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Aha! Yeah, I've heard good things about the movie so far, I really want to see it. ;_; Maybe soon since it's da weekend.

I haven't played Bass Effect either. I'm missing out on all of that fishing action!

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Rant incoming:

So today I and 3 guys from school were supposed to present something about Machiavelli in philosophy class. The teacher had told us to use up the entire hour, but since he gave us little time for preparation, we all were pretty stressed from the very beginning. I finished my critique and rezension of him, wheareas my colleagues completed his social-historical background, his thesis etc. After that, we revised the whole thing together and saved the complete presentation on the laptop of one of the other three. I came into school thinking that we'd discuss some last-minute changes during the breaks, but surprise, the owner of the laptop was assent. We thought that he'd arrive after the second lesson (we had physics and he pretty much hates the subject). So we waited, but he didn't come. I tried to call his home and his cellphone several times, but to no avail, he just wouldn't respond. The laptop was in our possession, since he had left it at the home of another one from the group. But since we didm't know the password, we couldn't access it. And since he wouldn't answer to our calls, there was no way to find it out. We explained the situation to the teacher and said that we did have some parts of the presentation ourselves, but that the bulk of it was on that shitty laptop, meaning we were unable to do a proper presentation. And for some friggin reason, our teacher kept telling us that we should present Machiavelli nontheless, despite having next to nothing. In the end, the remaining two guys went home during lunch-break, and I'll be here hoping that my teacher won't be an asshole and have me do it all (meaning nothing) by myself.

Honestly, I know that we could have been more organized than thus, but goddamn, we had little time at disposition and this weak was filled with tests, presentations and examinations, we had no time to do everything in a perfect way. What I just don't get is why my teacher is so stubborn. Just let us do the whole thing on monday instead of being an asshole and having us repsnt for another's mistake.

So yeah, I'm pretty annoyed right now, and I'm starting to regret going to school today

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That's completely terrible.

My condolences, Mayo and hey.

Sometimes the world sure limes to troll me >_>

And hey, I hope you're doing well?

That's quite the situation you're in. I hope your teacher will let you do the presentation on Monday, and if not, I wish you the best of luck with the presentation. (Do you want an internet hug?)

Knowing him...I'm screwed. The critique shouldn't be a big problem since I wrote it to begin with, but the nuances of his theory, and his background are two things I'm not knowledgeable about. But I sure hope he'll be a little forgiving...

(Can I have a cookie too?)

The next lesson's about to start. Well, shit

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Sometimes the world sure limes to troll me >_>

And hey, I hope you're doing well?

Sigh, yeah I know the feeling.

Still pounding the pavement for a job, but other than that, I am doing well.

Aside from this, are you well?

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Knowing him...I'm screwed. The critique shouldn't be a big problem since I wrote it to begin with, but the nuances of his theory, and his background are two things I'm not knowledgeable about. But I sure hope he'll be a little forgiving...

(Can I have a cookie too?)

The next lesson's about to start. Well, shit

You'll be all right, Mayo (I can say Mayo, right?). Do your best, that's all you can do. It's not your fault if your teacher is a stubborn [insert swear word]. I wish I could help you, but unfortunately I can only give you internet hugs and cookies... *hugs you and gives you a cookie*

Though there may be something I can do. Like, doesn't your college have rules to prevent these shitty situations from happening or at least allow you to protest them higher-up? If so, I'd be willing to look into them for you, if you'd like me to (rules and such are kind of my thing). Anything to help.

Anyway, good luck, Mayo! I'm hoping for you.

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Mayora just summarized one of the biggest reasons I dislike group assignments. Your partners are very capable of unintentionally screwing everything over, and often there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

I've been in this situation before, where you end up suffering because your partner simply doesn't care about the assignment as much as you do.

I'm not sure how much time the teacher gave you guys, but if you had anything less than a week to prepare, then that would be really unfair.

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Mayora just summarized one of the biggest reasons I dislike group assignments. Your partners are very capable of unintentionally screwing everything over, and often there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

I've been in this situation before, where you end up suffering because your partner simply doesn't care about the assignment as much as you do.

I'm not sure how much time the teacher gave you guys, but if you had anything less than a week to prepare, then that would be really unfair.

Same, I prefer to work alone and at my own pace, partners, depending on the partners of course, tend to slow me down.

and hey ProtoRailgun

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