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So what will be the fate of Plegia?(spoilers)


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Not only has Plegia lost both of it's kings, both caused terrible war damage. Its obvious at this point that the country can't be trusted to govern on its own. Shouldn't Ylisse or Regna Ferox rule the country like Beginion did to Daein in Radiant Dawn?

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I don't really think Gangrel and Validar are a good representation of the average Plegian. I believe Validar only took control because he was leader of their main religion and I have a feeling their number will shrink a little after Validar fed a lot of people to a dragon.

I don't see any reason why Plegia couldn't be fine on its own if they receive some outside aid to help with the damage their nation had received in the last wars.

Edited by Sasori
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Judging by Chrom's "Get the job done, get out." track record, it's unlikely Ylisse will get involved.

Ferox might, but in most case it's getting treated like it did the first time.

There is the unlikely case that Robin takes the throne [which is assured to happen with Gangrel/F!Robin], but outside of that one case, is highly unlikely.

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Well, Plegia's fate isn't mentioned in anyone's ending. Not even in Gangrel's who is the only person who showed some concern for it. And his ending says that whatever he did, he didn't life for long. So even he tried to handle things, he couldn't really have done a lot.

With all that in mind, I guess that the country is left to fend for itself after Ferox takes what's left of it's resources. This will result in the usual stuff that happens in Fire Emblem games in these situations. Bandits and Risen will burn and plunder without much resistance except for individual towns who manage to organize a proper militia like Fiana pulled it off. But generally life will suck for them. Those who survive will maybe eventually start another war or try to revive another Earth Dragon.

Edited by BrightBow
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I always wondered that, too.

My guess is that 1) the Avatar character attempts to take the throne and lead Plegia, since he/she is technically the next heir for Plegia's crown, or 2) Gangrel attempts to give it another shot (though his ending apparently refutes that, and the citizenry probably wouldn't remember him too fondly anyway).

Either way, I like to think that Chrom learned something from all this and thought to follow Emmeryn's example of sowing relations of peace between the nations by having Ylisse assist in helping Plegia rebuild. But who can say, really?

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I don't think ALL the Plegians were sacrificed to Grima there; there had to be some non-religious, non-Grimleal that were still around. Maybe Chapter 23 is a convenient way of wiping out any Grimleal that'd make trouble for peace and rebuilding after Grima is defeated. *shrug*

Edited by BANRYU
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Damn. That is... bleak.

What about Tharja and Henry?

In a country with so few redeeming qualities, I doubt the devs had any serious intentions for a happy future, at least.

I don't think ALL the Plegians were sacrificed to Grima there; there had to be some non-religious, non-Grimleal that were still around. Maybe Chapter 23 is a convenient way of wiping out any Grimleal that'd make trouble for peace and rebuilding after Grima is defeated. *shrug*

Well, maybe there were before Validar, but his attitude toward Chrom in cht.21 makes me think that the first thing he'd do after coming to power is either execute nonbelievers and turn them into Risen, or brainwash them somehow and turn them into Grimleal (he did it with Aversa, after all, and the Plegians in Cht.22 aren't normal).

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In a country with so few redeeming qualities, I doubt the devs had any serious intentions for a happy future, at least.

Few redeeming qualities? Like them siding with Chrom against their King despite said King threatening their lives and families? Yeah, those Plegians are douches to defy the villain, alright.

Edited by BrightBow
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They probably just all died because they're "so evil omg!!!!!"despite the fact that chrom's dad did the exact same thing they did except worse. I'm pretty sure they went bankrupt because they lost a war, were completely ignored for 2 years, paid for ylisse's boats and stuff, and then lost another war.

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