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Favorite Quotes Take 2


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So, I noticed the old one got locked because, well, it's old and it was revived. So how about another one? I have lots more favorites now that I've played through much more of the game since the first thread. :)

Battle Quotes:

"Pick a god and pray!" - Frederick (The BEST line in the game, imo. :D)

"Hmm, a challenge." - Frederick (I love how sexy Freddy sounds when he says it and how much it hints at him being a very good battler story-wise. :3)

"YEEEEHAAW!" - Donnel (Go Donny! :D)

"Yeah!" - Donnel

All of Gaius's critical quotes. Just lol.

"Special Delivery!" - Henry (just omfg lol)

"I love this part!" - Stahl

"How well will you die?" - Lon'qu

"HOT DEATH COMIN' THROUGH!" - Basilio (Haven't actually recruited him yet, I heard it in a video lol)

"Die! With magnificence!" - Virion

"This is your last dance!" - Inigo

"It's been lovely." - Inigo

Other Quotes:

"Hey there, Freddy Bear!" - Female Avatar, A support with Frederick (OMG THIS IS CUUUTE!!)

"My body is ready, Avatar!" - Frederick, A support with Avatar (epic Reggie reference ftw!)

Any line where Freddy is being a drama llama, like when he spits out bear meat in his Avatar support lol.

This one line from Freddy's support with Lissa. Something about wasting time lol. It's like a crazy tongue twister. XD

Freddy's little speech about serving a country to Cherche. Just pure gold.

"As for your future, it can kiss my big brown Feroxi arse." - Basilio (this guy is just amazing. XD)

"My heart is yours, milady. I vow to defend you as knight and husband until death should part us." - Frederick's confession to the Avatar (SO FREAKING CUUUTE!)

Stahl's confession. I can't remember the words exactly, but I know he says "unless I walk into a wall." XD

"That time you jumped out of that waterfall almost made me have a waterfall in my pants!" - Inigo, (B?) support with Olivia (LOL INIGO ALMOST PEED HIMSELF! XD)

"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for your meddling observations!" - Sumia in a DLC convo with Miriel (SCOOBY DOO! :D)

Frederick and Chrom's entire support lol.

"I had to start Frederick's Fanatical Fitness Hour without you." - Frederick, C support with Tharja. lol

I like so many of Freddy's lines lol, it's a reason I love him to death. XD

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As I may have said in the last topic, there is one quote and one alone that Awakening should be remembered for: "SEE HOW MY MUSTACHE MOVES IN THE WIND!!!" It's voiced, too.

As for other voiced quotes, I like Validar's critical quote, mostly because so few people seem to realize he has one. And Cht.1's "You may call me Marth." "Really?" "No." With the voices set to Japanese, Cht.6 Grima (male Avatar, voice 2, I think) sounds like Ghirahim. Also speaking of Japanese voices, there's an enemy voice profile that's pretty common on the earlygame Barbarians that sounds hilarious.

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Haha I really love the Japanese Grima voice though; it sounds really nice. Though, the Japanese voices for female Einherjar are waayy too deep for some of them.

One of my favorite quotes, as mentioned in the last topic, is from Walhart's B support: "So you place every life on the balance, and like a god, you decide. 'This man here shall live...' 'This man here shall die...'"

Lon'qu's "stabby" quotes are pretty fun too. "He gives orders, I stab people. I think our roles are clear."

"Lon'qu! Just what do you think you were doing in that last battle?"

"Stabbing people."

I can go on... but I don't think I should haha.

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Fuck yes.

Right here is the best conversation in the game:

Brady: Hey, Ma.
Maribelle: What did you call me?
Brady: The name's Brady. I'm—
Maribelle: I'm sorry, but I only cure physical ailments. Broken bones and the like. You're clearly a deeply troubled individual whose diseased mind is beyond my healing.
Brady: Stop talking for a minute and look at this!
Maribelle: That's...my ring! Then, that makes you...
Brady: Right. Like I was trying to say, I'm—
Maribelle: A thief! A rapscallion! A common lowborn cutpurse! How dare you sneak in here and steal my prized possessions!
Brady: Gawds! Stop interruptin' for one blessed second, and check yer ring!
Maribelle: ...Oh. It's still here.
Brady: That clear things up any, Ma?
Maribelle: Everything save how I gave birth to a common thug!
Brady: Aw, come on, Ma! That's harsh! Sure, I'm not the prettiest guy around, but I'm no thug, and I AM your son! ...And it's good to see you.
Maribelle: ...How did I ever permit my child to grow up referring to me as "Ma"?
Brady: You gave up tryin' after a decade or so.
Maribelle: Well, can you at least ride? Have you read the classics? Do you play violin? Chess?!
Brady: Yeah, all of the above. You beat all'a that junk into me.
Maribelle: Glory be! My son is salvageable after all!
Brady: Uh...thanks?
Maribelle: Don't look so forlorn, dear. You've come a long way, but Mother's here now. I'll take care of things from now on.
Brady: *Sniff* I missed you so much, Ma...
Maribelle: Do not even THINK of crying! It does not befit one of your station! *Sniff* Plus, you'll set me off as well...
Brady: S-sorry, I just... I... Oh, Ma!
Maribelle: Oh, Brady!
Chrom: Oh, brother.
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Though, the Japanese voices for female Einherjar are waayy too deep for some of them.

