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Post your RNG screwed and RNG blessed units here...


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Only the main game counts, without excessive grinding...you will eventually max them out if you have the time and patience..

Granted, this was on Hard/Classic, only weak units like Donnel and some of the children required a little grinding.

This was on this playthough alone, in other runs those units had better times..

RNG screwed

-Cordelia (can't find a reason for this)

-Lissa (despite being the primary healer of my group, who gets the most XP, she still falls behind..)

-Miriel (For some reason my game hates mages..)

-Stahl (when compared to Sully at least)

-Vaike (So much for being this...at least hes a good support)

-Tharja (Dark mages are not exempt..Henry is a different story)

-Lon'qu (he ended up having not enough Str...being unable to do any real damage is not nice at all)

-Morgan/Linfan (another mage...WTF? Maybe I should reclass..)

RNG blessed

-Donnel (to be fair he is designed for this so this may not count)

-Kellam (Armor knight ninjas..nuff said.)

-Noire (Being fathered by Kellam might help)

Did you have any RNG screwed or blessed units? Then post here..

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Mages are generally one of the best unit types in FE13 irrc. It's weird that yours did so poorly considering that.

Generally, my Miriels and Nahs do best. Also Lissa. Worst unit is Tharja... her Luck makes me sad considering that's my favorite stat...

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RNG screwed for me? Sully and Virion, primarily. Stahl and Frederick always outdid Sully in everything except speed. Literally. Stahl, however, got really really speed screwed, but he's still useable because of dayum, dat strength and defense, and being Cordelia's hubby.

Virion just got screwed in everything except skill. Especially defense. 12 DEFENSE at lv. 6 Bow Knight?! Ugh.

My Avatar also got res and defense screwed, because her defense is supposed to be her worst stat, yet she had lower resistance for the longest time. Both stats hardly grew at all though. Damn defense flaw. I didn't think these stats would end up being THIS low. And I've promoted and reclassed her. She still doesn't have more than 20 def or res.

Blessed? I could say Frederick, but I kinda forced it, so it doesn't count. XD Otherwise, I can't think of anyone that got blessed.

Edited by Anacybele
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Chrom- ive had a Chrom that had like 10 more skl than str/spd before promotion. Good times.

Sumia- never gets STR or DEF for me. Has made me rage the most in playthroughs with her levels.

Vaike- used him once...ONCE. (he was spd screwed beyond redemption)

Miriel- 27 hp 7 def in chapter 21 as a Sage. Good times.

Gregor- always gets hp skl levels.

Libra- sometimes hes amazing for me but there are some times where hes almost at base when he gets Renewal...

Sully- hp skl lck levels. Nothing else.

Morgan- dont know why, but he always gets really screwed for me.

Maribelle- awful levels and see Miriel.

Avatar- ive had a lot of really awful avatars.


Cordelia- gets mostly really great levels for me.

Say'ri- Maybe her growths are actually crazy or something. But I find that whenever I use her, she gets some mad good levels.

Stahl- gets his average Spd for me and his Str/Def are humongous. I've had a few that were just outright blessed though.

Frederick- have had a few that got really good levels followed by more good levels.

Lucina- veteran might have to do with it. I don't know If theyre blessed, but goddamn, Lucina has been my MVP in a few Lunatic runs now.

Cynthia- the one time I used her, she had better everything than her mom.

Severa- must be the Stahl genes.

Cherche- does really well for me. Sometimes doesnt get much def as Griffon but shes still solid.

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Only the main game counts, without excessive grinding...you will eventually max them out if you have the time and patience..

Granted, this was on Hard/Classic, only weak units like Donnel and some of the children required a little grinding.

This was on this playthough alone, in other runs those units had better times..

RNG screwed

-Cordelia (can't find a reason for this)

-Lissa (despite being the primary healer of my group, who gets the most XP, she still falls behind..)

-Miriel (For some reason my game hates mages..)

-Stahl (when compared to Sully at least)

-Vaike (So much for being this...at least hes a good support)

-Tharja (Dark mages are not exempt..Henry is a different story)

-Lon'qu (he ended up having not enough Str...being unable to do any real damage is not nice at all)

-Morgan/Linfan (another mage...WTF? Maybe I should reclass..)

