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Favorite Stage/Character Theme

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So I return from my hibernation of not studying and taking midterms, with a question.

What are your favorite musical selections from the Fire Emblem series (hacks included)? Feel free to list as many as you like, as well as elaborate WHY you like them.

For myself.. I'll only select a few.

1. Fire Emblem 7: Dragon's Gate II - I love everything about this theme. It's epic, depressing, and so dark yet at the same time it feels so hopeful through all that. And once you overcome all of the Morphs just to see Nergal and read his description (an avaricious fiend.. Nice!), and finally put him down for all that he's done, it all just comes together. It definitely sets the tone for a war torn army ready for peace.

2. Fire Emblem 7: Rise to the Challenge - I absolutely adore this theme. Hearing it for the first time against Lundgren felt so.. Right. An angry yet stoic Sacean nomad taking revenge against her spiteful Uncle all for the love of her land and people? Count me in! I always send Kent, Sain, then Lyn to finish him off. I wouldn't have it any other way.

3. Fire Emblem 7: Serra's Theme (I forgot the actual title) [i just noticed all my selections are from the same game.. Oh well, sue me.]- Goofy, yet you just can't help but smile when it plays during her annoying supports/conversations. Perfectly suits her! I'll end my list here for brevity's sake.

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FE9: Lion King Caineghis gives me chills every time, and Burning Ambition (Ashnard's theme, I think?) goes so well with every cutscene it appears in. With that said, Power-hungry Fool is still the best of the bunch, just because it fits Oliver so well.

FE7: Hector's theme is definitely one of my favorites, and the three that you've mentioned are up there as well. Softly with Grace and Darkness Comes (late-game enemy phase theme) are also some of my favorites, but the best in my mind is the Bern Theme. It's the exact same as the Bern theme from FE6, but with better instrumentation; what's not to love?

FE4: Arvis battle theme > all.

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Eternal Bond/Ike's Theme from RD is my favorite game music ever! It's just FREAKING EPIC! <3

Second would be Beautiful Princess Elincia and Queen Elincia. It's just gorgeous and fits her perfectly. :3

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Stage Themes:

3. Leaf (FE5)

It's a heroic theme for those who refuse to yield even in the face of certain doom.

2. Underground Labyrinth (Tear Ring Saga)

Just to be clear, the version from the official TRS soundtrack that we have here does not compare to the one used in the actual game. The actual one is just as chilling as the dragons that this theme accompanies.

This is the version I mean: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfGq_NLzJKg

1. A Hero's Destiny (FE11)

A truly beautiful theme, telling from the dark times of the continent. A darkness that is about to be cast away by the brave people opposing it but that nevertheless will many lives until then.

It also arranges the original FE stage theme. And it sounds truly glorious in this track. This is probably my favorite FE track, period.

Character Themes:

3. Sorrowful Prince Pelleas (FE10)

Sad and regal. A perfect fit for the well intentioned prince of Daein.

2. Queen Elincia (FE10)

This song gains it power from the way it contrasts with the upbeat version of her theme from the prequel.

1. Ashera The Creator (FE10)

This song that starts like an arrangement from the "Goddess of Dawn" theme. (Of course that song is either an arrangement of many themes or is arranged in tons of other themes. I can't quite put my finger on it.)

But while that one sounds divine, peaceful and serene, this one sounds cold and gets more and more disturbed as the song keeps going. It sounds wrong. Like something went really, really, really badly of the rails.

It truly goes under the skin.

Edited by BrightBow
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Fire Emblem 6: For the Commanders (The track during the Western Isles maps)

Path of Radiance: Congregation of Ambition (The track for the last few maps)

Awakening: Don't Speak Her Name (The track for that one map after Emmeryn dies)

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Stage themes:

1. Don't Speak Her Name(FE13)

Even though Emmeryn's Paralogue and Awakening poor plot kinda lessened the impact of Emmeryn's sacrifice on subsequent playthrough, even now I can't help but get teary eyed when I reach chapter 10 and this music starts.

2. Eternal Bonds(FE10)

Not much to say other than I found really fitting on the maps it was played, especially Part 3's endgame.

3. Echoes of Daybreak(FE10)

The first map theme you hear in the game that fits the Dawn Brigade pretty well IMO andI really like the atmosphere it sets up.

Character themes:

1. Zelgius the Brave(FE10)

While this theme plays at a variety of time, I always associate it to the scene where Zelgius talks to Elincia after Valtome's leaves(maybe because it was the only time where I heard the whole piece). The song starts with a really intimidating brass section accompanied by strings and a march beat that really suits Zelgius status as Begnion's greatest general. Then the strings start playing a more sinister line before going into an intense passage and finally returning to the sinister strings line. Overall, I feel like it really drove home the desperate situation most of the countries were in at this point in the game.

2.Sorrowful Prince Pelleas(FE10)

Just a beautiful and tragic theme that really impersonates Pelleas struggles in the later part of the game.

3. Empress Sanaki(FE10)

The overall instrumentation and melody really strikes me as appropriate for the theme of the young Empress of Begnion.

and there's so much more I could add. RD(and PoR) had fantastic character themes.

Boss Battle theme(decided to add this):

1. Wisdom of Ages(FE10)

The songs has a really intimidating start before going into passage where the flute and strings reprise Goldoa's theme, which is more sad than intimidating. Initially, I found it weird for a Boss battle. But after considering the situation and Deghinsea as a character, I really felt like it fit the character.

2. A Grasping Thruth(FE10)

Technically a Stage theme, but since it's the final map of the game and Ashera's pretty much the only relevant enemy. I put it here.

3. Unstoppable Destiny(FE10)

Really fits the Black Knight intimidating and shadowy presence. Hearing this song before the final battle both in PoR and RD meant that you had screwed up and that one of your character would almost certainly have to pay a heavy price.

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