That's a bug. Japanese version has them silent just like the English voiceset.

The bug is most likely caused by removing the "silent" option for the actual MU in the localized editions of the game.

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This is great.

That battle is like the recreation of the battle of Chi Bi, or at least the way I see it.

As for my own personal quote, this is one of my favorites


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This is great.

Oh yeah, I forgot about this one! Since my Avatar married Frederick, I can just imagine him all happy like that cause he's so proud of his wifey. XD

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The one between Cynthia and Owain where they talk about "justice Cabel" is cool.

I have one that made me think but I cant find it in my support log but I want to say its between Owain and Inigo. but its definitely between two children characters. In it the two talk about how different it is fighting people versus Risen. And they say that it was hard to kill people at first because they had only fought risen before.

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Since my Avatar married Frederick, I can just imagine him all happy like that cause he's so proud of his wifey. XD


...I think I'm done with this fandom.

I'm just.


I'm about as done as this:



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[Chrom & Cordelia picture]

I laughed way harder than I should have at that picture.

Anyways...I think one of my favorites would have to be when Chrom says "Finally! And good riddance!" at the end of Chapter 2. Not because it's clever or anything, but because it's so......dang..........accurate.

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I especially like Miriel's "邪魔です" critical quote in Japanese, so much that I equip Vengeance on her and send her in a pack of enemies just to hear it.

For reference, from shadowofchaos' parent/child quote video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72Cx5U1E4vw&feature=youtu.be&t=4m48s

Edit: I also like Tharja's "うふふふふふ" critical quote. For some reason it makes me smile.

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Do not doubt it's power.



Yes. I love Cervantes.


Yoshi already mentioned it upthread but fucks not given cuz i love this quote and his beard related humor.

(Haven't actually recruited him yet, I heard it in a video lol)

lol finish the game someday...


Kahahahahah! I love everything Henry has to say.

Miriel's "Begone, foul miscreation!" and "Rebarbative fool..." and "Your demise is nigh!" are favorites of mine.

Virion's cut-ins and just about everything he says.

Basilio when he talks about his brown Feroxi arse. <3

More to come when i think of them.

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Oooo I love it when Frederick says "Pick a god and pray!" Especially when he was unleashing ruination on this map I was having problems with. ^.^

I also like:

"Die! With magnificence!" - Virion

"I love this part!" - Stahl

"Here's how it's done!" - Female Avatar (voice 1)

"YEEEHAW!" - Donny

"What a cupcake!" - Gaius

"So long sucker!" - Gaius

"Piece of cake!" - Gaius

"Where's your flavour!" - Gaius

...Okay practically everything Gaius says.

"How well will you die?" - Lon'qu

"Hahahahaha!" - Henry

"Your end has come!" - Chrom

"I say when it ends!" - Lucina

Everything Owain says.

"This is your last dance!" - Inigo

"Ha! I'm not scared of you!" - Nah


Most of the time it's the way the characters say the quotes that makes me like them. Like if Frederick said "Pick a god and pray" in a monotone voice I doubt it would be one of my favs :P

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This one is rather funny.

Owain: Shadow DRAAAAAAGON!

Inigo: Ah! If it isn't Owain.


Inigo: And how are you today?

Owain: Busy! ...Which I would have thought was obvious.

Inigo: Ah, I'm sorry. Perhaps I'll come back when you're done playing.

Owain: Hey! This is serious!

Inigo: Seriously...childish? Seriously...embarrassing?

Owain: Seriously none of your business! Now leave me alone. ...Seriously.

Inigo: Sigh.

Owain: Okay, just stop. You're not even sighing. You're just saying the word "sigh." Maybe that's why all those girls keep turning you down.

Inigo: You're guaranteed to lose 100% of the jousts you never attend, my friend. Perhaps you should name your next move, "Eternal Chastity."

Owain: Sure, why not? I've got the perfect teacher for it right in front of me!

