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What is a good reason to deny alcohol?


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It's alright, I never do. Like I said, it's not that I feel preassured into drinking. I'm just looking for a "reasonable"/valid reason if someone happens to be persistent about it. It happened in another case, when a guy at school wanted me to date this girl I had no interest in and I had to give out an explanation as to why I am not interested in relationships.

IMO, that's stupid. Not you, but the fact that some people feel the need to demand an explanation from you. Maybe it's just me, but "Go fuck yourself, that's why," would be an appropriate response if they keep hassling you about it. Now that's if they keep pressing the issue, but if it's simply them being curious and something like "I'm just not interested," is enough, then the other response would be an overreaction.

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You know, how people say things tend to be all right, when in moderation? A friend of mine has sometimes (very few times, he's not persistent and respects my decision) offered me some booze when he and another friend brought over. I don't drink, by the way. But my friend said that beer has very low amounts of alcohol for it to be harmful, but my answer was/is still no, because I consider myself a healthy person, but apparently, it could just be a moot point that parents (and myself) really put on us.

To be honest, I'm seriously not interested in even trying it. Same goes with drugs, even if moderation is assumed...I just, don't. And yes, I may very well be biased because of what we're told, when we're young. But is it wrong, to do what I do? I don't think there's a need to try things out, before you reject them, but I feel it's all right to reject some things (like drugs).

You know, I'm glad you mention this. Because when I was on study abroad in Europe, EVERYONE drank, to varying amounts of course. I wouldn't take a sip, and most of them were like 'oh come on, one tiny bit isn't going to hurt you' and 'you've never tried it before' and stuff like that. I just laughed it off, but honestly? I don't really care if one tiny bit isn't going to hurt me or if I've never tried it, I just don't see that there's any point. It smells awful enough, I'm sure it doesn't taste any better. And it doesn't do you any good whatsoever, IMO (although wine does have medicinal benefits in small quantities). At any rate, as of now, I don't need that stuff at all.

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If someone doesn't honor a simple "no thanks" they're probably assholes and not worth hanging out around

It is your choice to not drink and any reason is a valid reason

Just don't come off judgmental/condescending about other people's choices and if they're worth hanging around in the first place they'll understand


The fact that you plainly just don't want to drink should be good enough reason.

ALso this. If someone cant handle you just saying "nah", they need to go and stay go.

You dont need to drink if you dont wanna. No need to even make up an excuse.

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I'm impressed by the answers and general logic here. If you're looking for more reasons to convince yourself (which you aren't but I want an excuse to show off medical knowledge), then I can tell you safely that health-wise it's not worth it. Alcohol doesn't mesh well with any disease state. Diabetes? It'll exacerbate low blood sugar problems. High cholesterol? It increases your triglyceride levels, which isn't terrible but not a good thing by any stretch of imagination. Blood pressure? Elevated by alcohol in the short term, at least. May confer mild cardio-protective effect in low doses but screw that. Taking any medications, even over-the-counter products for pain? Alcohol interacts with a lot of them. Hepatotoxicity? Oh lawd, the liver damage caused by alcohol is maximum, and trust me when I say you need your liver long-term. If you have liver damage and then try to take any medications, it really screws with the effective dose that you're getting.

For myself, whenever someone asks why I don't drink I usually respond that since I haven't started and there's so many negative consequences (personal and financial on top of the health ones I listed off), there's no reason to start and risk getting addicted. I have no inclination to it now, so it's just good decision making to avoid it, since there's too many ways for it to bite me in the butt with too little pay-off. Mind you, I'm only gonna explain that to a sober friend.

But obv you don't need any more reasons for yourself, so in the interests of actually answering your question:

If someone doesn't honor a simple "no thanks" they're probably assholes and not worth hanging out around

It is your choice to not drink and any reason is a valid reason

Just don't come off judgmental/condescending about other people's choices and if they're worth hanging around in the first place they'll understand

Mans got it in one.

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i, among other people i know, actually have a fear of being intoxicated/around people who are intoxicated. i just don't like what it does to people, or what people can do influenced by it (among many other reasons i'm sure i don't have to list), and i don't feel safe around that sort of thing. it's probably irrational, but i just don't like it.

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Hepatotoxicity? Oh lawd, the liver damage caused by alcohol is maximum, and trust me when I say you need your liver long-term.

only in chronic alcoholism.

i think it's quite important to be rational when it comes to alcohol. the knee-jerk reaction that i'm seeing is something along the lines of "i don't drink alcohol because it's BAD for you and it tastes BAD and it's BAD for the wallet."

all of which hint at the truth: if you choose to drink alcohol, you have to know when to stop, otherwise it really is bad on multiple levels. but to use such a generalization with such certainty is misleading; some types of alcohol taste good to certain people (i'm partial to cider and i find the burning sensation of hard liquor to be rather refreshing), and one drink every now and then, excepting underlying disease states or medications, will not do you long-term harm, and will not make any notable impact on your wallet provided that you already have the disposable income to spend on other things, like video games and restaurant foods. the physiological effect is well worth it.

if you abstain for religious reasons or due to a family history of addiction, then that's probably what you should keep doing.

EDIT: some examples to clarify what i mean by a knee-jerk reaction:

That, and I find the long term effects (addiction, health problems, consuming a lot of money from dug/alcohol purchases) in no way whatsoever justify the short term effects.

here's a conception that having an alcoholic drink will lead to deleterious long term effects. this is not true, though some people are more susceptible to addiction than others.

