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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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regularly drink lots of caffeine as an occupational hazard

once I drank like

2 cans of monster 1 can of coke and i don't know how much tea at a hackathon in a very short amount of time and I would not recommend doing that

I had the worst headache afterwards

space out your caffeine more

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Caffeine, and I've smoked a bunch. Nothing psychoactive, though. Like how Parrhesia is with weed, I am unreasonably (or perhaps, reasonably) distrustful of psychoactive drugs. Trying to cut back on the nicotine too, but I don't really do it regularly. Maybe like a couple times a year.

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Nope. Nothing, never. I hate drugs with a passion.

you're young. that will most likely change in the future. if it doesn't, then i at least suggest becoming more tolerant of people who decide to do them (if you are intolerant).


alcohol is pretty cool. i don't [get] to drink as often as i'd like during the school year, though (i want to drink like once every two or three weeks).

weed is pretty cool. a couple times a month is the most i'm willing to do. being cross-faded (typically alcohol x weed for those that don't know) is fucking awesome. the best "rush" i've ever felt. you're very happy, excited, and energetic the entire time. and for me at least, there's no "downer" effects when the high falls.

shrooms is the real experience though. even now, i can't really describe what it felt like--the closest i can get is that it felt like an extremely intense buzz. extremely intense. almost overwhelming. and it lasts for like 6 hours, not really dropping in intensity as the night goes on. it was basically impossible to be coherent; i became more and more entranced in my thoughts as time passed, especially after i listened to some pink floyd. (i had to!) you'd close your eyes and the music painted fucking beautiful pictures for you. more than ever, i felt i was able to listen to and grasp the stories that musicians were telling. i listened to quite a bit of stuff after other people got tired and lied in bed and stuff.

before all of that though, my friends and i walked around the forest. the sand felt like quicksand, the dry dirt like mud. we felt stuck to everything. and i thought people were lying or joking when they said that they grew to admire nature much more while tripping, but it's true. you feel almost like you're spiritually attached to everything around you. it was weird. jill bolte taylor describes that feeling pretty well (in a completely different context) in her ted talk. whatever my friend said he was feeling i began to feel too, and vice versa. the other two people we were with were pretty quiet while this was happening, so i'm not sure if they had a similar experience with that.

still bummed i didn't hallucinate. it's why i did it in the first place. i may do it again in the future, but probably not. i would also like to try lsd. other hard drugs (coke, heroin, meth) are a no-go for various family reasons, and i'm not curious about them anyway. club drugs (ecstasy, mollies, etc.) are similar; i'm not drawn towards them at all.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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caffeine like most others in this thread. i used to feel the same way waluigi does towards marijuana in HS, but i've softened my stance on it. my friends occasionally smoke, maybe i might in the future.

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I've wondered about marijuana, and lsd/the like, but am also a huge square and hearing even unsubstantiated claims that they could have long-lasting negative effects (including things that go beyond strictly physical, like a psychological dependence (I already feel like I develop those easily)) can make me yellow enough to reconsider pretty quick. This is partially because I also take psychotropic stuff already and don't have a fantastic family history with them in general, so I'd have even more research to do before I'd feel comfortable taking psychoactive stuff.

Probably repeating myself from some point, but tobacco helped get both me grandads dead before I got to meet them, and my sister quit them after university sometime. Probably a bit biased against em, I'd say

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I have been drunk twice. I have been high more often than I can count (though I don't do it anymore). I've tripped on LSD twice. That's it. Oh and I don't think I've ever had a caffeine buzz...

If pot was legalized for non-medicinal use I might go back to using it occasionally again.

Edited by SeverIan
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even aspirin?

I mean illegal drugs. I need aspirin for migraines, but cigarettes and other drugs ruin lives. Alcohol is fine in moderation. I just don't like people to waste their potential.
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Alcohol and caffeine. Trying to be a little smarter about the former. I don't plan to ever smoke tobacco. I'm okay with most drugs, but I've never gone out of my way to acquire them. I'll probably end up at least trying many of them but it's not something in my immediate plans lol. Most of my friends smoke weed and one is a fervent defender, haha

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I mean illegal drugs. I need aspirin for migraines, but cigarettes and other drugs ruin lives. Alcohol is fine in moderation. I just don't like people to waste their potential.

There are different types of drugs. Carl Sagan smoked marijuana and did LSD. Did he waste his potential? Are people who spend too much time playing videogames wasting their potential? I think you're overlapping issues, anyway.

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There are different types of drugs. Carl Sagan smoked marijuana and did LSD. Did he waste his potential? Are people who spend too much time playing videogames wasting their potential? I think you're overlapping issues, anyway.

Yeah I think I'm thinking too deeply about this. That's just my opinion.
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how do you make a big scene so that it is they and not you that gets embarrassed

like i

literally can't think of how

do you just dack them there and then or some shit

It emberassed both of us, but i don't really care about being emberassed. It's high school, 80% of the people don't care and the rest of 20% I don't care about. But, since it emberasses the other person too I become more trouble than it's worth so they don't try again.

As for the question for today, drugs aren't worth the $$$ for me.

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I mean illegal drugs. I need aspirin for migraines, but cigarettes and other drugs ruin lives. Alcohol is fine in moderation. I just don't like people to waste their potential.

Just about everything is lmao

How old are you? It's understandable if you have that viewpoint if you haven't necessarily been exposed to much

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drugs are bad mkay

I don't know, I just personally have an aversion to drugs for some reason. Not like I hate anyone (immediately) that does them, but when hard drugs like heroin ruin lives that's a big nope in terms of who I associate with personally. I'd imagine that most drug users are not heroin, crystal meth etc junkies, though. Having to deal with someone who abused crystal meth might have soured my outlook.

pot culture is just stupid though

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my problem with pot is not the drug, rather the people i know irl that use it. they make it their whole personality. i know people on the internet that have smoked marijuana, and they seem fine. why cant i meet people like them? .-.

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my problem with pot is not the drug, rather the people i know irl that use it. they make it their whole personality. i know people on the internet that have smoked marijuana, and they seem fine. why cant i meet people like them? .-.

probably because most people use pot and don't need to make it known

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