Inigo: Why, you little—!

Owain: What, you want to go? Come on, chump! Have at me! My Shinon Strike will wipe the floor with you!

Inigo: Few things in life would give me greater satisfaction than to knock you on your rear. ...But one of us has to be the adult here. And it's obvious not going to be you.

Owain: Yeah, that's right. Walk away. You just keep right on walking. ...Jerk.

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"Sorry..." -Sully, partner defeated enemy.

"Beg for your life!" -Gangrel, critical/skill activation

"What's this? Ha ha, an item! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR NEW MASTER!"- Walhart, finding a stick

"You shall fall to the wayside!" -Walhart, critical/skill activation

"Stand up and fight!" -Walhart, critical/skill activation

"Looks like Teach just got tenure!" -Vaike, critical/skill activation

"Just in time..." -Kjelle, dual guard

"Let's git-r-done!" -Donny the Cable Guy, dual support

"They... saw me..." -Kellam, defeated (this is quite literally one of the only things, if not the only thing, I like about Kellam)

"Repent, sinner!" -Libra, critical/skill activation

I love you! Let's repopulate my species! ...Uh, sorry. Was that awkward...? -Yarne, confession

"I am so strong!" -Nah, critical/skill activation

"Ware wa maken!" -Sugita!Chrom, critical/skill activation

"It's been lovely." -Inigo, critical/skill activation

Also, this conversation between Sully and Panne in Summer Scramble:

Sully: I've never told anyone this, but... I love rabbits. Big fan.

Panne: That was...out of the blue. What is this about?

Sully: It's true. I used to have one for a pet when I was a kid. She kicked the bucket, though. Nothing crazyjust got old. It was like losing family, though. Real tough. After that, I made do with a stuffed rabbit. I'd take her to bed with me every night.

Panne: ...I still don't understand why you're telling me this. Are you trying to convince me of something? Perhaps that under that bluff, mannish exterior, you're as girly as the next woman?

Sully: What? No, nothing of the sort! Where'd you get that fool idea?

Panne: Then what AM I supposed to make of your ridiculous story? Are you saying you want me to take the place of your pet rabbit?

Sully: NO! Dammit, why does there even have to be a reason?! I was just feeling nostalgic, that's all. When I saw you, I thought of my bunny. It popped into my head all of a sudden, so I went and blurted out the story. Needless to say, I wish I hadn't...

Panne: I suppose you meant no harm... But remember, we taguel were hunted to near extinction by your kind. And one reason we were hunted was to be given to young man-spawn as pets. Loved for a while, then disposed of when we grew too large...

(Panne leaves)

Sully: ...Damn, I had no idea. No wonder she's ticked off. I hope there's some way I can make it up to her...

Sully: Mmph... So soft and cuddly... ...Bwa?! Where am I?! Was I asleep? Last thing I remember, I was standing on the beach... The sun was beating down... I started feeling dizzy, and

Panne: Good, you're awake. I became worried when you suddenly keeled over.

Sully: Panne?! Have you been here with me the whole time?

Panne: I have. Did you enjoy your dream? Was it about rabbits, by any chance?

Sully: Huh? How did you?! Waaait a sec. You didn't turn into a rabbit and snuggle up into my arms, did you?

Panne: ...I thought it might help.

Sully: You did that for me...even after I said all that insensitive crap earlier?

Panne: ...After I considered it for a spell, I realized that you meant no insult. Your face lit up when you talked about your pet rabbit. I saw that, yet I was harsh with you. For that, I apologize.

Sully: N-no way! Water under the bridge! ...And thanks for comforting me.

Panne: Heh. It was terribly hot being clutched in your arms under the blazing sun, you know. I came close to abandoning you on more than one occasion.

Sully: Hey, I was hot too. Holding onto that ball of fur was like cuddling a baked potato. ...But it was nice, too, and I didn't wanna let go. It was like I had my old bunny back.

Panne: I'm glad I could help.

Sully: You know, the thing that bugs me is that she died without ever saying a word to me. Yeah, yeah, I know...she was a rabbit, and she couldn't talk, so duh. But that didn't stop me wishing she could. I always wondered what she thought of me. Did she like being with me? Did she like being my pet? Did I make her happy?

Panne: Well, look at it this way: Did you enjoy your time with her?

Sully: Of course I did.

Panne: Then you have nothing to worry about. Rabbits are sensitive animals, and they can pick up on your emotions very easily. When she looked you in the eye, she knew she was loved. Of that I'm certain.

Sully: ...Ha! I like talkin' to you, Panne. You know how to cheer a girl up. Let's do it again sometime, okay? Like right after this fight, maybe.

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