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Hello everyone, after seeing Burgerkong's THWOMP Run, and after a recent discussion about the advantages of Avo Tank, I'd decided to start a new playthrough (and also because I haven't played this game since quite some times...)

The Formula used is basd on the maximum average, and uses (SPD + LCK) - (HP + DEF + RES).

I had a formula without the HP parts, but it gave me no mages in exchange of the possibility to uses Dart. I decided it was a needed sacrifice.

If you have a better ideasfor the formula, feels free to propose it.

The best units outside of Nils and Merlinus (who was either first or second here. This guy is such a boss !) are :






Isadora (Hello, my only axe user in ths run !)






Since I'm not using Bartre (and doesn't feels like using him anyway), I won't get Karla

I may ditch Louise for Serra too.

And now the rules :

- I will uses only these units in battle. If they are forced, they will serve only as meatshield.

- Whether I use her or not afterwards, Serra is free to use on LHM

- Arena will be limited, or maybe even banned.

- Stats booster are banned, with the only exception being Goddess Icon or Speedwings ( in case of screwage. Dracoshield will never be selled for cash immediately.

I will start on LHM and continue in either EHM or HHM. Probably HHM, because this would makes things more interresting.

That's about it. I'll post the first chapter tomorrow. Every comments is appreciated, and even encouraged.

I really hope burgerkong didn't steal all the speedfor its Thwomp...

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You should at least Arena Aboose Bartre to Lv10, then promote him, pump him to Lv5 and finally ditch the money earned by Buy/Selling stuff in the store at the Badon store.

I'll Love seeing how you handle shit like Wire and Erik with Lolmatthew, Guy and Rebecca (though Matthew can have B support with Guy and Serra by then...maybe it won't be that bad if he's been uber grinded and manages to gain some semblance of strength and the Iron Blade).

There's no way you're getting Priscilla or Raven or Lucius for that matter. Fiora is too competent to fit into this kind of challenge because that Res growth must be too much?

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You should at least Arena Aboose Bartre to Lv10, then promote him, pump him to Lv5 and finally ditch the money earned by Buy/Selling stuff in the store at the Badon store.

I'll Love seeing how you handle shit like Wire and Erik with Lolmatthew, Guy and Rebecca (though Matthew can have B support with Guy and Serra by then...maybe it won't be that bad if he's been uber grinded and manages to gain some semblance of strength and the Iron Blade).

There's no way you're getting Priscilla or Raven or Lucius for that matter. Fiora is too competent to fit into this kind of challenge because that Res growth must be too much?

Screw Erik, what about Boies? 15 defense isn't exactly easy for the likes of Matthew and Rebecca to break through that early...

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You should at least Arena Aboose Bartre to Lv10, then promote him, pump him to Lv5 and finally ditch the money earned by Buy/Selling stuff in the store at the Badon store.

I'll Love seeing how you handle shit like Wire and Erik with Lolmatthew, Guy and Rebecca (though Matthew can have B support with Guy and Serra by then...maybe it won't be that bad if he's been uber grinded and manages to gain some semblance of strength and the Iron Blade).

There's no way you're getting Priscilla or Raven or Lucius for that matter. Fiora is too competent to fit into this kind of challenge because that Res growth must be too much?

Actually Farina had a better score than Fiora with my method, despite being more bulky overall (same thing with Legault and Matthew), because of the Luck Difference. Her avoid power is still inferior to Fiorina.

Lucius have a too good Res and really lack Luck.

Lucius have also these Luck issues, but he's overall too bulky (Specially those HPs), and using a unit both in this run and the THWOP Run seems strange.

I'll have to abuse the shit out of Matthew in LHM to have a single chance here... (given I only have three attacking units, that should be doable).

I'll guess I'll made an Eliwood Clause at least until Lyn arrives, because there's no way I'll be able to win this otherwise. He doesn't really

I was also worried about doing chapter 12 with only 2-3 units (Rebecca, Matthew, and maybe Eliwood). Early HHM will be such a pain, I swear.

What would be the worst funniest ? Rebecca solowing 11 EHM ? or mathew solowing 111 HHM.

So, basically, Matthew will be my main fighter early game.

Let's see.. If I'm not mistaken... lv10 Matthew (totally possible on this run) VS Wire (Matthew use the Armourslayer)

M's Might : 6 + [(8 - 1 ) x 2] - 14 = 6

M's Accuracy : 80 + 6 x 2 + 6/2 - 15 - (4 x 2 + 3) = 69 display hit

Matthew will double.

he takes :

Might : 11 + 8 + 1 - 5 = 15 Damage

Accuracy : 80 + 8 x 2 + 3/2 + 15 - [(16 - 4) x 2 + 6] = 82 display hit.

