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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Through out my childhood, gaming has always been an escape for me. It was always a way to enjoy more interesting lives or simply to crush my friends. I've always been a Nintendo gamer, my favorite series being Super Mario, Mother, Pikmin, Punchout, Smash Bros, and of course, FE. But lately all of a sudden, I have been not finding a desire to play any videogames and I only seem to play on rare occasions. I don't know if it's because I'm growing up or if it's because I have no one left to share my passion for Nintendo anymore.

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I got tired of games about a year ago, and I'm actually pretty glad that it happened. I suddenly became happier and more social. Now you could call me a "casual" with a "hardcore's" taste. I can definitely say that after I got tired of video games, I hate platformers, F-Zero, and old games in general. I'm actually really good at them, but I hate them. Personally, I find this loss of interest good for you.

Edited by HeavyBrawlsGuy
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Through out my childhood, gaming has always been an escape for me. It was always a way to enjoy more interesting lives or simply to crush my friends. I've always been a Nintendo gamer, my favorite series being Super Mario, Mother, Pikmin, Punchout, Smash Bros, and of course, FE. But lately all of a sudden, I have been not finding a desire to play any videogames and I only seem to play on rare occasions. I don't know if it's because I'm growing up or if it's because I have no one left to share my passion for Nintendo anymore.

I feel you on this. Lately, I've been having the same loss of interest as you have,which I believe is for the bolded reason. As time goes on, our interests tend to change along with us. Is this something you're just taking notice of, or has this been a reoccurring thing?

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I feel you on this. Lately, I've been having the same loss of interest as you have,which I believe is for the bolded reason. As time goes on, our interests tend to change along with us. Is this something you're just taking notice of, or has this been a reoccurring thing?

I am not quite sure. It's been since the end of 2013. I end up finding enjoyment in playing less complicated games like Platformers or even Punch out, which is strange since you think maturity would make me want to play more rpgs with complex storylines. Maybe I'm just tired or something.

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I haven't heard of any rule on this stuff really, I've seen all kinds of people, extraverts and introverts and any shit in between of many different ages grow into, out of, alongside, and out of then back into both games in particular and all kinds of interests and entertainment. One's enjoyment of basically anything can also be affected by temporary moods- if you're having, like, depressive feelings somehow, it could also just be your mood that makes them seem more or less appealing.

I don't usually get very much out of holding my changes in taste under a microscope (in part because optimally I'd just like to be able to see some kind of merit in everything), so I just prefer to think of it like this: We've all gone through growth/change, are all growing even at this moment, and will all go through growth in the future, and no one path is certain for all of us. Just gravitate to what makes you happy, I haven't seen much direct reward for overthinking it or burning bridges.

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I'm still every bit a gamer as I used to be, but my tastes changed with the circumstances as I aged. In my teens, I was a huge JRPG gamer. FFVI, FFVII, Suikoden I + II, even Beyond the Beyond. I played deep games, in addition to the sports games that I typically play, but they didn't have much play with me over the course of a year because I figured out how to "game" the system.

As I hit my 20s I was still able to play JRPGs, but I started actually completing them less and less. I beat the occasional JRPG - the truly elite ones, like Suikoden V - but more and more fell into my backlog. Final Fantasy XII, Tales of Symphonia, and other all-time classics, I haven't been able to finish them off. Meanwhile, I played more sports games - in the service, this was our main form of out-to-sea recreation - and more "mainstream" games. I was actually a decent Halo player back in the day.

I turn 34 in May. If I had to break down my game playing time, most of it would be either the odd game of NHL '14, or Pinball Arcade on my cell phone. Often, my 3DS gets out for a brief bout of training Pokemon at the Battle Chateau. JRPGs are still interesting to me, but the thought of finishing one is such a distant memory that I honestly can't remember the last JRPG I actually beat that I hadn't beaten at some point in my youth (I.E.: Final Fantasy IV doesn't count; FTR, I think my last one was Dragon's Quest IV for the DS, and before that, fucking Suikoden V, which was almost seven years ago at this point). My backlog has become so legendary that I have set up writing assignments around it. It's ironic because the ubiquity of affordable video gaming, and at least a decent amount of disposable income - not bad for an unmarried man in his mid-30s who is responsible for his mother's health - mean I own thousands - THOUSANDS - of games, and virtually every system I've bought throughout my life, but don't get to play them the way I would want to. Now, some of the greatest games of all time - Bravely Default, Ys Celceta, Tales of Graces F - sit on my shelf *UNPLAYED*; I haven't had the time to devote to them.

My point in this is that this is just your natural progression. Your priorities are changing as you age. This will continue, in all aspects of life, in and outside of gaming. Just don't start playing Candy fuckin' Crush, and we're cool. :P

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I'm still every bit a gamer as I used to be, but my tastes changed with the circumstances as I aged. In my teens, I was a huge JRPG gamer. FFVI, FFVII, Suikoden I + II, even Beyond the Beyond. I played deep games, in addition to the sports games that I typically play, but they didn't have much play with me over the course of a year because I figured out how to "game" the system.

As I hit my 20s I was still able to play JRPGs, but I started actually completing them less and less. I beat the occasional JRPG - the truly elite ones, like Suikoden V - but more and more fell into my backlog. Final Fantasy XII, Tales of Symphonia, and other all-time classics, I haven't been able to finish them off. Meanwhile, I played more sports games - in the service, this was our main form of out-to-sea recreation - and more "mainstream" games. I was actually a decent Halo player back in the day.

