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Delayed the making of so many decisions I might have gotten into trouble


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Great Knight? More of a support unit than an attack unit? How is that the case when they have really high strength and defense and get an offensive skill in Luna? They're meant to tank physical attacks and be front-liners in the group for the most part. They're best at defending mages and healers so they aren't bombarded by physical weapons and can attack from behind. They just need to be wary of hammers. That's their only real weakness. No unit is without a weakness.

Well duh, they're not meant to tank magic. And Great Knights are crappy tanks simply because a couple of mages and one Fighter in the beginning of Lunatic threaten Frederick? Yeah, no. Read what I said above. And, that's the beginning of the game where you haven't trained anyone yet. Once Frederick has a nice defense stat in Great Knight, he should be able to take at least three hits from a hammer, even in Lunatic. I've only tested this in Normal mode, of course, but I've no doubt the same can hold true in Lunatic. Well, not taking some of the DLC into account, that is. Because obviously, a portion of those maps are crazy.

Also, sending even a Great Knight into that kind of danger in the beginning of the game is stupid. You have to have other units whittle them down a bit and THEN send Frederick in to finish the job. That way, Frederick takes no damage and his helpers take only a little. Lissa then heals whoever took the most damage while others heal up using a Vulnerary. And Frederick is fresh to go right away on the enemy phase.

Hey, maybe I should try Hard or Lunatic. I didn't know I was this smart. :P

... I don't know how many times I thought, "lol wat" throughout this comment. They get Luna. Great. Guess what? YOU CAN MOVE THAT TO A BETTER CLASS. Their low skill barely lets them proc Luna. Terrible Spd, terrible avoid, hard to double with.

"I've no doubt the same can hold true in Lunatic." Don't even open your mouth to talk about Lunatic until you actually play it. That last paragraph, though. Are you even thinking? Sending a GK into danger at the beginning of the game is stupid? Would I rather send a Level 1 Lord, Tactician, or Cleric? Didn't think so. It's not exactly like Lissa can get very close until you're clear of the enemy for a while, either. The amount of enemies are increased as well.

Edited by Gaius217
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Are you even thinking? Sending a GK into danger at the beginning of the game is stupid? Would I rather send a Level 1 Lord, Tactician, or Cleric? Didn't think so. It's not exactly like Lissa can get very close until you're clear of the enemy for a while, either. The amount of enemies are increased as well.

Okay, I will admit that I know less about Lunatic than I thought, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking and that you can basically call me an idiot. And I said not to send Frederick against the MAGES right away. He's required for Lunatic, so obviously he has to be used somewhere.

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Ana, instead of talking about Frederick's use in lunatic mode, which you've never played, why don't you just play the prologue, and only the prologue, of FE13 on lunatic mode and get a taste of what that mode will offer? Then you'll have a better idea of what it's like. Your advice is mostly invalid for lunatic mode because what works on normal cannot work for lunatic, and you cannot give advice for a mode you've never played.

I played the prologue of lunatic+ once (or twice) because I wanted to see what it was like without actually playing it, so at least I can attest to all the bullshit luna+, hawkeye, vantage, focus mage shit that I've seen soc complain about. I feel that you should at least experience prologue of lunatic mode before you try to say anything related to gameplay about it.

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Ana, instead of talking about Frederick's use in lunatic mode, which you've never played, why don't you just play the prologue, and only the prologue, of FE13 on lunatic mode and get a taste of what that mode will offer? Then you'll have a better idea of what it's like. Your advice is mostly invalid for lunatic mode because what works on normal cannot work for lunatic, and you cannot give advice for a mode you've never played.

No, thanks. Obviously I'm too stupid to know what to do in Lunatic.

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No one thinks you're too stupid to try lunatic, Ana. We think that you're unaware of what lunatic mode throws at you, which is not the same as being too stupid to try it. Basically, lunatic is a mode you have to plan for WHILE you're playing it, you can't go into it planning what to do and expect it to work first time around. It's just how lunatic mode works. I don't think you're too stupid to play lunatic. I think you just can't fathom what lunatic mode is like because you've never actually tried it before.

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No one thinks you're too stupid to try lunatic, Ana. We think that you're unaware of what lunatic mode throws at you, which is not the same as being too stupid to try it. Basically, lunatic is a mode you have to plan for WHILE you're playing it, you can't go into it planning what to do and expect it to work first time around. It's just how lunatic mode works. I don't think you're too stupid to play lunatic. I think you just can't fathom what lunatic mode is like because you've never actually tried it before.

Yes, I was unaware. I never thought that Lunatic would add more enemies. I just figured that they'd be buffed up a lot compared to even Hard mode.