That's doable, with a Vulnerary.

Didn't made the calculation for Boies, but that will be quite bad indeed...

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As someone who considered doing this after my THWOMP Run, I've thought about this a little, but it just didn't look fun to me; I would definitely recommend doing HNM or something along those lines.

Unless you give yourself Hector or Marcus (or hell, even both), you're kind of screwed for early game without IMMENSE RNG abuse.

Ch11 - Matthew cannot scratch the boss unless you feed him tons of kills in LHM and he procs Str every level. I don't remember Matthew having access to Armorslayer on Ch11 (doesn't carry over from Lyn's mode IIRC, haven't played Lyn's mode in forever).

Ch12 - Matthew, Serra, and Rebecca are gonna get wrecked without immense RNG abuse.

Ch13 - Matthew, Serra, and Rebecca cannot scratch the boss AGAIN.

Ch14 - No way these 3 are getting to Priscilla.

Ch15 - You only have 1 unit that can attack at 1-range at this point, again extreme RNG abuse.

Yeah, this is why I immediately wrote this off. You need massive help from the beginning to Chapter 16, when you can get Lyn and Florina. Good luck if this is going to actually happen, but it looks impossible without some major exceptions until Chapter 16/17. I'd recommend Hector/Marcus access draft-style, but it's up to you.

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As someone who considered doing this after my THWOMP Run, I've thought about this a little, but it just didn't look fun to me; I would definitely recommend doing HNM or something along those lines.

Unless you give yourself Hector or Marcus (or hell, even both), you're kind of screwed for early game without IMMENSE RNG abuse.

Ch11 - Matthew cannot scratch the boss unless you feed him tons of kills in LHM and he procs Str every level. I don't remember Matthew having access to Armorslayer on Ch11 (doesn't carry over from Lyn's mode IIRC, haven't played Lyn's mode in forever).

Ch12 - Matthew, Serra, and Rebecca are gonna get wrecked without immense RNG abuse.

Ch13 - Matthew, Serra, and Rebecca cannot scratch the boss AGAIN.

Ch14 - No way these 3 are getting to Priscilla.

Ch15 - You only have 1 unit that can attack at 1-range at this point, again extreme RNG abuse.

Yeah, this is why I immediately wrote this off. You need massive help from the beginning to Chapter 16, when you can get Lyn and Florina. Good luck if this is going to actually happen, but it looks impossible without some major exceptions until Chapter 16/17. I'd recommend Hector/Marcus access draft-style, but it's up to you.

I'll reither do EHM, and allows uses of Hector early on.

I want to play Geitz' chapter's after all.

If I do HHM,Bartre will also be used for Karla's sake.

But using Hector should be far enough for the early chapters. I may use Eliwood too.

They be Arena Abused on chapter 17x

And I'm pretty sure the Armourslayer does transfer.

After all, I'm the ones playing, so I can tweak the rules here and there, right ?

Chapter 1-3 will follows shortly. Lyn destroying every enemy is not that interresting to note (also, did you noy=ticed than chapter 1 is far easier than the prologue, even without Sain and Kent).

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Why don't you just make exceptions for early maps? Even drafts allow that much. You don't need to avoid use of bulky units completely to prove a point.

Yeah, the goal is to have fun, after all.

And I can't negate that it's mid-late game than they truly shine.

FuSoYa Athos will be used as well in the Final.

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you should just always use the main lord (actually all three) no matter what rules you're playing with, as they're forced in later chapters and if they aren't trained they're gonna get surprise killed

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No items transfer from LHM; you'll need to use Hector if you want to have any chance of killing Wire. Matthew against Wire is lol (even their battle conversation suggests so)

Well, as Phobia suggested, all Lords will be used.

I don't know really how it'll change the final team, though...

I already started up to chapter 3, but realized I used the generic settings for the Tactician. Don't matter that much.

I started to play with the FE7 Randomizer, so it would probably have to wait to really start this.


Time for the first chapters.


So, I realized I hadn't any introduction pictures.

Since I use an European Version, I shared my first experience with FE with you.


Well, screw that. It's Deutsche Time.


Das Setting.

...OK, the rest in English


Good start, Lyn. Please continue like this.


... And one Axe to the Face.

So much for a good start.


"Kestu mates ?"

My first FE Boss Battle. So much nostalgia...


Lyn, are you sure you got the theme of this run ?


Same image as before, but it actually happened twice.


And all our efforts where rewarded.


Das zweite ersten Kapitel.

I'm sure my German is horrible there.

Well, since the chapters are always the same, it's a nice change.

Strangely enough, this chapter is far easier than the prologue, even with Lyn soloing (no Throne Gerd, and Terrain Advantage)


Obligatory, swoosh pic. (If you have a better term, I'd like to know it)


Hard to see, but Lyn the wind Goddess abandoned her ethereal form to penetrate the ennemy defence.

