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You must always be thinking ahead, then. :L

I guess it can help out, sometimes, to always be thinking like that. Though 80% of the time it feels like a wasted effort >.<

I hope this 'saying' has something to do with good fortune.

Raisin cookies are so yum. Ice cream would have def made it better but, hey, look on the bright side... you gots cookies :L

Heehee, thanks!

Yeah, sometimes, I get too deep into thinking at times.

Heh, not always it usually makes me feel silly in the end but, well... >u>

It's not actually, just that you should view people differently after a 3 day absence.

yes they ARE! I wanted ice cream too, but alas, these cookies are good >w<

Null sweat my friend.

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Yeah, sometimes, I get too deep into thinking at times.

Heh, not always it usually makes me feel silly in the end but, well... >u>

It's not actually, just that you should view people differently after a 3 day absence.

yes they ARE! I wanted ice cream too, but alas, these cookies are good >w<

Null sweat my friend.

Why not repel sweat?

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Work is doing weird things to me...

This is about the time I should have gone off to sleep now~ But I really don't feel sleepy at all. But also I feel so so so wobbly and dizzy and I can't stand or walk straight (it's okay I think I can manage to not fall)

Although it's not like I had work today or anything, today's my day oooooff~ My work days are tuesday and thursday-saturday

Maybe having a day off is partly why I don't feel so sleepy so early yet something about my wacky schedule is making me unable to stand right at this time of the day.... night

I'm going to sleep soon though it's okay

Except it's also not okay because I need to wake up early tomorrow ;~~~;

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Hoshi, why you leave? ;~;

Yeah, sometimes, I get too deep into thinking at times.

Heh, not always it usually makes me feel silly in the end but, well... >u>

It's not actually, just that you should view people differently after a 3 day absence.

yes they ARE! I wanted ice cream too, but alas, these cookies are good >w<

Null sweat my friend.

Don't get too lost in your thoughts. ^.^ Shameless overuse of a phrase.

I think what gets to me is that the time you spent thinking about something that didn't need the attention in the first place, is gone. It's like 'grr I could have spent my time...idk cleaning my room or something.'

Ooooh, I see <:

...now I want raisin cookies.


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(人*´∪`) Yay! Welcome to the club my November Buddy! (´∪`*人)

I hope the day gives you lots of smiles and cake. Or cookies... Though if you don't want the cookies I'll gladly take them off of you.

K now I'm rambling...


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Don't get too lost in your thoughts. ^.^ Shameless overuse of a phrase.

I think what gets to me is that the time you spent thinking about something that didn't need the attention in the first place, is gone. It's like 'grr I could have spent my time...idk cleaning my room or something.'

Ooooh, I see <:

...now I want raisin cookies.


Haha, I'll try not to, though it is hard not to get engrossed in my thoughts. The 'what next' mentality is always interesting.

Ohh, yeah, yes absolutely, that has happened many times to me.

Ah... I only have one left.. o:


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Why not repel sweat?

I didn't even see this... you silly girl, you.

Work is doing weird things to me...

This is about the time I should have gone off to sleep now~ But I really don't feel sleepy at all. But also I feel so so so wobbly and dizzy and I can't stand or walk straight (it's okay I think I can manage to not fall)

Although it's not like I had work today or anything, today's my day oooooff~ My work days are tuesday and thursday-saturday

Maybe having a day off is partly why I don't feel so sleepy so early yet something about my wacky schedule is making me unable to stand right at this time of the day.... night

I'm going to sleep soon though it's okay

Except it's also not okay because I need to wake up early tomorrow ;~~~;

Ahh, yeah sleep well.

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Haha, I'll try not to, though it is hard not to get engrossed in my thoughts. The 'what next' mentality is always interesting.

Ohh, yeah, yes absolutely, that has happened many times to me.

Ah... I only have one left.. o:


Huh. When you put it like that, it really is entertaining thinking about things you can do next :D

Gosh. Why must my brain focus on the negatives? >.>

...One left you say...?



*swoops in and steals the cookie*

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