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So, for those of you who haven't heard (and care)... *Harry Potter related*


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As a writer, the one thing I never want to have after finishing a series like that is regrets on how to have handled characters and such, so seeing J.K Rowling admit something like this has certainly given me some food for thought...

You write too, SL? I don't believe I've found any stories of yours, so I did not know this. We seem to have a lot in common despite disagreeing a lot. :P

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it kinda does, bc fans cant help but think about gen 2 of the wizard world. family bloodlines is a relevant plot device and consistent theme of the hp series, in case rowling does want to do a follow up series concerning hp's progeny.

this basically tells the fans that hp's kids aren't going to be awesomesauce bc he married a ginny instead of hermione who has all the best class skills. instead, the main weasley family line might become more talented bc they get hermione, while the potters become the next weasleys

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It doesn't affect how the book did end. Literally nothing changes.

It brings a sense of closure to the series as an epilogue. It was probably to appease the fans to, who probably wanted to know what was going to happen to various characters.

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Ron is one of my favorite characters. But this thought of hers is only to appease those Harry/Hermione fanboys/girls who demonize Ron and Ginny for the sole reason of getting the two out of the way for Harry and Hermione. Whose fans for the most part are worse then even Zutara shippers

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Been neutral on Ron/Hermione, but I liked that Harry/Hermione wasn't a thing because I like it when guy and girl who are friends stay friends and that their friendship is not viewed as second string to romance, and I also liked that the male lead didn't end up with the female lead.

But hey, the books are written and have been published for years. Understandable for a writer to change her mind and certainly it's within her rights to do whatever the hell she wants with her universe, but I don't think she can do much about it now.

Basically my feelings on the matter. I liked how Hermione and Harry didnt get together. Thats a huge cliche in and of itself. I also dont think Hermione is "too good" for Ron. I always thought those two balance each other out. Ron is Hermione's less rational/more impulsive side and Hermione is Ron's measured, logical side. /shrug

Its Rowling's universe, she can do whatever she wants. Sometimes, authors do regret doing certain things. George R.R. Martin really, really regrets not making his characters older than they are. (Which is why the age up in the Game of Thrones series was so very welcome to him.) He also regrets a huge plot tumor in Daenerys' arc. Anne Rice kinda regrets writing Lestat the way she did in later books. (and its too easy to see why.) So it happens.

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change the ending with DLC...


Personally, I was never a fan of Ron/Hermione...so I guess I would prefer a Harry/Hermione. Part of that has to do with...idk, I guess I don't really think their relationship would work out. And...the rest of it (most of it) comes from the fact that I don't like Ron ;) lol. But alas, oh well.

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