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Random 'Outrealm Order' Streetpass Avatar Asset/Flaw


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Did we know this? I couldn't find anything about this anywhere, but if we already knew this I do apologize.

So, you know how the game generates random Streetpass teams when you get a Streetpass tag with someone who A) doesn't have FE:A Streetpass data, or B) has a Streetpass team with DLC/Spotpass characters using a non-Japanese copy of the game?

These Avatars don't have an Asset or a Flaw.

I'm still testing this, but so far, maxing out all of their stats reveals maximum stats identical to their class maximum stats. IIRC, there is no combination of Asset/Flaw that completely cancels out like that (HP/Luck and HP/Def come close).

This doesn't actually make these Avatars useful - their total caps are lower than a normal Avatar - but it is different, at any rate.

This might also be something of a reference to the replacement characters in Shadow Dragon, as those too had inferior stats. Also, didn't someone say that certain OrO Streetpass Avatars had replacement character names from Shadow Dragon (i.e. Auffle, Laim, Trim)?

Then again, I don't know if this happens all the time, so it could just be a random bug.

Edited by PapaDragon
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I once hired an Outrealm Order avatar and maxed him or her out with statboosters. Their caps show that they have no "asset" or "flaw", and that their caps are just the default avatar caps. I think I repeated this with another Outrealm Order to get the same result.

Also, I think two of my Outrealm avatars were named Wymp and Lucer. (Although I recently deleted all of the Outrealm avatars in my logbook to make room for player avatars, so I can't check.)

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Outrealm orders don't follow rules.

I think I've heard about Outrealm Order teams being glitchy and stuff somewhere before, but I've never noticed such a thing with my own copy. Although this is probably because I never really paid attention to Outrealm Order teams to notice anything stange ;/ Do you know how relatively common these kinds of glitches are?

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In all two years of playing the Japanese copy and getting at least hundreds of outrealm orders a week in college before this game was released here in America... and all throughout now...

This is the first time this happened to me.

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In all two years of playing the Japanese copy and getting at least hundreds of outrealm orders a week in college before this game was released here in America... and all throughout now...

This is the first time this happened to me.

Huh, if this is the first time it's happened to you with that many Outrealm Orders, I guess the glitches aren't THAT common. Well, unless the English version is glitchier and makes more mistakes. Although I haven't noticed anything strange in Outrealm teams that I've encountered so far, it's possible that I may have run into some glitches and never noticed it was there.

EDIT: Oh, I just noticed when watching the video again. That Morgan has luna instead of rightful king. Which should always be passed down by Chrom XD

Edited by Sangyul
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Huh, if this is the first time it's happened to you with that many Outrealm Orders, I guess the glitches aren't THAT common. Well, unless the English version is glitchier and makes more mistakes. Although I haven't noticed anything strange in Outrealm teams that I've encountered so far, it's possible that I may have run into some glitches and never noticed it was there.

EDIT: Oh, I just noticed when watching the video again. That Morgan has luna instead of rightful king. Which should always be passed down by Chrom XD

That Morgan is also a Lv.14 GK, which would have Luna naturally on an ORO.

I've found some strange things with mine, but the one that takes the cake is a pink-haired Morgan(M), which isn't possible to obtain normally regardless of parent. However that was a real team, not an ORO, so I don't know what happened there.

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That Morgan is also a Lv.14 GK, which would have Luna naturally on an ORO.

Yeah, but my point was more that the Outrealm Order glitch Morgan not only has the wrong hair color, but his skill inheritance does not even seem to follow the inheritance rules.

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Wymp and Lucer were two Shadow Dragon replacement unit names, so perhaps this is indeed an intentional reference?

I've gotten Neubee, Auffle, and Laim, to name a few.

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That Morgan is also a Lv.14 GK, which would have Luna naturally on an ORO.

Yeah, but my point was more that the Outrealm Order glitch Morgan not only has the wrong hair color, but his skill inheritance does not even seem to follow the inheritance rules.

Neither of these are really valid arguments against an ORO team's validity. The skills menu exists, after all. It might not be likely, but it's still valid to leave a skill slot open when you have something which could have filled it. So RfK could just have been removed, and he learned Luna via level up.

The hair colour discrepancy, of course, is totally impossible.

Also, ORO Avatar's not having an asset/flaw is really interesting. It's absolutely terrible, since firstly all Asset/Flaw combinations give total mods of +3, and secondly, well, it's not hard to build asset/flaw combinations which give a single -1 and +X's over the rest of the board, and you'd be hard pressed to find a build which wants e.g. 0 in STR and SKL over both 3 STR/-1 SKL, AND -1 STR/3 SKL (especially as the latter also gives 1 DEF). But yeah, interesting they break the rules like that. I'd have kind of expected them to roll random Asset/Flaws, and maybe not care if those roll the same thing. That gives you an Avatar with no -mods and three +1's in various stats, which is... something?

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I've found some strange things with mine, but the one that takes the cake is a pink-haired Morgan(M), which isn't possible to obtain normally regardless of parent. However that was a real team, not an ORO, so I don't know what happened there.

Question, did Morgan have pink hair during the fight/when viewing the team's stats? Or was it only pink on the Logbook card?

Because the Logbook uses YOUR pairings to determine which hair color to display for children, even if it blatantly contradicts other pairings on the card. Children whose parents haven't been paired up yet will be shown with their mother's hair color, with the exception of Morgan and Yarne, whose hair/tuft color will be a weird hot pink color that doesn't appear anywhere else instead.

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