I wouldn't take a sip, and most of them were like 'oh come on, one tiny bit isn't going to hurt you' and 'you've never tried it before' and stuff like that. I just laughed it off, but honestly? I don't really care if one tiny bit isn't going to hurt me or if I've never tried it, I just don't see that there's any point. It smells awful enough, I'm sure it doesn't taste any better. And it doesn't do you any good whatsoever, IMO (although wine does have medicinal benefits in small quantities).

so there are a few problems here. you can apply this argument selectively (there's no "point" to drinking alcohol) to any number of consumable items, so it's not a hard-and-fast reason to abstain from anything (seeing as how there's no "point" to eating tofu, steak, broccoli, etc. when there are alternatives to obtain the same nutrition). i also disagree that alcohol doesn't do one any "good," since it's quite obvious that humans enjoy seeking pleasure in various forms and various amounts of alcohol amplify that sensation of pleasure.

the take-home point here is that you don't need a reason to choose to abstain from alcohol. though if you do want to give a reason, i'd expect a better one than "i don't drink alcohol because alcohol is BAD."

Edited by dondon151
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to add, a really cool "trick" you can use to get pushy people to fuck off is carry around a red/blue/whatever cup with water/chaser in it and every time someone asks you to "have a drink," you can promptly respond, "i have one!" of course, as it's been said already, 80-95% of people aren't going to be pushy about it.

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I would personally look into your family history, and see if you guys have a track record for having problems with alcohol. I know me and my Dad, who used to be a violent drunk in the past (until shortly after he converted to Christianity and married my Mom, both of which convicted him to stop drinking), had a family where many of us had problems with alcohol. This, sadly, included even my own brother, who was ALSO a violent drunk (though thankfully, that's gotten better, ESPECIALLY since he got married...good thing too, he's too good of a brother to be replaced by someone so full of wrath).

So that's the reason that neither me nor my Dad ever want to drink, even though the Bible seems to say that it's ok (Jesus drank wine, as did Noah, Solomon, and several other important people)...that said, I would also be careful around anything that's super concentrated.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Everytime I tried to drink something like beer or whatever it tasted horrible. Reason enough to not try anything again. The only exception so far has been red wine, but yeah, I drank that once. A single glass.

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"Only lies have detail." Stand your ground without an explanation. "Not interested" ought to cut it. Reasons are for if they press the matter or ask about it at another time.

Edit: Since you said 'if they are persistent' I probably didn't answer your question. Sorry.

Try saying something like, "Do you really want me to get into it?" If they say yes, lay it all on the table as calmly as possible. Explain how you feel and leave it at that. You do not need to try to convince them of your points. Reasons like "it's unattractive to me" will offend the person making the offer, so avoid those unless necessary.

Edited by Makaze
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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with people here that you shouldn't have to have a reason, but I still have reasons myself.

There's nothing wrong with having a glass of wine during Thanksgiving or something, as long as you can cleanse the alcohol out of your body by drinking water and exercising. However, alcohol does damage your brain overtime, hurts your liver, and I'm too young to drink to begin with. I've never had someone close die or anything from alcohol, but both my grandparents on my dad's side died from smoking, which is why I'm 100% against smoking in particular.

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I do want to agree with what dondon said. There's nothing wrong with not drinking alcohol, but alcohol in moderation isn't super harmful, and drinking it doesn't necessarily mean you're getting sloppy drunk. I can have a beer with dinner, be perfectly sober, and enjoy the taste of it. I personally love the taste of scotch and irish whiskey.

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Also, beer is quite bad for you. A generic 12 fl oz can of beer has 153 calories. By comparison, a can of coke of the same size has 141. Light beer helps, but bud light still has 110 calories for the same size. Also, let me relate an anecdote that happened to my grandfather. He was at a party that had whiskey, and declined when it was offered. Someone pointed out that "It's an acquired taste", to which he replied "Why would I want to acquire a taste for something I don't like that's bad for me?" The same can be said for all alcoholic beverages.

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1) you don't need a reason to not drink. Just politely refuse a drink or something. If theyre being pushy (which ive never seen, really) just say "i just dont want it man, stop being a dick" or something, just dont give em a fucking lecture of why their life choices are bad

I remember offering to go out and have a drink with you once, so i apologise if that made you uncomfortable

2) getting drunk once in a while does not mean you are a fucking alcoholic and you people need to stop being so anal about it. "Why would i drink something that WILL FUCKING KILL ME AND RUIN EVERYONE ELSES LUVES" jesus christ chill

3) tastes differ by person

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Well I'm pretty much a goodie two shoes most of the time and I hadn't done either up until about a year ago and I'm glad that I went and did it but I can safely say with the upmost certinty that its not for me. If you don't want to do it then don't. The people who truly care about you will understand. And if they don't? You don't need those kinds of people. Hope this helps!

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Oh also, while you might be more prone to saying/doing stupid shit while drunk, you shouldnt really lose all control. At least thats been the case in my experience. Ive somehow avoided coming out in the awkward post party couch sessions, and even when blacked out the stupidest shit ive done is threaten someone with karate. I dont know karate.

Actually. Thats not the stupidest shit ive done blacked out. Drink in moderation.

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