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Important postgame weapons?


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Try to list a few of these. The main problem is that few of them require some luck to obtain.

If you can obtain them from somewhere (DLC?) tell us.

I give a try

-Brave weapons for it's ability to strike twice. Even better when forged.

-Celicas Gale and Waste, tomes that attack twice. Again better when forged

-Breaker weapons (+50% hit and avoid for that weapon type)

-Legendary 1-2 range weapons? (you cannot forge these though)

-On this subject, the Ragnell that is the only ranged physical sword in the game that is usable by everyone?

-That one ranged axe that is effective against fliers. Dunno it's name..

-Forged Hammers and Beastslayers?

-Fortify staves. Main issue is the difficulty of obtaining these.

And since forging is expensive, where can I get quick gold for that?

Edited by Marc71
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All legendary weapons can be obtained via the DLC map Infinite Regalia, which gives you a certain amount of them each time you play through (I don't quite recall how many). If you have/can afford that map, you just replay it over and over until you get the weapons you want.

As for money grinding, the DLC map Golden Gaffe is more or less the same. If you don't have DLC and don't want to get it, you can only get one of each legendary weapon, and you want to use Leif's Swords with someone who's got a high Luck stat (I usually use Donny since MU's flaw is Luck) to grind for money.

I'm not sure where to get Fortify staves.

Also, I think the general consensus is that Brave-type weapons are always considered the best. Personally, I like to change it up and throw in some of the other things you mention as well, depending on the scenario.

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Celica's Gale is gotten from Bonus Box->Bonus Teams->Gaiden->Celica

A Forge for it costs 18060 gold.

All Brave Weapons can be bought from Chapter 25 Shop.

Superiors suck.

Legendaries... mostly suck. Double Bow and Valflame are basically the only ones worth using. And to that, it's use Double Bow when you need to Range 3 an enemy, and stick Valflame on Staffbots. Range 1-2 Legendaries like Helswath and Ragnell have limited application, since you can, for almost all cases throw a Sage or a well positioned Sniper down to do the job of pulling foes. It's rare that you'd really need them.

Volant Axe kinda sucks. If you're needing Effective vs. Flier that gets around Aegis, put a Bow user in the support position.

Hammers and Beastslayers kinda suck, Effectives aren't that good,

Fortify is just expensive.

Bonus Box -> Bonus Teams -> Sacred Stones ->L'arachel.

Bonus Box -> Bonus Teams -> Path of Radiance -> Ike.

Bonus Box -> Bonus Teams -> Thracia -> Saias

Are the sellers.

As far as gold goes: For all things, there's Golden Gaffe.

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-On this subject, the Ragnell that is the only ranged physical sword in the game that is usable by everyone?

Well, there is Amatsu, but that's usable only by SMs. So if by "everyone" you mean "every sword using class", then yeah.

-That one ranged axe that is effective against fliers. Dunno it's name..

Volant Axe kinda stinks, though.

And since forging is expensive, where can I get quick gold for that?

Golden Gaffe as far as I know. Units with Despoil and Leif's Blade can help with that map.

Edited by Just call me Al
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Is there a resource anywhere on SF that lists where you can buy rare items from that aren't on any of the map shops-- like Mire, for instance (Gharnef in this case)?

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It doesn't exist as far as I can tell.

It exists but it sucks.

Weaker than the Steel Bow, 10 use, and only 55 Hit, and only hits once.

Like I said, if you need a way to ninja Aegis, you're best off with Brave Weapons with Support Unit bearing the Bow.

Is there a resource anywhere on SF that lists where you can buy rare items from that aren't on any of the map shops-- like Mire, for instance (Gharnef in this case)?

Here. Edited by Airship Canon
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Okay..are physical 1-2 ranged weapons any good? For that matter, are 1-2 ranged weapons any useful in the postgame (other than celicas gale)? With proper abuse of Galeforce and Rescue...I dunno.

And about waste, how should I forge that (due its poor hit rate)? Main issue with waste is being a dark tome and mire sucks IMO (very low damage and poor hit rate that cannot be forged)

For that matter, is a shadowgift sage!morgan any good or should I get a third-gen sage!morgan instead?

otherwise Forging by itself should be straightforward. +5 to Mt, +15 to Hitrate, rite?

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Try to list a few of these. The main problem is that few of them require some luck to obtain.

If you can obtain them from somewhere (DLC?) tell us.

I give a try

-Brave weapons for it's ability to strike twice. Even better when forged.

-Celicas Gale and Waste, tomes that attack twice. Again better when forged

-Breaker weapons (+50% hit and avoid for that weapon type)

-Legendary 1-2 range weapons? (you cannot forge these though)

-On this subject, the Ragnell that is the only ranged physical sword in the game that is usable by everyone?

-That one ranged axe that is effective against fliers. Dunno it's name..

-Forged Hammers and Beastslayers?

-Fortify staves. Main issue is the difficulty of obtaining these.

And since forging is expensive, where can I get quick gold for that?

