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Cordelia figure.

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Ha true it probably doesn't help that the first person I saw in the hilariously skimpy female dark mage outfit was actually miriel since it was my first playthrough and I was super excited when I was able to get a dark mage cause I remembered them being awesome in the GBA games.

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Figures with no articulation in general. Sure they look good but I wouldn't want to buy them.

They're stuck in that one pose. Posable figures, action figures, etc, those I can get behind.

I actually think Lucina is meant to posable. It's hard to see with a low res photo but you can see articulation ball joints in her feet. So they are making some posable FE:A figurines.

Personally I prefer things like Nendoroids with interchangeable, posable parts but I wouldn't mind a nice figurine of a character I really liked. Maybe not as fun, but a high quality statuette can work in poses and details that would just be impossible to achieve with an articulated action figure. Admittedly, the perve factor of the previously announced Tharja is high and her spine is ludicrously bendy, there's some really good cloth hang detail and hair detail that'd be hard to express in a figure made to play around with. Also dat ass

Honestly I hope Cordelia, despite her fan favourite status, is less sexualized than Tharja. Her Japanese supports are really dumb though (boob angst uggghhh) so I guess I should prepare to be disappointed.

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Admittedly, the perve factor of the previously announced Tharja is high and her spine is ludicrously bendy, there's some really good cloth hang detail and hair detail that'd be hard to express in a figure made to play around with.

The most common type of people who would buy Tharja's figure probably played around with it anyway.

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Cordy gettin' her own figure. Bah, what a shame, but that's to be expected. 8U I just hope it isn't ridiculously sexy like the Tharja one...

As for stationary figures over pose-able ones, I like figures because they have a higher quality to them, in a way. I don't collect figures (too poor lol) but I love seeing pics of them, and the high amount of work and detail that go into them isn't something that can be captured by moveable action figures or Nenodroids. At least to me. Even if I can't move it, it is still a beautiful work of art, and it deserves to be proudly displayed where many can see it.

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I'd buy one just to light it on fire, film the results, post it on YouTube, and drink the resulting fanboy tears.

... I REALLY don't like Cordelia.

This is why we are friends.

I honestly don't see the appeal behind these figures.

They look nice i guess. I like figures with stands. Most anime style figures are actually unarticulated. Game figures used to be more articulated (i have a couple that were like those old Zelda ones and stuff.) but not so much now. I dont even get why. The Figma figures look pretty high quality so i guess thats why people are into them?

Tharja isn't even about breasts.

Nope. Shes really about dat ass.

As for Cordelia, i doubt shes going to be really skimpy looking in her figure. She'll probably be in a pose much like the one in her Official Art. (I do hope they make her foot not look so goddamn derpy though.) I see 75% of the figure being her hair and the rest being her armor and maybe her lance.

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Tharja isn't even about breasts.

Cordelia, on the other hand, is canonically about breasts, specifically her own.

I'd buy a figma of Gaius in a swimsuit before I'd have Cordy on my shelf.

A shame, too, as she'd likely be of higher quality than my Exceed a Generation Fury figurine.

Edited by Cymbalina's Revenge
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They're stuck in that one pose. Posable figures, action figures, etc, those I can get behind.

Lucina is a poseable one, there even are two promotional shots of it in different poses.

(on another note, they either redid her cape, or she has a few swappable ones)

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I want to see a Miriel figure, and they'd have to change her outfit up a lot to make her sexualized(which is something I don't want to have happen, her outfits pretty great). I would definitely buy one of her because shes just so great.

Edited by n00srac
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I want to see a Miriel figure, and they'd have to change her outfit up a lot to make her sexualized. I would definitely buy one of her because shes just so great.

If they make a sexualized figure of Miriel, I am boycotting it.

If they're going to make "sexualized" figures of women, then they had better damn well make some of men as well.

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All they'd have to do to sexualize Miriel is hit her with a Master Seal at 10 and a Second Seal at... 10, leaving her as a Sorc.

Normally with these things they go with the persons original/official art outfit, which completely covers her. Don't know how they could mess it up.

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Normally with these things they go with the persons original/official art outfit, which completely covers her. Don't know how they could mess it up.

I can think of several ways.

Regardless, as much as I like Miriel, I'd rather have a male figure before another female figure because there are a lot of cool male characters. And if they're going to put female characters in stupid sexualized poses that don't fit their character, then they'd damn well give the male characters the same treatment =/

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Sexualizing Miriel is just all sorts of no. Thats almost literally like seeing me in a skimpy outfit. In plastic form. *scare chord* Seriously, she looks almost exactly like me. Its creepy and kind of awesome.
Why cant we get a dude figurine? I want a Virion Gregor or Gaius or Inigo. If they are going off the popular poll thingdeal, Gaius and Inigo should get one.

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How about a Tiki or an Anna figure? I could imagine a figure of Anna sitting on a bag of money like in this picture. BTW I also agree that there should be more male characters like Gaius, Chrom, or Lon'qu just to name a couple.


Edited by Firion231
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Well, going by some stuff my friend owns (an action figure of Scarlett Johansson/Black Widow), I really don't think they should be sexualized, but if Cordelia was put in a sexualized pose, I wouldn't mind.

Why complain about Tharja anyway? She's supposed to be a femme fatale. Sexualization is in-character. Don't like it, don't buy it.

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Why complain about Tharja anyway? She's supposed to be a femme fatale. Sexualization is in-character. Don't like it, don't buy it.

Tharja is an selfish person who wants to be left alone with her hexes, which she doesn't mind to use on other members of the shepherds.

And as we see in her supports with Avatar, even when trying to get someone's attention. she doesn't use her body for it.

So I fail to see how that figure is in any way expressing her character and is doing anything but reducing the character to her boring body.

And it's not done with "Don't like it, don't buy it." At least for my part, I really don't want Fire Emblem to become the "Dead or Alive" of Nintendo by underselling it's characters like that.

Edited by BrightBow
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I want beach!sorcerer!Libra

make it happen

short of that dreadfighter!Libra works too

next FE more long hair guys pls

Brother, what have i told you about entering my mind and rummaging in it? :P:

But yes. So much yes to this. SO much.

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Libra is a man with the finest taste in hairstyles.

We must make sure his worthy glory is showcased properly.

Indeed. We need this rendered in very expensive plastic for our viewing pleasure. With super Axe action.

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