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Nicknames Thread


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So, being a noob here at Serenes Forest forums, I was extremely confused by the amount of nicknames there are, especially in the chat. So, I want to make this thread so us noobs don't get confused. Submit your nicknames below. The lists are in alphabetical order.

Username to Nickname

Alm: Ash, Phantom

Blyvern: MasterKeeper
Cryst Lyrical: Arch, Archie, Lyr Aqua, TSSGA, Umi, Umiko, Vap, Vappy, Zo
Crimsonrider: Aksel, Max, Maxoln
Freoher Datia: Katie
Frosty Fire Mage: Nathan
Mango Sentinel: Flan, Poly

Lord Shu: Anna
Railgun: Proto
Saethori: Terra
Soulreaper: Den, Dennis
The-Mage-King: Ian, Mage
The Boss: Soul

Zerker: Anna

Nickname to Username

Aksel: Crimsonrider

Anna: Lord Shu/Zerker
Arch: Cryst Lyrical
Archie: Cryst Lyrical
Ash: Alm
Den: Soulreaper
Dennis: Soulreaper
Flan: Mango Sentinel
Ian: The-Mage-King
Katie: Freoher Datia
Lyr Aqua: Cryst Lyrical
Mage: The-Mage-King

MasterKeeper: Blyvern
Max: Crimsonrider
Maxoln: Crimsonrider
Nathan: Frosty Fire Mage
Phantom: Alm
Poly: Mango Sentinel
Proto: Railgun
Soul: The Boss
Terra: Saethori
TSSGA: Cryst Lyrical
Umi: Cryst Lyrical
Umiko: Cryst Lyrical
Vap: Cryst Lyrical
Vappy: Cryst Lyrical
Zo: Cryst Lyrical

Edited by NutOfDeath
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Then there's no point in you posting here at all~



I don't often go by much else really x3

Other names I don't get called very often are Flareohr or Katie? Buuuuuuut for the most part to me at least I'm just Freohr!

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Then there's no point in you posting here at all~



I don't often go by much else really x3

Other names I don't get called very often are Flareohr or Katie? Buuuuuuut for the most part to me at least I'm just Freohr!

weren't you once called agnaktor or something?

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To add to the list, I am also called Soul, or Den(n)yan. Extensions like Dennissama also occur, but less frequently

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