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After much struggle I finally got it on youtube.


Like I said before I didn't realize it was recording what I was saying and the sound in general is bad. The end is really funny, or at least to me it is. Also somewhere in there I think I say shit so if you don't want to hear that then don't watch lol.

I tried to watch it, but um, it's a Private video...

Hint: Sanae is weak to bombs. :V


Oh hey Tonton got farther in MoF than I would ever want to.

Wait, what? I can understand not caring much about the rest of MoF after Momiji, but here I was imagining a future Kalas-chan that would start 1ccing all of the Touhou games on Normal Mode and even moving on to Hard/Extra Mode...

My vision of you in the future has just been shattered... :(

I posted that one after I beated Sanae

As a Stage, I found 4 harder than 5, but Sanae was much harder than the previous bosses

In fact, I found Stage 4 so hard, I ended up beating Aya on my first try so desperate I was not caring much for bombs or lives after her third spell. At least i managed to capture her first one

First three Stages are pretty doable with bombs, and 5 except for Sanae

I agree with Stage 4 being tougher than Stage 5, but I personally find Sanae easier than Aya. All of her non-spells are easily manageable if you don't try to stay far away from the bullets. Don't hog the bottom of the screen. You have to move forward and slip between the gaps early on. Trying to run away first will only increase the probability of getting walled.

As for her spells, every single one of them is based on precision. To deal with them, you have to be able to control the exact distance you want to move, by using the slow focused movement. You also need to be very comfortable with bullets moving very close to you as long as they don't hit you. Trying to maximize the distance between your hitbox and the bullets will only get you killed.

Her midboss spell is just dodging between the gaps as the bullets arrive. Her first boss spell involves dodging three different types of bullets, but each of them have wide areas of safety, so you simply have to reactively move to a spot which protects you from the immediate threats, and keep moving. I can see why it would be considered her toughest spell.

Her second boss spell, the Day the Sea Split, could be quite tricky to figure out. The knives she fires are aimed at you, so dodging randomly would send those knives everywhere and kill you. You can stream a bit, by inching slowly towards one side to dodge the bombs, but you'll eventually hit the water. You need to keep restreaming here: move sharply in one direction, so that a knife stream is sent to your final position but not in the space before it, allowing you to slowly move in the opposite direction and stream a bit. Keep repeating this until she dies. The annoying part is that sometimes the water gets close enough that you can't afford to move sharply towards the water. In these situations, you may have to move vertically or diagonally upwards.

Her third boss spell is just slipping between the gaps. The bullets are very slow. The gaps are tiny but as long as you don't see the bullets actually overlapping with each other, then the gap between them will be safe to slip through. It's very easy if you can move so precisely, but impossibly difficult otherwise.

Her final spell is one of the easiest spells in the entire game. Simply stay at the bottom and dodge left/right. You might be afraid of getting walled, but trust me, despite what it looks like, there's actually no chance of getting walled. Just calm down and stay in the gaps, and you'll capture this easily.

I just don't like how bomb spammy you need to be

As RAYKITTY~ said, you don't need to be bomb spammy, but you can be. When I said you could literally bombskip everything that's troublesome absolutely does not imply that you should bombskip everything. But MoF's power-bomb system should make you a lot more comfortable with bombing, and the power-bomb really doesn't penalize you much for bomb spamming.

Also, if you're actually trying to seriously 1cc Touhou games, you're gonna have to deal with that bombphobia of yours. You don't have to go all "I'mma spam bombs to everythin", but taking a stance of "I will refrain from bombing as much as possible" is really not a good idea (unless you're at like, Fera's level of SA where you can actually capture nearly everything in the game confidently). Touhou games give you bombs that would be lost when you die. So make good use of them before you die. I don't think any of us got our first 1cc of any game without bombing.

No fighting.


After this, I'm done with MoF. UFO and TD are all I need since I can play as said boss.

Shouldn't you worry about MoF after you deal with TD? TD is much easier than UFO after all...
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I just want to battle Sanae and be done with MoF for good, since I REALLY don't like Stage 4.

what do you expect from the stage with Youkai Mountain as the bgm?
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