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how did the forum become like this?

Blue Knight

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If you try to avoid the Super Smash Bros. section and FFtF, you'll see that the forest isn't that insane. :/

Problem is you can't escape them. They'll hunt you down and before you know it, you're getting raped by the rofl copters of FFtF and the Ikes and Marths of the Smash Bros section.

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Bianchi rubs off on you after a while.

Especially when you're rubbing against her

I think you just made my day.

Yep, you did. Definitely.

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Yeah, it started getting insane right about when Bianchi joined.

But would these forums be as fun without her?

Let's face it, Bianchi made these forums really great. I mean for the atmosphere. Vincent actually made it.

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I just had the scariest thought anyone has ever had. EVER.

What is Bianchi like when she's drunk if she's like that when she's sober?

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I just had the scariest thought anyone has ever had. EVER.

What is Bianchi like when she's drunk if she's like that when she's sober?

You know, I have a hard time thinking that Bianchi acts the way she does on here IRL all the time. Maybe she only acts like this IRL when she's drunk and can't stop the two sides from mixing.

...Or, maybe she really is completely insane, in which case I would not want to be around her if she's drunk.

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