RNG blessed

-Donnel (to be fair he is designed for this so this may not count)

-Kellam (Armor knight ninjas..nuff said.)

-Noire (Being fathered by Kellam might help)

Did you have any RNG screwed or blessed units? Then post here..

If you got bad luck with your level ups, you should forge weapons, use items or make good supports to equalize weaknesses. For example: A slow unit should support a fast unit (myrmidon, thief, peg. knight), a physical weak unit should support with a physical strong unit (fighter, knight). I recommend in general to use the children, because they have better base stats for their levels and better growths than their parents. All the children are great WITHOUT an exception.

Mages are generally one of the best unit types in FE13 irrc. It's weird that yours did so poorly considering that.

Generally, my Miriels and Nahs do best. Also Lissa. Worst unit is Tharja... her Luck makes me sad considering that's my favorite stat...

Dark mages have bad luck in general. Give her a support with a cleric or fast unit (myrmidon, thief) or use goddes icons to raise her dodge rate.


Chrom- ive had a Chrom that had like 10 more skl than str/spd before promotion. Good times.

Sumia- never gets STR or DEF for me. Has made me rage the most in playthroughs with her levels.

Vaike- used him once...ONCE. (he was spd screwed beyond redemption)

Miriel- 27 hp 7 def in chapter 21 as a Sage. Good times.

Gregor- always gets hp skl levels.

Libra- sometimes hes amazing for me but there are some times where hes almost at base when he gets Renewal...

Sully- hp skl lck levels. Nothing else.

Morgan- dont know why, but he always gets really screwed for me.

Maribelle- awful levels and see Miriel.

Avatar- ive had a lot of really awful avatars.


Cordelia- gets mostly really great levels for me.

Say'ri- Maybe her growths are actually crazy or something. But I find that whenever I use her, she gets some mad good levels.

Stahl- gets his average Spd for me and his Str/Def are humongous. I've had a few that were just outright blessed though.

Frederick- have had a few that got really good levels followed by more good levels.

Lucina- veteran might have to do with it. I don't know If theyre blessed, but goddamn, Lucina has been my MVP in a few Lunatic runs now.

Cynthia- the one time I used her, she had better everything than her mom.

Severa- must be the Stahl genes.

Cherche- does really well for me. Sometimes doesnt get much def as Griffon but shes still solid.

All the children got better base stats and growths than their parents.

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Cav 20 -> Paladin 20 -> GK

Lunatic nogrind

actual goddess

(most of these were capped a couple levels ago but I went through the children/spotpass prologues)

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I was refering to units that are prone to bad levelups in one playthough. They still remain good as supports.

Yep, children will eventually become better than their parents but they require quite a lot level grinding to eventually surpass their parents and the parents are sufficient for the main game (Apo is not planned for that playthough, I still have to figure up proper pairings). Think them as a bunch of Ests (Unless you got one child whose parents are overleveled or Morgan).

Forging weapons is too expensive without DLC IMHO. Unless AT kicks in which only Donnel can use reliably in the main game.

Maybe it ended up being like this because I do not like to grind levels. And no Level ups were rigged during this process (its on classic where battle saves are disabled)

And my Morgan got better, just a bad first impression.

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My Morgan's worse than Sully (same run) after 20 Tact/15+GM/15+Paladin/4GK even with the juiced up MU-induced bases

I don't think he likes me :c

His sister did much better though

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Cav 20 -> Paladin 20 -> GK

Lunatic nogrind

actual goddess

(most of these were capped a couple levels ago but I went through the children/spotpass prologues)

I wish my Sullies behave like that lol. Usually when I use her she just gets a bunch of HP Skl Lck levels and i eventually bench her.

Dat Sully looks like how Cordelia usually does for me.

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For the majority of the main game (past earlygame) Sully was able to outtank MU despite MU having Sol and Sully having no regen whatsoever.

I remember going up against Yen'Fay freaking out about his speed then when I actually got to him, laughed at the 3dmg 47hit he had against Sully.


Also Chrom tends to get no strength

It's a good thing Lucina tends to take after the mom no matter who her mom is

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Notable Blessings:



[At that point, only the Boss could damage Takeru, and by damage, I mean "Hit for 1". Also, with the exception of THAT Merc, every enemy had Hawkeye and no Luna+.... that was my first "load" [i bookmark backed up like a crazy fool.]]

