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I just realized who the hell this "Orsin" guy is


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Why didn't they just call it Pugi. I thought they had changed Orson's name or somethin'.

Orson can't use axes.

ZM, your status says you're still taking a break from SF

I'm just annoyed that Ephraim's Lnce is not only not named Reginleif, but that it also doesn't kill Armors/Horses.

Same for Hector's Axe (Wolf Beil).

A good deal of the legacy weapon names are like that. They're supposed to be fanservice, but they're just named like Sigurd's Broken Javelin or Eirika's Slim Sword. It's not really particularly important, but it annoys me fsr.

As opposed to, say, Celica's Gale.

Also Finn's Lance should've had a Brave effect.

Should've been named Hero Lance too (OK, I can see why they didn't on that one, considering there is already a Brave Lance in the game).

Wait, how is Leif's sword a shout out to a Thracia-only mechanic? If anything, it's more reminiscent of the way thieves work in FE4 than anything to do with FE5.

Well, Leaf could use the Thief Sword I guess...and the Thief Ring. At the same time even!

I was thinking of how the sword gives you the spoils of the enemy as like gold from selling the weapons. :D

Gold is laughably useless in Thracia most of the time besides to buy S Drinks, Wind Tomes, and maybe to splurge on the Secret Shop at the end of the game with Silver Card!Shanam. Also noone ever uses Leaf to capture EVER.

Edited by Refa
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Should've been named Hero Lance too (OK, I can see why they didn't on that one, considering there is already a Brave Lance in the game).

I actually name all of my forged Brave Lances (etc.) "Hero Lance" because I'm too lazy to think of creative names.

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Orson can't use axes.

No, the topic is about Orsin (the Thracia 776 character), not Orson (The Sacred Stone character).

But, Orsin's Hatchet is a little bit differ than Pugi.

EDIT: Sorry, I thought that was it a typo.

Edited by King Marth 64
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nuns with axes > all


I love when my frail healers eat counters because they insist on being in melee range and use the least accurate type of weapon.

I'm not going to cry over bishops, though. They are the same as sages.

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Actually I was specifically talking about Libra. Maybe Lissa and Maribelle are more durable and more accurate in that class then he is.

I haven't tried it yet. But Libra, with fourteen speed and only 19 levels to gain, ended up being double attacked by just about everything.

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Actually I was specifically talking about Libra. Maybe Lissa and Maribelle are more durable and more accurate in that class then he is.

I haven't tried it yet. But Libra, with fourteen speed and only 19 levels to gain, ended up being double attacked by just about everything.

nuns with axes > all


I love when my frail healers eat counters because they insist on being in melee range and use the least accurate type of weapon.

I'm not going to cry over bishops, though. They are the same as sages.

I pretty much don't see the reason for the war clerics/monks when we could have Bishops, perhaps with special light magic access like Dark Mages/Sorcerers' Dark Magic. Lissa's Str mod is terrible and she has nice Mgc, why would I have her wield Axes instead of tomes, since Galeforce access makes her a better offensive unit than a healer later.

I don't mind Libra, though. He's designed for the class. Lissa and Maribelle... Are not.

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I pretty much don't see the reason for the war clerics/monks when we could have Bishops, perhaps with special light magic access like Dark Mages/Sorcerers' Dark Magic. Lissa's Str mod is terrible and she has nice Mgc, why would I have her wield Axes instead of tomes, since Galeforce access makes her a better offensive unit than a healer later.

I don't mind Libra, though. He's designed for the class. Lissa and Maribelle... Are not.

If it comes to giving Bishops their own niche compared to Sages, I would rather see them act in the spirit of it's unpromoted classes, rather then turning them into yet another offensive powerhouse by giving them their own blasting magic.

After all, Clerics are all about healing.

So just like Sorceress are vastly different from Sages by having access to better offensive magic spells in exchange for their ability to use staffs, I would simply have bishops specialize in staffs.

For example by giving them access to class exclusive skills, like doubling the effect of their magic stat when calculating the effect of healing staffs or by making it the the only class who can use staffs like the Physic or the Fortify.

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If it comes to give Bishops their own niche compared to Sages, I would rather see them act in the spirit of it's unpromoted classes, rather then turning them into yet another offensive powerhouse by giving them their own blasting magic.

After all, Clerics are all about healing.

So just like Sorceress are vastly different from Sages by having access to better offensive magic spells in exchange for their ability to use staffs, I would simply have bishops specialize in staffs.

For example by giving them access to class exclusive skills, like doubling the effect of their magic stat when calculating the effect of healing staffs or by making it the the only class who can use staffs like the Physic or the Fortify.

I guess that works. I still would like Light magic (it was perhaps my favorite magic type in the past, excluding FE6 where Anima users topped it).

Because Axes are cool

Tomes are lame

And nuns with Axes are the coolest thing ever

...No. Don't you know how much I dislike them? And how much I like magic? I'm sorry, I'm not trading targeting Res for them. Ever.
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