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Doing an Einherjar/Legacy Only run...


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...Yeah, I'm bored out of my wits, and to help fill in the time until Dark Souls 2 for PC (which could be the next life cycle for all I know) I decided to give this a go. Anyone got any suggestion on NON-DLC characters to use because they're good/just for fun? I haven't looked at ANY of the Bonus Box characters but I know all the DLC ones. I'll probably be using Marth (dat Aptitude tho) Seliph (dat male Galeforce tho) and Ephraim (dat Conquerer/my favorite character tho) for sure, but I was wondering if anyone has any reasons, silly or serious, on what character I should throw in the mix?

Even then, feel free to talk about the Einherjar/Legacy characters in the game if you've had any experiences with them or like/hates of characters being in the game.

Edited by Groyer
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Nothing will be better than producing a Nosferatu Tank with Armsthrift, Galeforce, Vantage, Vengeance.

So choose a girl and train her for above skills is quite enough!

If you have produced 7 Nostanks + 4 Flying Deliverers + 2 Rallybots, you can easily perform all stages' but Prologue~Ch3 and full-Apo's LTC.

(Full-Apo's LTC requires lots of Dark Fliers or Valkyries instead. In stages before Ch3 you don't have an access to hire SpotPass units.)

(7 Nostanks = 7 mire users is a minimum need to perform Golden Gaffe's LTC.)

Purposes other than performing LTC should be much easier to achieve with this team formation.

Edited by MelonGx
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Depends on what you want. . .

- I think all of Marth's incarnations get Falchion access (I only used the DLC one)

- Brom has Underdog - it doesn't look like much until you see a level 1 Wyvern Rider get a ton of experience because the enemies can't hit him

- Zephiel has Conquest, which makes stuff like Great Knight SLIGHTLY less painful

- I'm fond of the Linus combo of Sol/Counter

- Florina starts with Deliverer, which is great if you want to cross maps in a single bound

- Lute/Soren start with Veteran, which makes grinding slightly less painful

- If you're into Galeforce shenanigans, go with Camus/Jamke/Jaffar (don't remember if anyone else has it, can't be bothered to check)

- Give Karel an Energy Drop, then use him as a support bot - +8 Speed is nothing to scoff at!

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

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Depends on what you want. . .

- If you're into Galeforce shenanigans, go with Camus/Jamke/Jaffar (don't remember if anyone else has it, can't be bothered to check)

Celice has it too

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If you want to have 100% Armsthrift without All+2 or LB, just to stick on girls/boys who have LCK+4 or Rightful King.

Celice has it too

It's DLC Seliph. It's a DLC exclusive character that the topic owner doesn't have. Edited by MelonGx
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If you want to have 100% Armsthrift without All+2 or LB, just to stick on girls/boys who have LCK+4 or Rightful King.

Or Pair Up. If you use a Swordmaster/War Cleric/certain characters with the right combination of assets/flaws, you won't need a Luck Tonic.

(for example, Prince Marth's Luck cap is 48, and Raquesis sits at 49 - check the individual character mods and skills to see which ones suit you best!)

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...Yeah, I'm bored out of my wits, and to help fill in the time until Dark Souls 2 for PC (which could be the next life cycle for all I know) I decided to give this a go. Anyone got any suggestion on NON-DLC characters to use because they're good/just for fun? I haven't looked at ANY of the Bonus Box characters but I know all the DLC ones. I'll probably be using Marth (dat Aptitude tho) Seliph (dat male Galeforce tho) and Ephraim (dat Conquerer/my favorite character tho) for sure, but I was wondering if anyone has any reasons, silly or serious, on what character I should throw in the mix?

Even then, feel free to talk about the Einherjar/Legacy characters in the game if you've had any experiences with them or like/hates of characters being in the game.

Spotpass Ike gets Aether (so does DLC Ike for that matter...) so he's definitely good. King Marth and Ephraim get Rightful King, so there's a boon for them. Prince Marth is an awesome support unit because he gets DualStrike Plus and Dual Support Plus, as well as Charm, Luck +4, and auto Dual Guard plus.