I turn 34 in May. If I had to break down my game playing time, most of it would be either the odd game of NHL '14, or Pinball Arcade on my cell phone. Often, my 3DS gets out for a brief bout of training Pokemon at the Battle Chateau. JRPGs are still interesting to me, but the thought of finishing one is such a distant memory that I honestly can't remember the last JRPG I actually beat that I hadn't beaten at some point in my youth (I.E.: Final Fantasy IV doesn't count; FTR, I think my last one was Dragon's Quest IV for the DS, and before that, fucking Suikoden V, which was almost seven years ago at this point). My backlog has become so legendary that I have set up writing assignments around it. It's ironic because the ubiquity of affordable video gaming, and at least a decent amount of disposable income - not bad for an unmarried man in his mid-30s who is responsible for his mother's health - mean I own thousands - THOUSANDS - of games, and virtually every system I've bought throughout my life, but don't get to play them the way I would want to. Now, some of the greatest games of all time - Bravely Default, Ys Celceta, Tales of Graces F - sit on my shelf *UNPLAYED*; I haven't had the time to devote to them.

My point in this is that this is just your natural progression. Your priorities are changing as you age. This will continue, in all aspects of life, in and outside of gaming. Just don't start playing Candy fuckin' Crush, and we're cool. :P

Can do. I'll never go for the puzzle games... >.>

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PEOPLE change. I'm not much younger than Superbus, and I'm still a huge fan of SRPGs/JRPGs. I don't see an end in sight, and I'm happy. There's nothing wrong with your interests moving elsewhere!

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PEOPLE change. I'm not much younger than Superbus, and I'm still a huge fan of SRPGs/JRPGs. I don't see an end in sight, and I'm happy. There's nothing wrong with your interests moving elsewhere!

That's the thing. Without the video games influence/distracting me, I'm finding myself a bit down.

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That's the thing. Without the video games influence/distracting me, I'm finding myself a bit down.

If you're not gaming, what are you doing in your free time?

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Sitting here, sulking, when I really should be finding something more productive to do. I don't understand why I don't have the drive to enjoy things, anymore.

Hmmm. . .if you can't think of anything TO do, you can try one of three things:

1. Try something new and different~!

2. Think of something that you're meh about doing, then think of something that you should be doing, but would rather not.

3. Something else!

If in doubt, start cleaning. Something. Anything.

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Hmmm. . .if you can't think of anything TO do, you can try one of three things:

1. Try something new and different~!

2. Think of something that you're meh about doing, then think of something that you should be doing, but would rather not.

3. Something else!

If in doubt, start cleaning. Something. Anything.

2 applies to me so much, and it's... usually about cleaning. But it makes my back hurt so I quit some ways in.

Seriously, though, it sounds like TC's problem is that he's tired of what games he has, rather than being tired of them as a whole(seen it happen before), just gotta get more diverse in your options, then once you've tried everything there is and there's no hope, then your interests may lie elsewhere... but for now... he should nap or clean something.

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You do not finding desire to play any videogames anymore because you grow out of it, no because you grow up. Leaving behind old hobbies and find interested in new ones are normal for anyone, at any age. I know plenty of old, mature guys who still have a slot for gaming in their life and stick with it until they kick the bucket. However, find no enjoy in doing things (not only playing game) anymore is totally unrelated to growing up. The last time I have that kind of feeling is when I hit my puberty.

Edited by Char
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Sitting here, sulking, when I really should be finding something more productive to do. I don't understand why I don't have the drive to enjoy things, anymore.

That's not a gaming problem, that's a "intimidated to try new things" problem. You've said yourself you're more social than you used to be. I'm going to guess you're late-teens, early 20s. Just... do things. Go for drives. You're still figuring things out, so do what you can, while you have the time and ability, to do just that. Make some mistakes.

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That's not a gaming problem, that's a "intimidated to try new things" problem. You've said yourself you're more social than you used to be. I'm going to guess you're late-teens, early 20s. Just... do things. Go for drives. You're still figuring things out, so do what you can, while you have the time and ability, to do just that. Make some mistakes.

according to his page, he's only 15. but you and eclipse are right, i feel. do something that's new for you, roy. everyone could use a change of pace every now and again.

also, superbus, bravely default is pretty amazing. whenever you can get around to it, i suggest it taking precedence over the rest of your backlog.

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I suppose doing what seems appropriate at that moment will work better for me. The gaming may come naturally again that way. And yes, I am only 15. But thank you. I feel more comfortable where I'm heading now.

Heh. Happened when I was 12 too.

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I suppose doing what seems appropriate at that moment will work better for me. The gaming may come naturally again that way. And yes, I am only 15. But thank you. I feel more comfortable where I'm heading now.

Oh my God, you have no fucking idea. Everything you love and hate will change probably five times before you graduate high school. Enjoy it.

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Oh my God, you have no fucking idea. Everything you love and hate will change probably five times before you graduate high school. Enjoy it.

This is very true. And sometimes, just sometimes, the love/hate thing goes full circle and you come to terms with it and you love it all over again without irony.

As for topic, gaming waxes and wanes with me as well. Right now, im in the No Console Zone. Which means i very rarely play my consoles and havent upgraded to the latest gen and probably wont for some time. The gaming i am doing is on my 3DS which is more convenient anyway. You may find it harder to sit and dump a lot of time into console/PC games when yer older. Like you gotta plan that shit out... I may go back into the Console Zone later this year for all i know. Hell, i might wind up with a PS3 or some crazy crap.

So yeah, its just a thing. People just sorta change and do whatever. OP, whats going on with you is perfectly normal.

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