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Chrom's popularity astounds me too. I heard that Japanese aren't a fan of muscley guys and that that's a reason they don't like Ike. Well, Chrom's muscley too, yet they love him. Plus he's boring as hell. And yeah, he's an idiot sometimes. :/

Tomokazu. Sugita.

Voice actors in Japan can make or break a character's popularity.

Wakamoto can be pretty much said to achieve godhood in popularity.

Not to mention you can marry said freaking protagonist.

Stop comparing him to Ike and think its unfair. "SO WHAT?"

Edited by shadowofchaos
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The way I see Morgan is that he or she decided to become a Grimleal member because of what happened to Robin in the bad future. However, he/she eventually decided to betray the Grimleal thinking that wasn't what Robin would have wanted. Feeling Morgan would become a threat from the moment he/she left the Grimleal, Grima had sent some Risen to follow and attack Morgan. Morgan made it safely to the main timeline at the cost of his/her memory. But he/she was followed by the Risen.

I sometimes see Lucina as somewhat as a bit of a bookworm possibly because of what happened in her own timeline.

Edited by Just call me Al
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I never thought Chrom was a necessarily BAD character, but very underwritten. I thought though the decisions he thinks may be selfish, but it is still in his character to never abandon a friend and finds it hard to accept a loss of anybody, even people he doesn't know directly. It would seem out of character for Chrom to abandon Emmeryn or the Avatar. My main problem with Chrom is that he has no real defining personality unlike his siblings. Lissa arguably has the most considering she does not have the brand, but is very charismatic and raises morale by just being there. Emmeryn was basically just a crazy good philosopher who could stop army's with her words. All Chrom gets is pies. All in all Chrom just wasn't developed enough to stand out, which he shares with most Awakening characters but I do see why people would like him as he would never abandon you for better or worse.

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Well, whatever, I just think that liking a character JUST because of the voice actor or something is silly.

I can understand why voices are important. 8U Take Inigo for example. I adore his Japanese voice, it's soft-spoken and not too deep. I like Japanese Inigo, or Azure as it were. But if there was no Japanese voice option available, and I heard English Inigo's voice, which is ridiculously deep (like Jack Frost of Rise of the Guardians), I wouldn't be as fond as him at all. When voice-acting is available in a game, I like characters who not only look good and have good personalities and back stories, but also sound good.

As for Chrom's personality, I never considered him that bad, either. Yes, he might be very attached to the people he loves and unwilling to sacrifice them, but when you have a deep bond like that with someone, being it a fierce romantic love OR a platonic love, it can be hard to let go. I know I'd be unwilling to allow a dear friend to sacrifice themselves to save the world; I'd find an alternate solution, too. It is a tad selfish, but it's understandable to me.

Edited by Faye
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I know I'd be unwilling to allow a dear friend to sacrifice themselves to save the world; I'd find an alternate solution, too. It is a tad selfish, but it's understandable to me.

And by all means, abandoning those high-cost plans in favor of seeking better solutions is the better plan. Even if it's not found, it's better to try for no losses.

"We're not aiming for less casualties. We're aiming for none."

There's a reason why I always compare Chrom against Lloyd Irving. (Although I hold Chrom as a lesser Lloyd, because Lloyd is ACTIVE. Unlike Chrom, Lloyd in this scenario uses... force.)

Same deal.

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Well, whatever, I just think that liking a character JUST because of the voice actor or something is silly.

You've obviously never played Xenoblade. Reyn would have been hella dumb with an American accent. Because of his more casual British accent, he comes off as far more charming than he would otherwise. Voice acting is Serious Business when determining if a character is appealing. Lezard Valeth from Valkyrie Profile had a rather rabid fanbase based mostly on his former voice actor in the first VP game. (His fanbase waned when his voice was done by someone else in the sequel.) Tales of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World is a glorious example of how Serious Business voice acting is. Regal had a fanbase in the first game because CRISPIN FREEMAN and Kratos being CAM MUTHAFUCKEN CLARKE. Freeman is absent from DotNW and thus Regal was made less appealing despite the increase in screen time. Presea was TARA STRONG and yeah...Her not being TARA STRONG in the sequel was a huge bummer. I liked Lloyd less in the sequel cuz Scott Menville wasnt voicing him anymore. I was like WHERES MY LLOYD?