Lilina, Micaiah, Celica, and Katarina all have a Mgc asset (there are probably others I'm not thinking of), which makes them good with Nosferatu/Aversa's Night.

If you decide to use Roy for some reason or another, his Mgc mod is slightly higher than his Str mod for some reason. Make him a Sage or Dark Knight. EDIT: DLC!Roy is a decent support bot, if you have CoY2. Honestly, the DLC incarnations of the characters are generally just better... Spotpass!Seliph why you have no Galeforce...

DLC!Micaiah is the most broken of all Einherjar. Add her to the list of good DLC Einherjar you have there, because she's godly. Shadowgift/AT Dark Flyer tears up the game on lower difficulties at least. Probably the best Nosferatank.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Prince Marth assumed me the Double Duel: Army of Shadow's non-LB method for LTC.

You may need a General unit with both Counter and Lancefaire for this purpose.

Only Seph and Titania can have both Counter and Lancefaire.

For Nosferatu Tank's mire output, Galeforce boys (Meg+9~+10) >>> Meg Asset girls (Meg+3~+4) because of Aggressor.

Edited by MelonGx
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Woah, thanks for the feedback/suggestions guys. So far I've got DLC Marth and Roy (dual attack+ and aegis start tho) on my team along with Norne for now (pink hair tho). From these suggestions I'll probably be picking up Titania, Jaffar and Karel for sure (only if he has his FE6 growths of +100%). I might even have two Pr. Marths on the team since the Bonus Box one has all the support skills like Jack said. That's pretty good.

Most of the posts share in common using a Nosferatu/Aversa's Night tank, especially DLC Micky being tossed out there. I understand she has Shadowgift, but I'm not going to use her due to:

A: Her DLC art is just... horrendous.

B: I don't really like Nosferatu tanks, honestly. They're helpful for grinding things like DLC class items or Limit Break but I don't want to make the game a COMPLETE joke and breeze with one unit.

C: I bloody hate Micaiah.

But again, thanks for all the suggestions guys. I honestly didn't expect this to get that much in terms of posts.

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Woah, thanks for the feedback/suggestions guys. So far I've got DLC Marth and Roy (dual attack+ and aegis start tho) on my team along with Norne for now (pink hair tho). From these suggestions I'll probably be picking up Titania, Jaffar and Karel for sure (only if he has his FE6 growths of +100%). I might even have two Pr. Marths on the team since the Bonus Box one has all the support skills like Jack said. That's pretty good.

Most of the posts share in common using a Nosferatu/Aversa's Night tank, especially DLC Micky being tossed out there. I understand she has Shadowgift, but I'm not going to use her due to:

A: Her DLC art is just... horrendous.

B: I don't really like Nosferatu tanks, honestly. They're helpful for grinding things like DLC class items or Limit Break but I don't want to make the game a COMPLETE joke and breeze with one unit.

C: I bloody hate Micaiah.

But again, thanks for all the suggestions guys. I honestly didn't expect this to get that much in terms of posts.

1) DLC Katarina also has Shadowgift, along with Rally Strength IIRC (along with a couple other rallies, but those are the two that couldn't be obtained by an equivalent MyUnit). So you don't have to deal with Micaiah or her art if you want a Shadowgifter :-)

2) I only just learned this, and I wouldn't have made this connection if someone hadn't pointed it out: all of the DLC character art? Done to match the Awakening models of their default classes.

It seems so obvious in retrospect, but that's why Micaiah looks like a stripper (and why everyone else looks like they do).

Edited by PapaDragon
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So I'm not exactly sure if you said non-DLC characters because you've already looked through them, or because you don't have them, but just in case... Katarina and the Whitewings are completely insane. Katarina can reclass to Dark Flier for more move with that Shadowgift, replace Rally Str/Mag (whichever one you don't need) with Rally Move, and either be an ultimate offensive Rallybot or a Thief sniper. The Whitewings all come with Galeforce, which Palla can use to be a long-range rescuebot. Palla can also be a physical Rallybot or a Counter/Sol tank for Route chapters. Catria is more offensive with her proc, DS+, and dual Faires, and Est is your typical growth unit who comes with Galeforce+Luna.

