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Who do you think the most popular side character in all of Fire Emblem is?


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As for the topic at hand. . .depends on the crowd you ask.

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There's no point referencing the Fire Emblem: Awakening poll as a comparison to other Fire Emblem games as those numbers are only relative to characters that appear in Awakening. Yes, Tharja and Owain are the most popular characters exclusively to Awakening. I'd be interested in seeing a side character poll of all Fire Emblem games, however there are just so many options.

Directly answering your question however and taking into account both English and Japanese audience (the latter being harder to fully understand for most of us) I'd say...

Soren is probably the leading male, I'd say. I'm pretty sure Camus/Sirius is also popular with both audiences as well, but given that Fire Emblem: Mystery of the New Emblem didn't get an official release, a lot of people missed out on the game, despite there being a great fan translation.

Tharja, of course doesn't come close to the most iconic side character in Fire Emblem, Katria, having insane support and popularity from the Japanese audience and is well-liked by most people I've seen in the English side too. Either way, the pegasus trio is something that'll always continue in Fire Emblem and Katria being the most popular of the original pegasus trio/sisters, her popularity probably won't shake, whilst Tharja's will be overshadowed by future characters.

There's one thing I must say however, Owain and Tharja are popular now, but we can't say for sure . I mean, in the past, I remember there being quite large fanbases for Stefan, Ninian, Ranulf, etc and thogh I'm sure the fans of those characters still like them, it doesn't change the fact that the more recent characters are overshadowing them simply for being more recent. When the next new Fire Emblem game comes out, I'm certain both fans and haters will get over the Owain and Tharja hype and begin liking some side characters from the more recent game, just like it's happened in the past.

I thought side-char supposed to be NPC, then Cervantes comes to mind.

NPC-wise it'd probably be Ishtar or Selena, tbh.

Edited by SlipperySlippy
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Should I note that though it's not accurate, Katria beats Tharja (by almost 100) and Soren beats Owain (by almost 200) fan art-wise on Pixiv. I repeat however, this is not an accurate by any means of measure as there are group pictures featuring them, fanart by the same artist and sometimes an anime character that may share their name, although regardless a majority of the fanart under their name is them.

Edited by SlipperySlippy
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Should I note that though it's not accurate, Katria beats Tharja (by almost 100) and Soren beats Owain (by almost 200) fan art-wise on Pixiv. I repeat however, this is not an accurate by any means of measure as there are group pictures featuring them, fanart by the same artist and sometimes an anime character that may share their name, although regardless a majority of the fanart under their name is them.

Re: Pixiv, Julia blows away every single other Jugdral character by a significant margin, including all the characters that get commonly cited as popular like Ayra and Finn. Ayra and Finn and Seliph and Ced are all plenty popular if you go by art stats, but Julia appears to be the star.

ETA: And I do mean Fire Emblem's Julia specifically and not an aggregate of all characters on Pixiv named "Julia" or "Yulia."

Edited by Cymbalina's Revenge
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Re: Pixiv, Julia blows away every single other Jugdral character by a significant margin, including all the characters that get commonly cited as popular like Ayra and Finn. Ayra and Finn and Seliph and Ced are all plenty popular if you go by art stats, but Julia appears to be the star.

ETA: And I do mean Fire Emblem's Julia specifically and not an aggregate of all characters on Pixiv named "Julia" or "Yulia."

That's pretty interesting, whilst not to be taken too seriously as I said, it's still something that can be looked into. I haven't seen the stats for FE4/5 characters as I never completed the games, but if they have a lot of support already, who knows what'll happen when FE4/5 ever gets a remake.

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The Whitewings must surely be the most popular side characters. They've even been in more games than Marth himself.

They definitely seem to be up there. Sometimes it's hard to guess, though-- when the official poll was taken for FE7, Nino was the most popular character for that game, and she didn't even get a new DLC design for FE13. Then again neither did Sigurd and it seems he has remained quite popular-- though not THE most popular Lord as posters on GameFaqs insist year after year.

I don't know. All the poll data except the recently-released data on Lords specifically is waaaaay out of date, and even then whenever the topic comes up you see that international perception vs polling data in the home market (Japan) just don't match up. Ask international fans and you'll always hear that Ike is super-popular and Roy is the pits, but boy does the data from Japan not agree there.

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Probably Owain, not for any good reasons though.

I can think of plenty more characters that were actually liked for decent non shallow reasons unlike him. See Soren and Cordelia.

I think you could've found a better counter-argument than Cordelia, given the sheer number of people exclaiming over "Tiamo" before they'd ever had a chance to play the game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man that's a tough one... I really have no idea... X_X I guess maybe whoever has almost as much screen time like maybe Merlinus, Seth, Soren, Jagen or Fredrick or Lissa? Still its an unknown variable, everyone's got their favorite so its tough to tell really.

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