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Have your opinion of awakeing changed?


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The story might be a bit lackluster compared to older titles but as a piece of entertainment, it's pretty solid.

Love it or Hate it, the game still managed to save the Fire Emblem franchise, so people should at least credit it for that.

at the risk of sounding like a broken record, i'll give it credit for that provided it doesn't become waifu simulator: hurt feelings edition

and to that one person, well crap i didn't about it like that, guess that's not a positive...

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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I regret nothing.

...but yes, having all of the DLC totaling twice the value of the game kinda sucks.

And you have like, the Japanese version and the English version. Plus the capture card thinger and stuff....


That's kind of the point.


Sure is.

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Actually, you can press Start and skip it all the story. :KnollRoll:

... you'r right... I stand corrected

The story might be a bit lackluster compared to older titles but as a piece of entertainment, it's pretty solid.

Love it or Hate it, the game still managed to save the Fire Emblem franchise, so people should at least credit it for that.

I will give it credit when I know this won't be the new formula cause it brings money.

If I quote myself:

I really hope your right, that they are going to change it up to keep it fresh like they've always done, and not simply take the "well if we repeat this we know it'll sell" route... I hope you know what I mean...

Honestly, if the next game is gonna be a close copy of awakening witha crappy story and (for me at least) uninteresting characters, I don't think I'll keep with this series.

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My opinion of it, having played through it once last year: good.

My opinion of it, having played through it a couple more times since then: still good.

It's a fun strategy game that almost feels limitless. I'm constantly coming up with new ways to beat it on Hard and Lunatic. I haven't gotten around to caring about Lunatic+, though.

Edited by Inference
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And you have like, the Japanese version and the English version. Plus the capture card thinger and stuff....


Two Japanese 3DS. So yes, two sets of DLC that cost twice the game.

And I can use it! I got the game for free from club Nintendo. Three copies of the game.

...and every single Awakening merchandise known to man. Official or unofficial. Barring the figures and figmas. I have no interest in them.

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Two Japanese 3DS. So yes, two sets of DLC that cost twice the game.

And I can use it! I got the game for free from club Nintendo. Three copies of the game.

...and every single Awakening merchandise known to man. Official or unofficial. Barring the figures and figmas. I have no interest in them.

...Wow. That's impressive. Look at you, Mr. Disposable Income.

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Two Japanese 3DS. So yes, two sets of DLC that cost twice the game.

And I can use it! I got the game for free from club Nintendo. Three copies of the game.

...and every single Awakening merchandise known to man. Official or unofficial. Barring the figures and figmas. I have no interest in them.

You cray cray Rey Rey! :P: Thats so much money...

At least one of the copies of the game was free...

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I loved and still love FE13. I've played every NA-localized FE game (plus some of the fan-translated FE12), and imo 13 is one of the best. The story wasn't the greatest, but the writing was superb and the characters were extremely charming, even if they weren't the deepest (as if FE characters ever are...). I'm not the type to tier characters and plan an entire run move-by-move using stat averages and such, so the gameplay was more than challenging and engaging enough for me. I also appreciated that pretty much every character was usable in some way, rather than most FE games where there's a roster of 70 characters but only 20 are viable, with no in-game indication of which ones have passable growths. The mission objectives could have used some variety, and the maps were pretty mediocre, but none of it was what I would consider bad by FE standards. Beat the heck out of FE11.

And despite the fact that people here have apparently come to hate the "waifu simulator" I actually really enjoyed that aspect. Weird as it was, it gave me something more to talk about when discussing the game with friends. We all got to compare not only our teams, but also the couples in our teams and the children they produced. The customization was practically limitless, and there's a lot of strategy to it. And it has made the game far more replayable for me. I've come up with dozens of possible themed playthroughs because of the relationship mechanics. It's been a while since I've played Awakening (Pokemon ate my soul), but I know I'll go back to enjoy it some more.

Edited by Ragnell
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I don't think my opinion of Awakening has really changed much since I first beat the game, and I've beaten the game 5 times now (3 on my physical copy, 2 on my digital version). The lack of story was a disappointment to me from the very start and I still feel the same way about it now. I do think the gameplay is pretty solid and the DLC was a nice touch; though I think the DLC could have been handled a bit better.

I've played every game in the series from start to finish aside from FE2 (which I'll finish at some point), and I feel like Awakening is only sub par by FE standards. I'm really hoping that the next FE game doesn't suffer from all of Awakening's fault and that the game we get is far more interesting. I would love a remake of FE4 though.

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Posted · Hidden by Florete, June 10, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, June 10, 2014 - No reason given

I loved the supports, the characters, gameplay and dlc!

Even though i never got any further then hard casual, i still am in love with this game, and as i played like 40 times through the story, i startet loving it even more!

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Posted · Hidden by Florete, June 10, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, June 10, 2014 - No reason given

Way better than Chrom x Female Avatar, I can give it that much.

̶B̶u̶t̶ ̶M̶a̶l̶e̶ ̶a̶v̶a̶t̶a̶r̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶C̶h̶r̶o̶m̶'̶s̶ ̶b̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶i̶f̶u̶

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