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Your greatest tactical blunders?


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There are times when playing Fire Emblem that an otherwise valid plan goes awry due to pure rotten luck, be it the enemy popping a low chance crit, or you missing and them hitting with 85%/20% hit rates respectively. Other times, the game pulls a move you just weren't anticipating, like instant-action enemy reinforcements in the worst possible place.

And then there are the times you just make a straight up hash of your turn with really bad calls on what you make your units do. It could be that you placed characters in combat range without checking the chances they'd actually survive those conflicts, overlooking enemy units in places that completely uproot the formation you just made, or (And this happens to me embarrassingly often) you can just outright forget to have a unit do something really important and end your turn. In the end, the predictable results of a really bad play fall through, and you likely end up resetting.

Anyone have any notable times they made a really bad call on their turn, and thus cost them either a unit (or units) or caused them to fail the map outright? I made a doozy of a bad play in PoR recently. I was on chapter 19, and only paying vague attention to the Crow Laguz units mulling around the bottom right of the map. Of course, they eventually transform, and having not paid them any mind, I left Rhys and Mist right out in the wide open, in their attack range. Needless to say I'm short two healers now. On the bright side, Soren promoted after the map, and two new positions opened up in my party for those who been on bench warming duty.

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I am playing FE10 the sequel on hard mode currently. And I have much pain, because the RNG screws me over. Many of my units died, because the enemies hit me often with 20-30s%, so I had to restart over and over. Mia was criited to death two times in a row by the same sniper with a killer bow, who only got a hitrate of 35%. The she was killed by a swordmaster, who got a hitrate of 33%.

But in this game and in this difficulty you have to play risky, because opponents are really tough.

The best thing was in a different file, when a long bow sniper critted on my units with a hitrate of 20% and critrate of 3%.

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I forget about units often when working with two groups, but the worst was in EHM Chapter 19 when I forgot to have Lowen and Rebecca kill the southern Pegasi. They swarmed Rebecca and killed her.

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On my first playthrough of FE7 I had trouble beating Kenneth's chapter (whichever number it was)... I only got through it by sacrificing my main man, Canas, to the hordes of (at the time seeemingly) endless foes. @~@ He was one of my strongest only good units then, too. I've always regretted that one.

I think my all-time biggest blunder, though, was leaving all three of my lords underlevelled for the final boss in that playthrough. Needless to say, the final level was impossible for me with them all as weak as they were, and I completely started over. I improved a lot after that...

Edited by BANRYU
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I wouldn't say it was my greatest tactical blunder, but this is most definitely up there.

What made this one of the greatest mistakes on this Ironman run was that I could have prevented the game over easily and still gotten a good turn count if I had just not been greedy and went ahead and used a stronger weapon so that even if Marcus did get critted which he did btw... ><" , Lyn could have finished off Zoldam with little to no risk at all.

It's safe to say that I don't play that risky anymore on that chapter for Ironman runs, since I don't wanna lose Marcus again...

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I recall a particular FE7 playthrough where I had Lucius attack the Fire Dragon, ignoring that fact that the dragon does 37 defense-piercing damage and Lucius had exactly 37 HP... The only time I've finished a FE game without everyone alive.

I almost did the same thing w/ Lute vs. Formortiis in FE8, but Lute decided to dodge at just the right moment. I really have to pay more attention.

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