want to render the image myself and take extra time

Please, my dad fooled his entire school by calling from an unknown place and mentioning that the school was about to explode. The school was ecacuated, my dad never got found, and he didn't have to write a certain test anymore

Maybe I'm thinking about somebody else >_>

The witch shall soon be ressurrected then

You render images yourself at times? Damn, you sure are dedicated sir

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Bye bye Mayo

That sounds like it could have negative repercussions on your future.

sigh totally v.v

i'll try to stay positive ^.^


I won't forget next time, but aside from school, how are you doing?


my cold is almost gone :L

i forgot how nice is feels to not have a scratchy throat all the time

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