Waste kinda stinks, I wouldn't run it even if I had Sorcerers. Other than that, the Volant Axe, as stated earlier, is pretty bad, and I don't really have much else to say.

Okay..are physical 1-2 ranged weapons any good? For that matter, are 1-2 ranged weapons any useful in the postgame (other than celicas gale)? With proper abuse of Galeforce and Rescue...I dunno.

And about waste, how should I forge that (due its poor hit rate)? Main issue with waste is being a dark tome and mire sucks IMO (very low damage and poor hit rate that cannot be forged)

For that matter, is a shadowgift sage!morgan any good or should I get a third-gen sage!morgan instead?

otherwise Forging by itself should be straightforward. +5 to Mt, +15 to Hitrate, rite?

Shadowgift isn't worth it, for all the hassle you have to go through to get it on Morgan...

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Shadowgift / Waste / Mire is/are a fun gimmick if you're into that sort of thing (which I totally am LOL).

But yeah, for practical purposes it's not great unless you can get some kind of acc boost skills on there as well.

/has contributed basically nothing with this post OTL

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Shadowgift's main problems are that you need to forego another skill and you get a not so good Avatar/Morgan pair out of it, and it's benefits are extremely limited. The only really notable dark tomes are Nosferatu/Aversa's Night, Waste and Mire. AN is potentially useful if you really need to tank, but you rarely do in postgame. Waste has a small case for it, if you have reliable hit rates as it's damage will beat out Celica's Gale slightly, but in practice the massive loss of hit would make it not worth it. Mire is the most useful tome because it lets you chip down enemies from a distance if/when you really need to but can't reach them, plus it gives you an option to trade up to the front if you want to avoid countering. The latter point is kinda cute but not really relevant (again, offence is more important in postgame, you rarely actually get attacked). The former can actually be useful, except the damage output will usually not be great thanks to no Dual Strikes and no skills. So it really is just a little chip damage. Could be useful against e.g. the Berserkers in Apo S4+5 but... not great.

The costs to getting it are pretty high. Marrying Aversa has the huge downside of giving you a female Morgan and having a male Avatar, which are both big issues (the first means Morgan can't marry Lucina, the latter means Avatar can't get Galeforce). And as said it takes up a skill slot. There's plenty of skill combos you could run which don't need all 5 slots, but it limits your options. And to get the benefits of any of these weapons, you need to have said weapon actually on your Morgan, meaning fewer slots for things like more Celica's Gales.

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Could be useful against e.g. the Berserkers in Apo S4+5 but... not great.

If you're in a context where tanking them isn't feasible...

Here's a look. [This was something I poked for the no limit/rally/agg run]

DLC!Micaiah @Sage with SG, All+2, Mag+2, Tomefaire

MAG: 50 +2[A2]+2[M2]+2[Tonic]+5[TF]+7[sage Pair]

...68 MAG +10 [Mire] +2 [WRB]: 80

Thronie RES: 55+3: 58

80-58: 22/2[Dragonskin]: 11/2[Aegis+]: 5

It's something, but when countered against Ike dishing 11s...

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It exists but it sucks.

Weaker than the Steel Bow, 10 use, and only 55 Hit, and only hits once.

The SF page says it has 60 Hit and 30 uses...

Ragnell/Helswath can be useful any time you're grinding for skills, especially if you have AT. That's not Apo, but it is a use.

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The SF page says it has 60 Hit and 30 uses...

Ragnell/Helswath can be useful any time you're grinding for skills, especially if you have AT. That's not Apo, but it is a use.


If so, that's a site error.

They [The Volant Axes] suck.

Latter point is not much, since you can easily grind skills with normal weapons. [Carry a Levin for Swordlock].

Edited by Airship Canon
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Oh, sorry. He edited the part of his post you quoted so I thought you were talking about Amatsu.

Volant Axes can be used to make a post-Cht.4 Lunatic clear of LB3 (before doing anything else) feasible. Otherwise, they're pretty useless, and since that's such a nice situation they might as well have no use.

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I actually find Volant Axes to be pretty good in-game. 10 uses and random pickups make them obviously unreliable and short lived, but 8 might/55 hit is comparable to Short Axes, and being effective vs. fliers is generally nice. The hit rate can be an issue, but you'll still normally have a solid hit rate (no flying classes use swords after all, and between supports, pair ups/other skill boosts and WTA/rank bonus you'll probably be fine).

Postgame they're worthless, of course. But in game, they're a decent pickup.

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Mire would never be good in Apotheosis, but was always good in any other stage.

Sorc (AT,LB,Gale,VV or AGG+TF) Mire,AN

FK (AT,LB,Gale,Mov+1,Deliverer) Gradius,Rescue

DF (AT,LB,Gale,Shadowgift,Deliverer) Mire,CG

are the canon buildings for LTC.

But unfortunately, even you have 3 Shadowgifts in Movement 11, you cannot 1-turn The Golden Gaffe by AI-moving, without a manual rescue.

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