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Speaking of Xenoblade. just got Sharla.

Also, holy fuck Territorial Rotbart. Was fighting some normal enemies at night, then started hearing "You Will Know Our Names" as it ambushed me, THEN figured out it was level 81, then did the only logical thing there was to do - run the fuck away. And I need a thunderstorm.

The same happened to me in 2 of my playthrough (the other one was a new game+ and territorial rodbart was just one of them buncha jokers)


they're just sticking out of the water

they got like level 73-79 enemy's there

it's nuts

There's a couple of high level enemies on Bionis Leg. (there's a cave with a high level unique monster spider and 3 cocoons that contain high level monsters)

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lux did you really miss my post

I did I skipped a couple of pages


Was it this one?

i should humor lux and silva when she returns to become a tsundere again

decisions decisions

It would be funny. I think she doesn't know what a tsundere is yet >v>

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Wow I didn't know there that many people frequenting the HHH thread

I know right, I never knew either

I hope 14 billion of those are me

it's already too much dealing with one ayrton

another 13,999,999,999 would be quite hectic

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I know right, I never knew either

it's already too much dealing with one ayrton

another 13,999,999,999 would be quite hectic

Try twenty

I take a break until I feel I have fun/time for playing the game again

I meant, what do you play?

Rather what are you playing, atm?

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