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Spoilers, why was Largo turned to stone but not his adopted daughter?

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Maybe they didn't want to fight for a continent of people who had constantly treated them like trash. If I were in their shoes I'd be saying "Good riddance," not "Let's help them, everyone!"

This isn't even taking into consideration that many of them are likely not battle-ready like Stefan is.

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True. But, the area Micaiah finds Stefan is right under the sand they're battling on. And since Stefan lives with the branded, shouldn't they hear all the war noise nearby?

Just because Stefan was near the battle zone doesn't mean the rest were. He probably is the only one living close enough or just happened to be wandering the area.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Just because Stefan was near the battle and the rest of them weren't doesn't mean he can't go get the rest because some goddess wants everyone dead, in particular the one who is implied to have been the one to make the laguz and beorc may not be shipped rule. Regardless of whether or not the rest of the branded hate everyone else, going goddess hunting is definitely something they would want to do, because it's in their simplest interest to do so.

Another point, FE9 explicitly establishes that branded, while rare, are integrated into beorc society (micaiah, soren, petrine, burger king etc), so if cute little branded girl isn't stoned because she's branded, that would apply to all the other branded as well. Which is strange because no one ever sees them while travelling around.

Then there's also the issue of the merchants not getting turned to grey matter when A) clearly not warrior material B) not branded so what it all seems to boil down to is artistic license overriding consistency to keep players guessing (and possibly for a sequel hook)

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As previously said, the other Branded may not be combatants.

Branded are not very common in beorc societies, so that's a plausible reason for them not being seen traveling around.

It's explained that the power of the SS ranked tomes protected the shopkeepers in all likelihood.

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From what I remember, somewhat after the Galdr was sung, it gets brought up that no one present in the building got petrified. Perhaps that helped too, if they happened to be inside it as well.

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It's explained that the power of the SS ranked tomes protected the shopkeepers in all likelihood.

Is this for real? I don't remember that. I was under the impression it was Yune who kept their group from being petrified.
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Ah, after reading the base conversation it appears that being in the building prevented people from being petrified:

Jorge: Good morning, Queen Elincia.
Elincia: Oh. Good morning, Jorge. It looks to be a pleasant day, doesn't it?
Jorge: Indeed. And a splendid morning is the best time to present a queen with
a fine gift.
Elincia: Oh, Jorge... Your kind thoughts are enough. You and Daniel have
worked so hard to supply our army. If you have something for me, please let me
pay you for it.
Daniel: Even under these circumstances, Queen Elincia, you always try to be
good to us. That's why we wanted to give you a gift. It's a token of our
Elincia: Daniel...
Daniel: We'll take payment for everything else. But please, take this one item
without any protests. It's our pleasure.
Jorge: Please, Queen Elincia! We insist.
Elincia: Very well. I suppose it would be quite rude of me to not accept it.
Jorge: Wonderful!
Daniel: Here it is. Please use it with our compliments.
Elincia: Oh... This is a fire tome.
Daniel: Yes. It's a very valuable one.
Elincia: So I can see. I am not a mage, but I feel great power from this tome.
Jorge: Daniel and I happened to be in that building when there was the big
flash of light. That's how we escaped being turned to stone. But you avoided
it because you were one of the chosen.

Daniel: But we still want to help you. We can collect weapons to help you in
Jorge: Please, save the people who were turned to stone.
Daniel: Please give us the world we used to have.
Elincia: I promise you I will do my utmost. I'll work toward it with
everything I have. Together, we can accomplish anything.

The tome thing probably came from that being part of the conversation

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Everyone else pretty much summed it up. But the reason that the Branded were not affected at all in the first place is because neither Ashera nor Yune knew they existed or even COULD exist. Yune had to explain to her that beorc and laguz could indeed breed with each other, it's just that laguz wind up with the short end of the stick from it. They lose their laguz abilities and become neither beorc nor laguz. It's also stated that if the mother is the laguz parent, she loses her abilities during pregnancy (this was the case with Almedha), but if the father is the laguz parent, he doesn't lose his abilities until the child is born (what happened to Lehran/Sephiran).

Edited by Anacybele
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The enemy at the time was the Disciples of Order. Ashera's blessing made them way more powerful then the average soldiers that were fought until then. While their blessings are noted to be not on the same level as the ones of Ragnel and BK's armor, ordinary people probably aren't a match for them even if they could fight.

Edited by BrightBow
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Not wanting to help the world, even if it treated them horribly, is a pretty mad reason. Not only does it mean the de-facto end of the Beorc and Laguz, but an end to the Branded as well (population bottleneck). Anyways...

Largo wasn't that strong or special to begin with. In PoR he's just another berserker who happens to be married to Calill. In RD he's not even that. He's crippled (seriously, why didn't they just make it that he wants to look after his daughter and keep her safe?). As for why the branded in the desert didn't help, they probably couldn't help. You have the player characters on one side who were all strong enough to resist and the people chosen on the other to continue fighting. That's a pretty high baseline to be combat-capable.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ashera didnt turn Amy to stone because like Yune, didn't know Laguz and Beorc could have children. Or the fact that there were such children at the time of her judgement. That is why the branded were spared. As to why Largo was turned to stone was basically because he only had one arm. Its assumed if he still had both he wouldn't have been turned to stone.

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Of course the "real world" explanation is probably something like IS forgot Largo existed when they started programming the characters in to the game, and it was only near the end of RD's development that they realised Largo had been left out. So they gave him a single appearance in the game's story as some kind of consolation (or to stop any possible Largo fans hassling them about his non-appearance).

Although, to be fair to IS, I don't find Largo to be all that memorable either.

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Of course the "real world" explanation is probably something like IS forgot Largo existed when they started programming the characters in to the game, and it was only near the end of RD's development that they realised Largo had been left out. So they gave him a single appearance in the game's story as some kind of consolation (or to stop any possible Largo fans hassling them about his non-appearance).

Although, to be fair to IS, I don't find Largo to be all that memorable either.

More likely I'd say it's because they removed the Berserker class, and for whatever reason didn't want to reclass him to a Warrior, even though they're pretty similar to Berserker's in FE10 what with no bows (bowguns but whatever), a crit bonus and similar stats/build.

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