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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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like you say 'all your friends' are online, not even just people you have massive platonic erections for

this is something you should legitimately do something about

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but why

Because the satisfaction he gets from knowing me satiates any desire he has to even acknowledge anyone else!

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I have really high standards

also how are online friends any less genuine than "real life" friends?

i value my online friends more than (most of) my real life friends but that's irrelevant because 'not liking people irl' is called being a loser shut-in and it's not healthy

EDIT: note that this statement is 100% distinct from "i don't happen to have any irl close friends"

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Well yes, but you get what we mean, right? I suppose i could say people that i've seen their physical bodies with my own two eyes instead, but irl is shorter :/

he's mostly kidding I assume


are you seriously pulling the whole "I have more friends than you hahaha" card?

I don't think he really meant to mock you to begin with, I think he just meant the way you said that sounds like a bleak way to look at things

I mean it's one thing if you're disenchanted with the people you know in particular, because whatever it's not uncommon to grow up in ponds you don't really feel comfortable in, but it's easy to hear "people IRL" and think you mean "every person ye shall ever see enter your life with yer own eyes," which is honestly getting into cause-for-concern territory

I have a fair share of people I like and enjoy the company of, met through/on the internet and off, but I'm bad at balancing being an introvert at the moment*, having something approximating pathological social anxiety, and just being a lazy fuck who's bad at making efforts to reach out (and who also has 400 steam games to play through in the meantime with which to procrastinate interaction)**, so only a couple of those have I so much as talked with 1 to 1 (and even of those I've been bad at checking in with and with going farther, srry :{ )

*(which isn't inherently a bad or even antisocial thing, given introvert vs extrovert just means "needs/expends energy being around others" vs "acquires energy from being around others"; you can be noticeably charismatic, enjoy other people and be around them often and yet be an introvert, or be shy and have difficulties putting yourself out there and yet be an extrovert, it's just about what leaves you tired versus energized, etc etc)

**(which are all somewhat less not-bad things)

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i value my online friends more than (most of) my real life friends but that's irrelevant because 'not liking people irl' is called being a loser shut-in and it's not healthy

Actually, I'm not sure that you have to be a shut-in to be a misanthropist.

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I have really high standards

I'll probably make more "real-life" friends when (or if) I go to university/get a job

i have no idea where you are so it may just be that you think so differently from everyone else, but if it's not...

if you do wish to make friends outside the internet, i'd bet your standards are too high (whatever your standards are). if you try to hold people to what you want them to be, all that does is push them away.

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or did you mean wii bowling?

you know it

I actually did go bowling with friends the other day and I don't think any of us managed to get 100+ points. I did get a strike though.

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i have no idea where you are so it may just be that you think so differently from everyone else, but if it's not...

if you do wish to make friends outside the internet, i'd bet your standards are too high (whatever your standards are). if you try to hold people to what you want them to be, all that does is push them away.

Standards for people is a thing? Am i just crazy? Am i the only sane fucking person in this forum?

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