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Error Problem with FEditor.

Orange Scarlet

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I will try to be as absolutely clear as I can with my explanation of my problem.

I have been practicing eventing as of lately and I decided to try practicing with FEditor some. I have used FEditor in the past with no problem but for some reason i'm getting some bullshit error message and I can't use it. The FEditor will work when I use it on a clean rom but once I add in the events with the Event Assembler and try to open up the rom in FEditor I get this.


Just for the record when I enter in the events into the game and I got the map and everything the game is perfectly playable and the assembler doesn't give me any errors or anything. But it seems that the events I put into the hack are what's causing the FEditor to not work.

I asked a couple other people who have experience with hacking and they told me they have never seen this problem before and couldn't figure out what was wrong with it.

If anyone has experienced this before I would really appreciate the help. Thanks in advanced.

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It appears that you've got your ROM open in more than one program. This might happen if you, say, had it open in Sappy, or made a change in HxD and didn't save it, etc., etc. Is FEditor the only program you have open or do you tend to keep multiple programs open at once?

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"Agro" 01000190 is the offset for my events. My map data ends right before that. Anyway I know my map data wasn't overwritten because like I mentioned before the rom plays perfectly fine and the events I added in there run just fine.

"Matt Snow" Honestly I don't believe getting a new rom will do anything at all. I mentioned in the first post just in case you missed it that the clean rom itself runs just fine in the FEditor. But right when I add my events in I get that error message. But in regards to the first thing you asked me to do I made sure everything was closed and retried it. Still the same error message.

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Try to think about this logically. If FEditor stops working once you insert your events, what could be wrong? Probably your events. In which case we will need to see your events.

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Try to think about this logically. If FEditor stops working once you insert your events, what could be wrong? Probably your events. In which case we will need to see your events.

Honestly you just got beaten to that. I knew it had to be something wrong with my events so my friend took a look at it and compared it to his own events. He managed to figure it out so I shouldn't have any problems with this now. Thank you though for the assistance I really appreciate it.

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Honestly it's a little difficult to explain. I guess the way I wrote out my Macro's and such were different from how I was supposed to and that was what was causing the problem. It's just confusing and there is no easy way for me to explain it. He gave me an event script for a hack he was working on so I could use it as a reference to how I should write out stuff.

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so post the scripts...?


Well I guess i'll post the script I was using but I don't have permission to post his.

//Made by markyjoe1990 of Youtube
//Modified by Nintenlord
#include EAstdlib.event
ORG 0x1000190
POIN Turn_events
POIN Character_events
POIN Location_events
POIN Misc_events
POIN TrapData TrapData
POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad
POIN Good Good Good Good
POIN Opening_event Ending_event
UNIT Batta Berserker 0x00 Level(10,Enemy,True) [8, 2] [8, 2] [KillerAxe, Elixir] [0]
UNIT Lyn LynLord 0x00 Level(5,Ally,True) [3, 12] [3, 13] [ManiKatti, Vulnerary] [0]
UNIT Hector HectorLord 0x00 Level(5,Ally,True) [3, 12] [4, 12] [WolfBeil, Vulnerary] [0]
UNIT Eliwood EliwoodLord 0x00 Level(5,Ally,True) [3, 12] [2, 12] [Rapier, Vulnerary] [0]
TURN 0x00 TheGuys [0x01,0x00] 0x00 0x00
TURN 0x00 GoWhereISay [0x01,0x00] 0x08 0x00
TURN 0x00 Reinforcments [0x02,0x00] 0x00 0x00
LOU1 Good
LOU1 Bad
MOVE Batta [10, 3]
MUS1 0x0024
LOU1 NewGuys
FADI 0x04
BACG 0x02
TEX1 0x800
FADU 0x04
UNIT Jaffar Assassin 0x00 Level(20,Ally,True) [18, 0] [16, 2] [KillingEdge] [0]
UNIT Ninian Dancer 0x00 Level(20,Ally,True) [19, 0] [17, 2] [Elixir] [0]
MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
//The map for this chapter is at offset: ????????
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