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I am legitimately angry they put Lucina in instead of Lucas.

If Lucas replaced her, he'd have just stats differentiating him from Ness.

The best taunt, okay? Okay


My HS Calc teacher once drew Ness on the board in honor of that taunt.

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I think so. Actually, I'm certain.

You could have not charged me from the above left... exactly where the attack was. It's not fast or hard to prodict the trajectory either.


My Smash skill has fluctuated in the past year or so(I'm not as good now as I was about a year ago)

I find myself making some pretty stupid mistakes more often these days despite playing these games for so long :/

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Dhoulmagus is one of those guys I feel really bad for.

Rhapthorne is terrible for doing that to him.

Maybe I could do a Dhoulmagus theme someday.

Ah, that's who I was thinking of, Rhapthorne, yes, do a Rhapthorne theme >w>

But seriously, I was kind of joking, but if you can I say go for it.

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My Smash skill has fluctuated in the past year or so(I'm not as good now as I was about a year ago)

I find myself making some pretty stupid mistakes more often these days despite playing these games for so long :/

You're better than me.
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I tried to try hard in Smash for a while, but I just ended up frustrated. I much prefer selecting random vs my randoming brother with items on. I ended up losing a match because I was too busy laughing to notice the platform I was on had disappeared, making me fall to my death

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Ah, that's who I was thinking of, Rhapthorne, yes, do a Rhapthorne theme >w>

But seriously, I was kind of joking, but if you can I say go for it.

Rhapthorne might have the best final boss music in DQ history but he's also a blubby purple thing with a Jaffar beard.
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Lucina should have just been like Alph. Wolf should be dlc.


I like Wolf, and while I hate the idea of DLC in fighting games, I'd actually like that.

If Lucas replaced her, he'd have just stats differentiating him from Ness.

Still more representative and no less different from others than Lucina...

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I tried to try hard in Smash for a while, but I just ended up frustrated. I much prefer selecting random vs my randoming brother with items on. I ended up losing a match because I was too busy laughing to notice the platform I was on had disappeared, making me fall to my death

/pats Lux.
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Yukari/P3 MC

Three of my dudes are weak to electricity, and two of them are weak to ice ]:



I think if I ever bother to grind I should switch Mitsuru with a Physical attacker

Any ideas?

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I like Wolf, and while I hate the idea of DLC in fighting games, I'd actually like that.

Still more representative and no less different from others than Lucina...

Alph is the protag of Pikmin 3, he's a model swap of Orima.

Tbh, I'd rather a GBA or Jugdral character than Lucina as the clone, but I wanted Lucina as the FE13 rep because I HATE Chrom and Robin. A lot.

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I think if I ever bother to grind I should switch Mitsuru with a Physical attacker

Any ideas?

P4 MC, maybe? You've got two weaknesses to electricity there, and nothing to resist it. Akihiko is a good choice, since Death Counter is amazing

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Alph is the protag of Pikmin 3, he's a model swap of Olimar.

Tbh, I'd rather a GBA or Jugdral character than Lucina as the clone, but I wanted Lucina as the FE13 rep because I HATE Chrom and Robin. A lot.

Ah, Alph, I remember now! Yeah, that's a point I agree on then.

Well, since that wasn't likely to happen, I'm not disappointed. Still, cutting out an important Mother character for a clone of an FE character, causing there to be way to many FE characters than are merited, most from the same universe, and one being Robin who don't like as an idea for an smash character-I am not happy with that.

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Like glac that literally had no fucking relevance to my post whatsoever

P4 MC, maybe? You've got two weaknesses to electricity there, and nothing to resist it. Akihiko is a good choice, since Death Counter is amazing

EHHHH but I'm doing a P4 run after I beat the game on this side and I don't really like Akihiko

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Rhapthorne might have the best final boss music in DQ history but he's also a blubby purple thing with a Jaffar beard.

His blubby fatness was great.

His beard was great too, and yes he was a little tough.

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Ah, Alph, I remember now! Yeah, that's a point I agree on then.

Well, since that wasn't likely to happen, I'm not disappointed. Still, cutting out an important Mother character for a clone of an FE character, causing there to be way to many FE characters than are merited, most from the same universe, and one being Robin who don't like as an idea for an smash character-I am not happy with that.

Mm, I'm mostly dissatisfied with the FE games sittting there with nada.

...Like FE6

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