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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I'm sick and tired of both of you being so freaking stubborn and resulting in craploads of negativity.

Sick and tired of it.

Just saying, i already tried fixing things long ago, and she didn't want it fixed so i dropped it. There is no negativity coming from me about this situation anymore, and there hasn't been for over a month now.

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Just saying, i already tried fixing things long ago, and she didn't want it fixed so i dropped it. There is no negativity coming from me about this situation anymore, and there hasn't been for over a month now.

Don't act innocent.

You're just as at fault as she.

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it's stiff i dunno

have you tried using fast cursor

using it

be more specific please

tbh i don't see what's so different about FE3's menus compared to later FE games. :/

shin y u never skype

skype is shit

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She never showed up!

Or maybe I just didn't notice her!

I'm guessing it's the second, because she joins automatically. But recruiting her is quite an important part of the plot (Marth's sister is finally free, she has the Aum staff), so that would be a bit weird.

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If you're gonna play the blame game, John, then you're just as much as a fool as J is

Maybe even more

I don't even worry about this situation at all anymore; I've moved on from this a few months ago.

But I really don't care about this anymore, you can call me a fool if you want; It won't affect me.

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I'm guessing it's the second, because she joins automatically. But recruiting her is quite an important part of the plot (Marth's sister is finally free, she has the Aum staff), so that would be a bit weird.

Is she just in the deploy menu?
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have you tried using fast cursor

be more specific please

tbh i don't see what's so different about FE3's menus compared to later FE games. :/

skype is shit

what is even that

i couldn't see a weapons stats until i tried trading them between units

it's true

linux version is fugly but it actually crashes less than windows or android version for me

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I only try to put imbeciles in their place, because they're the ones who resist life

I don't even worry about this situation at all anymore; I've moved on from this a few months ago.

But I really don't care about this anymore, you can call me a fool if you want; It won't affect me.

I'm calling you a fool in general, you are no longer the man I knew.

Same thing with J.

And you wonder why you get depressed.

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Is she just in the deploy menu?

She gets her own recruitment conversation at the end of chapter 23. It's not like: "Oh, my sister is finally freed from Gharnef, and she also has this super awesome ability to resurrect a fallen ally, but let's not pay attention to all that." Did you not even notice the Aum staff then?

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