Other non-DLC characters who come in handy: Ashnard and Travant are flying tanks with massive Def and good Avo thanks to their skills, perfect weapon ranks for Javelin/Hand Axe spam, and Renewal for HP recovery. Ashnard has oddly high Mag and Res to boot, making him an ideal candidate for Bolt Axe spam and able to shrug off some wind magic to boot. Zephiel comes with Pavise and Conquest, letting him scoff at the forged effectives that trouble other high-move tanks midgame, and has Rally Def for turtling and training weaker units. Elincia is very cheap and has decent Mag/Mov if you need another rescuebot.

This might go without saying, but the strongest of the DLC units completely wreck the game. Unless you're going to restrict access to them, I'd advise trying this on Lunatic+ to make the run a bit of a challenge.

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1) DLC Katarina also has Shadowgift, along with Rally Strength IIRC (along with a couple other rallies, but those are the two that couldn't be obtained by an equivalent MyUnit). So you don't have to deal with Micaiah or her art if you want a Shadowgifter :-)

2) I only just learned this, and I wouldn't have made this connection if someone hadn't pointed it out: all of the DLC character art? Done to match the Awakening models of their default classes.

It seems so obvious in retrospect, but that's why Micaiah looks like a stripper (and why everyone else looks like they do).

Getting Katarina takes forever's worth of training. Micaiah's easier unlock condition makes her superior, imo.

Woah, thanks for the feedback/suggestions guys. So far I've got DLC Marth and Roy (dual attack+ and aegis start tho) on my team along with Norne for now (pink hair tho). From these suggestions I'll probably be picking up Titania, Jaffar and Karel for sure (only if he has his FE6 growths of +100%). I might even have two Pr. Marths on the team since the Bonus Box one has all the support skills like Jack said. That's pretty good.

Most of the posts share in common using a Nosferatu/Aversa's Night tank, especially DLC Micky being tossed out there. I understand she has Shadowgift, but I'm not going to use her due to:

A: Her DLC art is just... horrendous.

B: I don't really like Nosferatu tanks, honestly. They're helpful for grinding things like DLC class items or Limit Break but I don't want to make the game a COMPLETE joke and breeze with one unit.

C: I bloody hate Micaiah.

But again, thanks for all the suggestions guys. I honestly didn't expect this to get that much in terms of posts.

Art and weather or not you like her is irrelevant to usability. I'm a rabid Wolt fanperson and even I admit he sucks half the time (I've seen him do well, though) and a rabid Ike hateperson and admit he's a good unit (though I've seen him do poorly). Shadowgift is insanely useful, it gives you access to both Mire and Nosferatu/Aversa's Night as a DF. Mire is the only siege weapon in the whole game, and you want to pick off some units from afar (ie the giant revenants in Roster Rescue).
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Getting Katarina takes forever's worth of training. Micaiah's easier unlock condition makes her superior, imo.

If TC has another save file to work from, he just needs to hire her from the logbook. Then again, I don't know if that would be against the spirit of such a run. All I'm saying is that it is an option.

I'm a rabid Wolt fanperson and even I admit he sucks half the time (I've seen him do well, though)

Fun fact: In Awakening, Wolt starts out as the single weakest Spotpass/DLC/Avatar character in the entire game. He is even cheaper than Mist, and it turns out that his base Skill stat, before factoring in additions from class and skill, is actually negative.

I'll repeat: according to the developers, Wolt has no skill.

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Art and weather or not you like her is irrelevant to usability. I'm a rabid Wolt fanperson and even I admit he sucks half the time (I've seen him do well, though) and a rabid Ike hateperson and admit he's a good unit (though I've seen him do poorly). Shadowgift is insanely useful, it gives you access to both Mire and Nosferatu/Aversa's Night as a DF. Mire is the only siege weapon in the whole game, and you want to pick off some units from afar (ie the giant revenants in Roster Rescue).