I saw a clip of Tales of Vesperia and noticed Cumore is voiced by the same guy who did Inigo. I never played ToV and i like this (villainous) character because hes got Inigo's voice. Your argument is silly. Rey is correct. Even the non-weeb like me knows that seiyuu have cult-like followings in Japan. Like...Beatlemania style fanbases.

There's a reason why I always compare Chrom against Lloyd Irving.

Lloyd has hella more character though.

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I liked Lloyd less in the sequel cuz Scott Menville wasnt voicing him anymore. I was like WHERES MY LLOYD?

Lloyd has hella more character though.

Beacock Lloyd sucks, but that's mostly due to just plain suck. Not to mention DOTNW just being bad as a game and as a whole [only good thing about DOTNW was a scene in Chapter 8 that should've happened in the first game.]

Raine changed her VA [it's the same as Miriel's in DOTNW, but was Kari Wahlgren in the first]... and no one really bats an eye.

And yeah, Lloyd > Chrom.

But my point isn't the characters in the comparison, it's their actions. Both make the better call. Lloyd just happens to be active about it, and uses force. [ignoring the fact that Game!Lloyd is a complete chump. There's absolutely no reason to consider sacrificing Colette in the situation as presented in game! In the OVA on the other hand, that's what I'm referring to. No, he knows not of the other world. It's just a straight call to save Colette from sacrificing herself, and to seek another way.]

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Beacock Lloyd sucks, but that's mostly due to just plain suck. Not to mention DOTNW just being bad as a game and as a whole [only good thing about DOTNW was a scene in Chapter 8 that should've happened in the first game.]

Raine changed her VA [it's the same as Miriel's in DOTNW, but was Kari Wahlgren in the first]... and no one really bats an eye.

And yeah, Lloyd > Chrom.

But my point isn't the characters in the comparison, it's their actions. Both make the better call. Lloyd just happens to be active about it, and uses force. [ignoring the fact that Game!Lloyd is a complete chump. There's absolutely no reason to consider sacrificing Colette in the situation as presented in game! In the OVA on the other hand, that's what I'm referring to. No, he knows not of the other world. It's just a straight call to save Colette from sacrificing herself, and to seek another way.]

Yeah DotNW was a pile of ass. Bolded, i noticed. I noticed and didnt like it much.

Yeah i see what you are saying. Chrom just seems so reliant on others and wishy washy in comparison.

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I can understand why voices are important. 8U Take Inigo for example. I adore his Japanese voice, it's soft-spoken and not too deep. I like Japanese Inigo, or Azure as it were. But if there was no Japanese voice option available, and I heard English Inigo's voice, which is ridiculously deep (like Jack Frost of Rise of the Guardians), I wouldn't be as fond as him at all. When voice-acting is available in a game, I like characters who not only look good and have good personalities and back stories, but also sound good.

As for Chrom's personality, I never considered him that bad, either. Yes, he might be very attached to the people he loves and unwilling to sacrifice them, but when you have a deep bond like that with someone, being it a fierce romantic love OR a platonic love, it can be hard to let go. I know I'd be unwilling to allow a dear friend to sacrifice themselves to save the world; I'd find an alternate solution, too. It is a tad selfish, but it's understandable to me.