I was never an expert at FE though. But I did think I knew enough to help other players a little. I guess that's not true either.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yes, I was unaware. I never thought that Lunatic would add more enemies. I just figured that they'd be buffed up a lot compared to even Hard mode.

I was never an expert at FE though. But I did think I knew enough to help other players a little. I guess that's not true either.

You don't have to be an expert at FE to give advice, but I'd suggest not giving advice about lunatic mode without having played it. There is a really big jump in hard mode and lunatic mode difficulties. The first time I attempted lunatic, I placed my avatar within range of two enemies, and he died instantly on the EP. In normal mode, he would've only had a scratch. Frederick is necessary in lunatic mode because he's the only unit in the beginning with a high enough defense to take more than two hits and live. But even Frederick needs to be careful, even more so in lunatic. Low resistance may be an inconvenience in normal, but in lunatic mode it can really hamper your placement of units.

I don't think you're stupid, and you don't have to be an expert at FE to give hard and lunatic a try if you ever feel like you want to. But try not to give advice pertaining to a mode you've never played and don't know what it's like, because normal strategies don't carry well to lunatic.

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Okay, I will admit that I know less about Lunatic than I thought, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking and that you can basically call me an idiot.

Yeah, sorry about that. I was kind of in a bad mood beforehand. Just try Lunatic, simply for the same reason that Sangyul suggested.

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If you hadn't noticed, I declined to try Lunatic. Because of how unaware I am of it, I don't think I'd last a minute. I've managed to screw up in Normal mode. How well do you think I'd do in Lunatic right now? xP

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... I don't know how many times I thought, "lol wat" throughout this comment. They get Luna. Great. Guess what? YOU CAN MOVE THAT TO A BETTER CLASS. Their low skill barely lets them proc Luna. Terrible Spd, terrible avoid, hard to double with.

I tried Stahl as a GK and couldn't double crap because even with pair up he was simply too slow. Other units with lower power but higher speed were doubling enemies and killing stuff, but Stahl couldn't double and wouldn't kill enemies in a single hit since GKs, while strong, simply aren't strong enough.

He might double stuff as GK with Cordelia as backup, but Cordelia is mine so that's not an option. Frederick can at least be fixed with Sumia.

Edited by Malebolganone
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If you hadn't noticed, I declined to try Lunatic. Because of how unaware I am of it, I don't think I'd last a minute. I've managed to screw up in Normal mode. How well do you think I'd do in Lunatic right now? xP

Not very well, because the only way to get good at Lunatic is to try it. But it takes like 5 minutes to set up a file and kill Validar (he's no stronger on Lunatic), and there's no harm in trying. The point isn't to beat it, it's to see how different it is from Normal.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I tried Stahl as a GK and couldn't double crap because even with pair up he was simply too slow. Other units with lower power but higher speed were doubling enemies and killing stuff, but Stahl couldn't double and wouldn't kill enemies in a single hit since GKs, while strong, simply aren't strong enough.

He might double stuff as GK with Cordelia as backup, but Cordelia is mine so that's not an option. Frederick can at least be fixed with Sumia.

Stahl's speed is easily screwed, but can be fixed with his Myrmidon line. I fixed Frederick's speed and res by making him a Dread Fighter. Now he actually has HIGHER res than defense and he capped speed at 39. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. I never stuck him with Sumia either (he was always hangin' with my Avatar, of course).

Edited by Anacybele
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Stahl's speed is easily screwed, but can be fixed with his Myrmidon line.

Actually, Stahl's speed is very neutral. It's not terrible, with no negative mods and no terrible GR's, but it's not great either.

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I know has kinda passed, but I want to say something about that Griffon vs. Taguel Debate:

Griffon is Axelocked.

Ok. It's still... Axelock. Locked... to the best of the main three. [You can try to argue that Bows > Axes, but not really.]

Taguel is locked to a 10 (+5) MT weapon.

Griffon has -meh- stats. So does Taguel.

Both have Beastweak. Griffon has WTA on the only thing worth noting that weakness for.

Griffon has Flying Weak, but there's Iotes if you -are- in range.

Griffon has 2 MOV over Taguel, offers better skills.

But here's the big thing, on why Griffon is WAY better than Taguel:

Griffon gets 1-2 Range with Helswath/Tomahawk/Short Axe/Hand Axe/Orsin's [and in Walhart's Case: Wolf Berg]

Griffon gets brave attack with Brave Axe.

Yeah. Hell no is Taguel better than Griffon. Both are relatively bad classes, but Taguel is easily a lot worse.

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