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Ike is a Mary Sue and you all know it...


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I saw some sex-swapped Ike smut of varying morally dubious qualities, and it's probably a sign of how far gone I am that the thing that got me angriest about it was "that wouldn't fucking happen, even young Ike would rip that guy's head clean off"

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Nobody finds that funny, you know.

Furetchen, language evolves, you have to deal with it. Before he may not have qualified as a Gary Stu, but under the new definition, "character I don't like", the usage of it is usually valid.

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Nobody finds that funny, you know.

Furetchen, language evolves, you have to deal with it. Before he may not have qualified as a Gary Stu, but under the new definition, "character I don't like", the usage of it is usually valid.

That's just the vulgar usage of the term. Get on my level.

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I saw some sex-swapped Ike smut of varying morally dubious qualities, and it's probably a sign of how far gone I am that the thing that got me angriest about it was "that wouldn't fucking happen, even young Ike would rip that guy's head clean off"


wow mang. Wow.


Yes. Quite.

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Meg should have been the protagonist of Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and Awakening.

Honestly, she's the only good Fire Emblem character-- and that's a fact!

Edited by Esme
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I saw some sex-swapped Ike smut of varying morally dubious qualities, and it's probably a sign of how far gone I am that the thing that got me angriest about it was "that wouldn't fucking happen, even young Ike would rip that guy's head clean off"

Sadly, I know exactly what you mean.

Chiming in on Mary Sues... I think a Mary Sue or Gary Stu is a wish fulfilling self-insert on the part of a creator. Why recognize any other definition than the original?

Are these threads ever going to end?

Edited by Makaze
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Pretty sure mary sue is just a "perfect" character. You know. Gets on with everyone, is the best sword in the game, is the only one able to wield the legendary sword of being the best sword, his parents died when he was really young so now hes the teenager commander of an army who saves the world, etc. I guess mary sues are usually are self inserts because the kind of writers that ude self inserts are almost alwayd abdolutely awful and are just trying for some wish fulfilment fantasy like marrying a sparkly vampire or like, being voldemort's Actual Last Horcrux in the case of fanfiction or something, but it doesn't necessarily have to be one.

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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