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Hey, another Streetpass Troll Team

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This one, much like SPOILER ALERT is really just there to troll.

10x Dread Fighter MU [+LCK/-DEF] Level 1

Skills: HP+5, Counter, Miracle, Rally Luck, Limit Breaker

Equipment: None [Zilch, Nada, Nothing]

The concept: You rage, you lose. One of the more irritating streetpass teams are those that simply don't have any equipment simply because WHY?!. This captializes on that.

The checks:

  1. EXP gain is next to nil. Streetpass doesn't account for iLevels: a L1 Dread is worth about as much as an enemy from the Prologue
  2. Nothing for sale.
  3. Unrecruitble by non DLC users. [LB2 required]
  4. They won't move. Large Maps will cause a large amount of tedium in reaching them.
  5. 58-66% Counter/Miracle. While no player who actually fights this team will face check that, since counter damage here is capped at 84 instead of 79 thanks to HP+5, the lack of everything else might just cause the other player to let down their guard and/or use Auto, which can cause a face check on that, which can lead to a very cheap death.
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It does sound like an annoying team to face.

The worse ones are always the non-equipment teams... Not sure if they're trying to help or troll.

Although I usually quickly gloss over the units in case any have Counter, so this team wouldn't take me by surprise. Other people though, I'm not sure : P

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I'm tired of facing generic Streetpass units always saying "I'm selling."

Even if it's a troll team, it still sounds fun to overcome the challenge.

I'm pretty much the opposite of you in that sense.

I knew how to exploit the game when it first came out in North America.

And pretty much had my team dismissed for a long while. People in the game room even said "stop cheating!" and crap like that.

...so I turned it into a shop and then everyone started loving me.

...And what challenge for this team? Just give everyone a bow and auto.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'm tired of facing generic Streetpass units always saying "I'm selling."

Even if it's a troll team, it still sounds fun to overcome the challenge.

There isn't a real challenge.

It's just there to cause frustration.

If you have -any- sense to check it, you'll easily out do it, but if you're not paying attention and just seeing the greyed-out shop button [which means the team has NOTHING] and you mindlessly press Auto to kill it, well... better hope you brought bows.

Worst case scenario with this team is Gerome's Paralogue-> Huge map that's a pain -> Them in corners = Massive waste of time.

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As soon as people see you have nothing, they'll just dismiss because it's pointless to fight.

Don't unarmed people just huddle around you instead of running away? Plus, Dread Fighters only have 6 movement so mounted units or pair-up hopping can eventually corner them. I don't know who's lazy enough to fight a Streetpass battle on Auto. That's just a bad idea since most teams run Counter and that's something people shouldn't overlook.

So I guess this can beat... anyone who's not familiar with Streetpass battles?

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I've streetpassed tons of people (real teams, not OROs) and never once seen Counter and only once fought a team with LB (and only three units had it at that). Most competent teams may use it, but the vast majority of Streetpass teams are just thrown out there for aesthetics and aren't designed for anything. Judging by that, I'd guess the vast majority of people I streetpass aren't familiar with Streetpass battles.

Unequipped units hold still in almost all cases.

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Just gonna ask if there's someone using HomePass?

It enables you spread your team worldwide.

But unfortunately FE:A StreetPass is region locked.

I have only JPN and EUR games, but no USA version.

Edited by MelonGx
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Just gonna ask if there's someone using HomePass?

It enables you spread your team worldwide.

But unfortunately FE:A StreetPass is region locked.

I have only JPN and EUR games, but no USA version.

I haven't looked into Homepass.

I just use normal Relays.

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Just gonna ask if there's someone using HomePass?

It enables you spread your team worldwide.

But unfortunately FE:A StreetPass is region locked.

I have only JPN and EUR games, but no USA version.

I'd be interested in fighting your team. Even if Streetpass is lol.

Though, my Japanese team is a shop. xD

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