I understand that, yes. The real main reason that I don't want to use Micky is BECAUSE of Shadowgift. While it is a fantastic skill and does make her an extraordinarily powerful unit, having her run around and Nos/AN tank everything or just MIre sniping everyone would completely trivialize the game when it's already going to be broken enough as is. You have a point in it being useful for Roster Rescue, though. Nos/AN tanking aside, I'm still just trying to balance it for myself. I'm trying to maintain some balance in how broken characters can be, what with all of them but Chrom being able to reclass to anything they wish for skills. I can't use DLC Katarina because I do not own Apotheosis. Just thought I'd throw that in there also.

I probably should have made that much more clear in that post. That was my bad. It's a great skill, but I think it's too great for me to use for myself. It's kind of like how people don't like/want to cram Galeforce onto every possible unit or something? I dunno, I hope that made sense.

Also yes, I understand that personal opinion means nothing to usability. I never said "I hate her therefore she's awful as a unit" especially in a game where she can reclass to anything for skills or different caps. I thought that was just something everyone here was used to; people hating/loving characters even though they may be great units or awful (like your Wolt example) and were able to separate personal opinions from statistics and facts. I just felt like you tried to cram words into my mouth (or post, in this case) saying I was trying to do that so please, don't. If you didn't then that's fantastic.

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If TC has another save file to work from, he just needs to hire her from the logbook. Then again, I don't know if that would be against the spirit of such a run. All I'm saying is that it is an option.

Fun fact: In Awakening, Wolt starts out as the single weakest Spotpass/DLC/Avatar character in the entire game. He is even cheaper than Mist, and it turns out that his base Skill stat, before factoring in additions from class and skill, is actually negative.

I'll repeat: according to the developers, Wolt has no skill.

That's actually kind of funny considering that was his best stat in FE6.

I understand that, yes. The real main reason that I don't want to use Micky is BECAUSE of Shadowgift. While it is a fantastic skill and does make her an extraordinarily powerful unit, having her run around and Nos/AN tank everything or just MIre sniping everyone would completely trivialize the game when it's already going to be broken enough as is. You have a point in it being useful for Roster Rescue, though. Nos/AN tanking aside, I'm still just trying to balance it for myself. I'm trying to maintain some balance in how broken characters can be, what with all of them but Chrom being able to reclass to anything they wish for skills. I can't use DLC Katarina because I do not own Apotheosis. Just thought I'd throw that in there also.

I probably should have made that much more clear in that post. That was my bad. It's a great skill, but I think it's too great for me to use for myself. It's kind of like how people don't like/want to cram Galeforce onto every possible unit or something? I dunno, I hope that made sense.

Also yes, I understand that personal opinion means nothing to usability. I never said "I hate her therefore she's awful as a unit" especially in a game where she can reclass to anything for skills or different caps. I thought that was just something everyone here was used to; people hating/loving characters even though they may be great units or awful (like your Wolt example) and were able to separate personal opinions from statistics and facts. I just felt like you tried to cram words into my mouth (or post, in this case) saying I was trying to do that so please, don't. If you didn't then that's fantastic.

Sorry if I sounded pushy, I didn't mean to come across that way. I figured that most people are after max efficiency, so Galeforce and Nosferatanking are bound to be used at some point. It's the reasoning Seliph and Micaiah tend to be considered better DLC characters.

Eh, is that the only DLC you do not have, just so we know which ones you can and cannot use?

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Sorry if I sounded pushy, I didn't mean to come across that way. I figured that most people are after max efficiency, so Galeforce and Nosferatanking are bound to be used at some point. It's the reasoning Seliph and Micaiah tend to be considered better DLC characters.

Eh, is that the only DLC you do not have, just so we know which ones you can and cannot use?

No worries then. Efficiency is nice but I'd only worry about that if this were a competitive multiplayer game. And yeah, Apotheosis is the only DLC I don't have that gives a character.

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