I didn't say voices weren't important at all. I'm just saying that they're not the only thing that makes a character and just because a character has a good voice doesn't automatically make them OMG amazing. xP

And yeah, I know it would be hard to let go of someone you're close to, but sometimes, it's the only option. Elincia was forced to let Lucia sacrifice herself, whether she actually wanted this or not (I for one think she didn't even come to a true decision, she was too shocked and conflicted) in RD. But she had to accept it, and that made her stronger. I don't think sparing the Avatar should've even been a choice, there should've just been one ending, the one where the Avatar disappears (but returns maybe a year later at the most, because Morgan).

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OK, here's why I think Aversa is Micaiah's descendant. It's not something I came up out of nowhere.

1.- Silver hair. Duh.

2.- Not sure what color Aversa's eyes are, but looking closely they seem a shade of orange. Not like Micaiah's gold yellow, but close. I think they resemble Sothe more, but who knows.

3.- Aversa and DLC Micaiah are the only units with Shadowgift. Only Morgan can learn it but she needs to be Aversa's daughter to do so.

4.- Aversa wears clothes with feathers around the neck. Probably a reference to Micaiah's Heron half.

5.- Both Aversa and Micaiah have tatoo-like brands in their bodies.

6.- It is generally accepted that Aversa and Gangrel were romantically involved (WHY CAN'T THEY SUPPORT, IS?!). Gangrel is a Trickster, which is FE13's equivalent of the Rogue class. Of course, Sothe is a Rogue in FE10.

Edited by Jave
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DLC Katarina also has shadowgift

Oh, hey, you're right. I completely forgot about that.

Oh well, I guess it doesn't completely nullify the theory. Maybe Katarina is related to them too.

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The biggest headcanon I have for this game is that Inigo has to be chrom's son they look so much alike, he mentions the brand while the other kids do not, and he looks like your stereotypical fe lord or king.

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The biggest headcanon I have for this game is that Inigo has to be chrom's son they look so much alike, he mentions the brand while the other kids do not, and he looks like your stereotypical fe lord or king.

And if that's the case, you get the bad end.

Because Grima comes back before Chapter 23.

The one thing I say against that is that the dialogue Lissa has for the generic village girl is the same as for Olivia.

If anything, Brady is Chrom's true son and his brand is on his right buttcheek.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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The biggest headcanon I have for this game is that Inigo has to be chrom's son they look so much alike, he mentions the brand while the other kids do not, and he looks like your stereotypical fe lord or king.

I actually agree with this too, as it's one reason I ship Chrom x Olivia. There's also the father support, which makes a lot of sense because of the comparision to Lucina.

EDIT: Well, Rey, what about how you said village girl is possibly canon because of the drama CDs? lol

Edited by Anacybele
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EDIT: Well, Rey, what about how you said village girl is possibly canon because of the drama CDs? lol

You can't tell the difference between a joke and being serious when it comes to relationships between ficitonal characters, can you?

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You can't tell the difference between a joke and being serious when it comes to relationships between ficitonal characters, can you?

I...didn't know there was a joke to be found in your last post. :/

But truth be told, I do tend to have trouble figuring out whether something is serious or a joke/sarcasm half the time...

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I...didn't know there was a joke to be found in your last post. :/

The generic village girl in the Drama CD.

They deliberately went with the routes that won't step on other people's toes.

Like setting FeMU before Chrom's marriage.

Both Marcs/Marks/Morgans exist.

Using animu quirks to joke around with who is Male MU's true lover.

I hope you can see how taking me seriously at saying "Generic Village Girl is canon" which to everyone else was obviously a joke, to justify Chrom x Olivia has something wrong with it.

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There's also the father support, which makes a lot of sense because of the comparision to Lucina.

I've seen a few people say this about Inigo's father support, but I really don't get why. The reference to Lucina is clearly because she's the only other child unit guaranteed to be in the party. If it referenced, say, Morgan instead, and you hadn't unlocked that paralogue/failed to recruit them, it wouldn't make sense. It's also a natural comparison imo since Lucina is the child of the army commander. Not to mention Yarne's father support mentions Lucina as well, and I don't see anyone saying it comes out of nowhere there.

Just my thoughts.

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