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plz9.png (Silver Bow) attacks 16ew.png (Silver Lance) !

26 dmg, 88% hit, 0% crit



Marcia takes 26 damage! (24/50)

Brom     33/55
Nepenthe 00/51
Makalov  33/51
Calill   54/54
Tibarn   66/66 [8/20]
MARCIA  24/50
MIA     49/49
KIERAN  41/57
OSCAR   27/49
JANAFF  00/55

It's Horace's turn.

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plz9.png (Silver Bow) is attacked by 16ew.png (Silver Lance) !

Marcia activates Resolve!

28 dmg, 100% hit, 4% crit

Makalov EXPLODES! (00/51)

Brom     33/55
Nepenthe 00/51
Makalov  00/51
Calill   54/54
Tibarn   66/66 [8/20]
MARCIA  24/50
MIA     49/49
KIERAN  41/57
OSCAR   27/49
JANAFF  00/55

It's PKL's turn.

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3jbw.png (Silver Lance) attacks 16ew.png (Silver Lance) !

Brom activates Nihil!

28 dmg, 89% hit, 0% crit


Marcia takes 24 damage! (00/50)
Marcia falls!

Brom     33/55
Nepenthe 00/51
Makalov  00/51
Calill   54/54
Tibarn   66/66 [5/20]
MARCIA  00/50
MIA     49/49
KIERAN  41/57
OSCAR   27/49
JANAFF  00/55

It's Horace's turn.

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ggn4.png (Rexflame) is attacked by ek24.png (Brave Sword) !

Calill activates Vantage!

32 dmg, 78% hit, 0% crit


Mia takes 32 damage (17/49)!


Mia counters!

Mia activates Wrath!

17 dmg, 68% hit, 58% crit


Calill takes 17 damage! (37/54)



Calill takes


37 damage! (00/54)

Calill falls!

Brom     33/55
Nepenthe 00/51
Makalov  00/51
Calill   00/54
Tibarn   66/66 [5/20]
MARCIA  00/50
MIA     17/49
KIERAN  41/57
OSCAR   27/49
JANAFF  00/55

It's PKL's turn.

Edited by Baldrick
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your team is lucky I didn't have rexflame

but honestly I don't think it's as broken as I thought it was going to be, but PKL could have used it better imo.

If youre referring to killing Oscar with it earlier, it was way too risky. 60ish hit and u could have Vantage.

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67 displayed is still 80 true, which is still pretty decent odds

your calill is set up more defensively than offensively which kinda makes sense, but I think it'd be better to just instagib someone instead near the start although honestly my team is pretty fast.

regardless I think you win anyway, and I don't think Rexflame is bannable.

1 nihil seems better too, I would have pretty much instalost if you had two nihils.

Edited by General Horace
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67 displayed is still 80 true, which is still pretty decent odds

your calill is set up more defensively than offensively which kinda makes sense, but I think it'd be better to just instagib someone instead near the start although honestly my team is pretty fast.

regardless I think you win anyway, and I don't think Rexflame is bannable.

1 nihil seems better too, I would have pretty much instalost if you had two nihils.

Bolded: dude, im the guy who has a crit-centered team and didnt get a single crit in a match and so far havent proc'd anything. Im obviously going to be paranoid about hitrates too :P

Well, at the beginning I stil didnt know who had Vague Katti/Vantage and the avo was much better, so that wasnt a possibility for someone that plays taking odds into account always.

I don't think I win, its impossible unless your Kieran doesnt have a certain weapon?

Agreed. 1 Nihil limits Calill, but might also open the way for Tormod Mist and stuff like that, which I considered when seeing cut supports. Too bad they require a dozen boosters each though.

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i really wish tormod had good supports because his affinity is pretty good for a sage and his stats really aren't that bad.

Calill probably got the most out of cut supports for a sage again since she got like the only good support (shinon) there

also you obviously need to run more wrath killer bow rolf with max bonds for 100% crit

Edited by General Horace
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PKL, you've procced Nihil and Vantage in this match :P

Tormod is actually Calill minus Nihil and good support options. I'm surprised he hasn't seen more use.

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PKL, you've procced Nihil and Vantage in this match :P

Tormod is actually Calill minus Nihil and good support options. I'm surprised he hasn't seen more use.

Tormod is Calill, but he has shittier supports and minus STR, which blows for him, as well as no Nihil.

Calill has some solid supports. Tormod has no reason existing if Calill exists, as she's still better than him even without Nihil.

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he needs energy drops though, which is detrimental to the rest of the team.

Nearly everybody except Ike and Axemen want one.

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