Notable Cursings:

On my first Playthru, I did Sumia's supports with MU.

After viewing their S, I reset.

From that point on, Sumia refused to get stat points almost entirely, leading to her eventual benching.

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My Sumias were always blesses. It was incredible, I've played this game over 20 times, and every time Sumia had good (or at least decent) STR and DEF, being better than Cordelia almost every run.

My Sullys also tend to be really good.

Edited by Nobody
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Characters who I always seem to have ridiculous luck with:

-Sumia. Probably waifu bias, but I can never seem to get a truly "bad" Sumia.

-Gaius. Sure, I tend to reclass him at least once before promoing him (usually to Fighter because his pre-established Sword rank makes him an ideal Hero from Fighter), but even before that point, I usually tend to get a good amount of Strength/Defense on him.

-Sully. If I ever use her, she's probably gaining 4-6 points per level up in all the major stats.

-Lon'qu. Miniskirt power and all that.

-Olivia. I usually pump a bunch of stat-boosters into her upon joining, but then she can kinda snowball and gain an asston of Strength before I reclass her into a Peg Knight (rarely does she actually Myrm it up).

And those who almost always get hosed:

-Maribelle pre-reclass. I never seem to get good levels with her. Part of it may be due to shit bases, but still.

-Virion. Specifically, he usually lags in either Strength or Speed. I have ended up with one or two really good Virions, but... not many.

-Kellam. lolArmours.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I did once have Sully(paladin) and Tharja(General.. Don't ask) paired up with either C or no support. Lyn activates Astra and Tharja dual guards all of the attacks. Immediately afterwards Lucina and Chrom get attacked Astra is activated and Chrom dual guards all five times.

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My first time through my Virion was totally strength screwed. I didn't mind it too much considering his speed and skill were through the roof so I guess I got RNG screwed and blessed at the same time? :S Miriel got nothing but resistance and vaike got nothing but strength pretty much my first time through as well. Everyone is a lot better now but my god... that first run... :/

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Oh thats nice to know. So if DS activates on an astra and you have a brave you attack 10 times!?

For all intents and purposes, the game counts a maximum of 4 "actual attacks".

So if you block an "actual" attack that has Astra skill activated, you block all 5 "attacks" of the "actual attack".


There were two "actual attacks" from the enemy Olivia... the first being a Lethality, and then an Astra.

For the game's purposes, there were only two actual Dual Guards in a row... not the illusion of 6.

It's the same for Dual Attack (Japanese)/Dual Strikes (English). Once the "actual attack" is finished, your pair up partner attacks once (twice if brave weapon).

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Hard Mode(No Grind) (By ch22) The skills that they have will tell what reclasses that they went through earlier in the game as you do have time to reclass them once with no grind.

Her defense is quite satisfactory for her averge low Def.
Fair enough. Though he could have had better Res as both Def and Res are 30%
Magnificent. Just Magnificent. Reclassing him to a Sniper for awhile gave him this blessed speed in the end.
Always awesome! :D
Average for a Sumia+Chrom pairing.
Weird that his Str is maxed in a Sorcerer class. Especially since it's 10% less with Aptitude.
Always a recommended pairing for her as Dragonstones are incredibly hard to come by without spotpass/dlc. Perfect for a great Str and Defensive modifiers. A little lower than average with her good Def mod. But...nobody's perfect.
This is what I like. He's supposed to have bad Def and Str. But he'd make a great Magic user in the end with his good Mag mod. So...average.
His bad Speed is what's a letdown. But who cares when he can tank well averagely against Physical attackers. Mediocre unit, but I like him. Alot. :3
I'd say pretty good in the average department.
Didn't raise her much. But she hit her average.
Soo...Nah got a little screwed.
Morgan got blessed with a useless stat Str.
Chrom got blessed in Speed.
Lissa got blessed in Speed.
I wish the average tables would get finished soon. But...this is best that I can absolutely explain my screwages and averages in one of my 5 runs.


Cav 20 -> Paladin 20 -> GK

Lunatic nogrind

actual goddess

(most of these were capped a couple levels ago but I went through the children/spotpass prologues)

You sir, are god!

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Those images are messed up.

From the video.

This was in a run I did sometime ago. ;/

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