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What DLC is the best?


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Is it really bad that i have Apotheosis but have never played that map? <,<

The only DLC i dont have is the Challenge pack and i dont see much of a need for those.

Omg, All Stats +2 is gr9, hang the haters. Its a part of my Uber Libra build.

Yeah, that's another thing I forgot to mention: Lots of first-gen units (all but Sumia and Avatar) can't put together a proper postgame skillset and have plenty of room for it (actually, both Avatar and Sumia can use it too).

I wouldn't say it has haters so much as underestimators.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Limit breaker and Dread Fighter is must. Paragon and Bride are next. +2 Stats and DLC characters (Get Seliph. Male Galeforce = OP).

I also concur that the artists of DLC Ike, Micaiah, Elincia and Celica should be fired.

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Limit breaker and Dread Fighter is must. Paragon and Bride are next. +2 Stats and DLC characters (Get Seliph. Male Galeforce = OP).

I also concur that the artists of DLC Ike, Micaiah, Elincia and Celica should be fired.

They're guest artists. So they were "fired" right after they did the art.

Dread Fighter not so much. Well it depends on what your priorities are.

Paragon + Lost Bloodlines 3 map makes grinding a breeze once your units are only getting 8 exp per kill from their internal levels.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Limit breaker and Dread Fighter is must. Paragon and Bride are next. +2 Stats and DLC characters (Get Seliph. Male Galeforce = OP).

I also concur that the artists of DLC Ike, Micaiah, Elincia and Celica should be fired.

Celica's was awesome though.

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They're guest artists. So they were "fired" right after they did the art.

Dread Fighter not so much. Well it depends on what your priorities are.

Paragon + Lost Bloodlines 3 map makes grinding a breeze once your units are only getting 8 exp per kill from their internal levels.

Yeah im trying to build Breaker Virion and he needs Paragon real bad. It helps that LB3 isnt that difficult. (the legendary weapons can be a bit much at times if yer guys are still a bit in scrub mode so beware.)

Yeah, that's another thing I forgot to mention: Lots of first-gen units (all but Sumia and Avatar) can't put together a proper postgame skillset and have plenty of room for it (actually, both Avatar and Sumia can use it too).

I wouldn't say it has haters so much as underestimators.

Strange is that a lot of first gen units like Panne, Fred, Virion, Nowi, Sully. etc can go for a defensive post-game skill set but not that great of an offense one. Something i noticed when really messing around with my first gen guys. (i usually just grind em for breeding and then bench em) Having an edge like AS+2 or DF for Aggressor is nice.

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You can't use DLC Celica on StreetPass unless you're playing Japanese game. That makes her RFK meaningless.

And unlike Shadowgifts and Male Galeforces, ordinary Mag+4 Female Galeforces don't make any improvement on LTC strategy except Apotheosis NM/SR's. But you have 8 Mag+4s and 3 Male Galeforces in SpotPass for free.

Oh sorry, off topic.

For the art, there're already a bunch of people have said that she's Lolica.

Edited by MelonGx
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Some other ways to look at what All+2 can do:

-It effectively makes LB 1.2 times as potent.

-It stacks with other +2 skills, providing +4 boosts in Str/Mag/Skl/Spd if you need them. That's a whole 2% of DS rate when on both units, and if you've tried to get 100% DS without DS+ you know how huge that is.

-Everyone can learn it, and it's very easy to farm and can be obtained very early on.

-It's the only skill with actual distribution that boosts Lck (AT and Despoil).

-Since dedicated support units usually don't have anything better to do (LB, Faire, Skl+2, Str/Mag+2, filler) it has high potential for finding a slot on a postgame team.

-It can be equipped midbattle if you have a spare skillslot and haven't learned it before, which is extremely helpful for things like getting Inigo his kills on Lunatic+.

Since no one but Est, Olivia, Pr.Marth(Spotpass), Eirika(DLC), Serra, and Amelia can get Luck+4. Useful for Miracle as you don't know how useful that skill really is on harder difficulties.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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You can't use DLC Celica on StreetPass unless you're playing Japanese game. That makes her RFK meaningless.

And unlike Shadowgifts and Male Galeforces, ordinary Mag+4 Female Galeforces don't make any improvement on LTC strategy except Apotheosis NM/SR's. But you have 8 Mag+4s and 3 Male Galeforces in SpotPass for free.

Streetpass me IRL, bro.

I'll take on your DLC Celica.

When it comes to the actual DLC characters, the only use for them is actual story/paralogue chapters and only for a little bit.

It almost kills the point of "showing it off to other people" when the North American and European versions bug out.

At least guest avatars and DLC classes work fine.

Anyways, Limit Breaker is definitely up there if you're grinding. And if you are, you'll most definitely need Seliph's map for both Paragon and the EXP farm. There are enough units to kill with "Skip Actions" at the same time, they're not that strong as compared with Rogues and Redeemers. Especially if you're on Lunatic mode and they have forged/hackforged weapons.

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Streetpass me IRL, bro.

I'll take on your DLC Celica.

When it comes to the actual DLC characters, the only use for them is actual story/paralogue chapters and only for a little bit.

It almost kills the point of "showing it off to other people" when the North American and European versions bug out.

At least guest avatars and DLC classes work fine.

Anyways, Limit Breaker is definitely up there if you're grinding. And if you are, you'll most definitely need Seliph's map for both Paragon and the EXP farm. There are enough units to kill with "Skip Actions" at the same time, they're not that strong as compared with Rogues and Redeemers. Especially if you're on Lunatic mode and they have forged/hackforged weapons.

1. Make a video of that if your up for it.

2. After gaining only 8EXP per kill, that map is by then...nothing.

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2. After gaining only 8EXP per kill, that map is by then...nothing.

There are 50 enemy units on this map. So: 50*8= 400. That's four levels of growth. Then combined with Paragon that's 800, so eight levels. But then what if you are using Veteran? That's 800*1.5 for a grand total of 1200. So that's 12 levels of growth, just from that little 8 EXP that seemed so insignificant a second ago. That's hardly what I'd call nothing.

Edit, missed a unit.

Edited by TheFreshestSlice
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1. Make a video of that if your up for it.

2. After gaining only 8EXP per kill, that map is by then...nothing.

1. Recommending Youtube it instead of asking for it personally.

2. After gaining only 8EXP per kill, you'll gain 8EXP per kill on ANY map. So the more enemies exist, the weaker enemies are, the more efficient the map has.

Edited by MelonGx
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Speaking of exp I did once have a vaike that only got 1 exp per enemy including lvl30 entombed.

That only happens if it's hit exp.

Absolute minimum EXP for kills is 8 exp, unless you count in Lunatic Mode exp decay... for which hit exp will decay to zero, leaving you with 7 exp for ONLY the kill instead of hit + kill.

The only exception is Lunatic/Lunatic+ 1 exp set for spotpass and streetpass battles.

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Nope I just did it again. I had vaike at the front of a pair up and just killed Hardin in one round on R&R3.

Well I think he may have been reclassed slot.

Fighter to barbarian to warrior to berserker to hero to berserker. All to lvl10/15 except first 'serker was to lvl20

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That only happens if it's hit exp.

Absolute minimum EXP for kills is 8 exp, unless you count in Lunatic Mode exp decay... for which hit exp will decay to zero, leaving you with 7 exp for ONLY the kill instead of hit + kill.

The only exception is Lunatic/Lunatic+ 1 exp set for spotpass and streetpass battles.

Still another case to make it happen: The enemy unit was defeated by player unit's Counter skill, but not the unit's attack. Edited by MelonGx
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