Crits after avoiding an hit are really the bests.


Lyn is as strong as a Brigand !

The idea here was to take both as one.


Remember, kids, Gluttony is bad.


Lyn one shotting an ennemy is great.


Knights have no place in this run, silly !


Well, I didn't thought about using Terrain Advantage here...


Yep, she didn't avoid. Zugu missed while she was standing perfectly still.


Actually... There was only a lone girl.

*Try his best Maverick impression* :

"You weren't weak, I'm just too strong"


That's actually really good. No speed, though...


I'm sorry, I know no Mark. You must confuse me with someone else.

No, Lyn, you're the one who's fantastic.


And.. Next Chapter.


Kent gives Lyn is sword because he doesn't needs it.


Sylphs are actually emprisoned into it.




Obligatory swoosh pic


And then I wanted to use a savestats, but I loaded instead.

That's why there are some inconsistencies with the others pictures.


That's actually important for us.


Except if it's a flying horse (more foreshadowing !)

..But if you fly, you're not affected by the Avo.


Missed the Level Up. It was HP, Str, Spd. and Res.

Except that Level up of her dream before, she had turned pretty well so far.


See. Sain is so Healthy he can break walls in one hit



You don't even needs Terrain to avoid now.

I'm so proud of you Lyn !


And the Wind Goddess sent her ennemy to the world of the Sylphs.


That should be my hardest fight so far.

No way Lyn can avoid being hit.


"And if I had a gun, it would be a Glass Canon !".

Well, I'm still a little worried.


"And I dub you knight of Caelin" *

(Original comment : Yes ! YES ! F*** YES!)


While she is a Wind Goddess, she used Mother earth potection to cast a blade of wind from below her ennemy.


He didn't even understood what happened


And another great level up.

She practically gained strength each level. That's pretty impressive

End of chapter 2 next post, because I took a lots of image of that chapter end.

Please tell me exactly xwhat you want to see, because I'm not always sure what to show.

And, if you have comment wbout my comments, please share them.

I'm not too confident on my sense of humour.

Edited by Totally Radical Judge
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I can post again on my own topic, right ?

That won't count as double post ?

Welll, I said I did it up to chapter 3, but what I meant was that I did 3 chapters.

Ok, let's start chapter 2's end, where the Wind Goddess obtain the Sword of Sylphs !


"Which sword ? Do you mean... my sword ? Ho Ho Ho !"


"It's similar with my own sword. Ho Ho Ho !"


"And if you want to lay your own on my swo-" *get shot*


... *

*(I won't say anything witty here so you can appreciate fully the solemnity and awesomess of this pic)


"...My way ?"


And I forgot I had Merlinus.

Maybe I should have dropped the used sword instead.

Oh.. well !


The Wind Goddess is the Chosen One.

Who could have guessed that ?


Don't be so modest. You're the one who defeated everyone so far.


"For example, girls always feels really comfortable around my lance"


That didn't explained anything. At all.


"... My way !"


That's actually inaccurate.

She kills everyone on her way, while Kent and Sain just stand there and watch in awe.


Bandits ? Like the Bandit class* ? Like Axe-Wielding Banits ?

Yep. Sounds terrifying indeed.

*Yes. I know it's called Brigandin English but it's called Bandit in Fench and German, so the joke still works.


She handled everything so far pretty well, you know.


What an admirable brother ! Maybe I judged him too rashly after all...
He just doesn't want a girl between him and Onii-San.

How adorable !


Finally, the first impression is always the good one, I guess.

I imagined the soldier air quoting "sudden illness".

That made me lagh more than necessary.


So, he doesn't love his Onii-San, but a certain "Caelin". (Who, given the name, should be Madelyn's cousin).

The love story is really complicated on this story.

I think I actually would be more laxed towards the rules. I want to use Dart after all, because with Terrain Bonus, his Avoid is amazing.

And I may use Nino, because of Green Hair Girl Favoritism.

Each Lords will be used, and Bartre will be used until he meet the requirement to recruit Karla.

English is not my first language, so if I makes (too many) mistakes, feels free to notify them.

I hope you're enjoying everything so far.

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The only real errors I'm noticing are just subject-verb agreement, like

so if I makes (too many) mistakes, feels free to notify them.

should be make and feel, but I really don't care lol. This is going to be a very interesting run.

Edited by phobia
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The only real errors I'm noticing are just subject-verb agreement, like

should be make and feel, but I really don't care lol. This is going to be a very interesting run.

Well, normally, I always forget the "s" at the end of verbs, so I guess making the error the other way could be considered progress.

...It seems I'm pretty bad at that "logic" thing.

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