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Frontier - Act Two, Chapter One


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"Hmm, then I take it you'd find no pleasure in running down a village full of cowards and ending their lives. I think they'd run like chickens, but their squawking would be far more irksome. You are. . .merciful. In your own way. I. . .don't know if I can extend such kindness to those I despise." He's a little dense, but he's a lot nicer than he lets on, Mary thought to herself.

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Cynric snorted and shook his head slightly. "Don't go calling yourself a man if you're happy with just looking," he commented, before wandering a short distance down the road, hoping to find more targets.

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"Who was that guy?" Julianne asked, as she walked back to Su San. "Never seen him around before... Anyway, the clothes will be done by tomorrow. You'll have to remind me to come!"

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To be put quite simply, Mary was strange, Feran didn't understand her at all. Mercy? Kindness? None of it made sense, what exactly did Mary see? Was a life of suffering really worse than death? He'd never really seen it that way. He'd always seen a fearful death as the cruelest way for a person to die.

"You're not like the others." he answered, looking right at her, still somewhat perplexed by her. She had dedicated her life to helping others yet wanted to see people wither and die. He smiled, perhaps there was more to her. "Most people fear death, but you speak as if a life of suffering's worse."

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"Once someone is dead, that's it. They can't feel pain, repent their sins, make other people miserable, or change. I've watched more comrades die than I care to remember, many of who lamented their impending death. Once they draw their final breath, their wounds trouble them no more, and their worries fade with their life." Mary paused for a bit. "As an apothecary, I'm supposed to save lives. . .but what of the old man who didn't take enough poison, and who's doomed to spend the rest of his life drinking water? Or the woman who survived her fall, only to exist in a shell that won't move below her neck? Or the proud soldier, who lost his sword arm in a drunken duel? Or the old crone, her family having long forgotten her existence, who ekes out a living by supping on discarded leftovers? To watch someone exist, without truly living, is something that haunts me more than the people whose lives I couldn't save. Meaningless life is cruel, and for those who lash out and kill innocent people for no reason. . .it is the worst fate I can wish upon them."

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Feran grinned, doing his best to suppress a fit of laughter. The sheer cruelty and bitterness in her words, he could picture each and every one of her examples in front of him. The wretched husks, empty shells of their former lives, doomed to live out their pitiful existences. There was a rather large part of him that wanted to inflict such torture to a village.

"Well put. Show me your village, I shall maim each and every one of them. Making them regret every second of their lives." Feran said darkly, his madness having returned to full strength. "I want to hear them scream, pleading for their lives to end. I could make them grovel for your forgiveness, pleading with their pathetic apologies in the desperate attempt of salvation. To withhold your healing talents, dangling it like a mouse over a cat, I only wish I could see their faces"

The exact sentiments were probably lost on him, but Mary had opened up a whole new world of cruelty to Feran. The resentment in her voice was like no other, less bold from Sherry's selfish bloodlust but far more refined. He could smell her disdain for the village, it hung over her like a foul fog.

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"Would I ask a blacksmith to hand over his masterpiece so I could split twigs? They already suffer in their ignorance, and a single spark would cause them to turn on each other. It would be an insult to your skill to do anything more than leave them in their misery." She took a better look at him - he had strength, and absolutely no compassion. There are healers, dedicated to saving lives - in my case, it's to prove time and again that knowledge is superior to ignorance. There are others. . .who specialize in poisons and the like. And then there's those healers whispered about in legends, those who use their knowledge to intentionally bring suffering. My teacher warned me against that path, but the man in front of me. . .if he decided to walk that path, he'd be terrifying good at it. "Have you ever thought of settling down somewhere, preferably where the rulers have a lot of enemies? Killing is easy, but having someone walk the brink of death. . .is an art unto itself. I think you have what it takes to pry open the lips of those who refuse to talk."

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"I don't like commitment, staying in one place with the same people too long is tiresome." Feran replied, unsure of where she was going with this again. "There isn't anyone I'd choose to spend time with if I could help it."

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"Hmm, Su San remember!" Su San nodded with a grunt. At the back of his head, Su San was amazed that he did not give that stranger a punch for insulting him. Snorting the foreigner continued, "Dunno who that. Man say can see future if give gold. Su San no like. Su San like see girl more, no need see tomorrow today."

"Girl wan eat what?" Su San asked as he made his way out of the tailor shop first. "Su San no wan rich food. No 'nough gold yet."

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"Ah, well," Mary said lightly. "A good interrogator is worth their weight in gold, but very few people are capable of being 'good'. It requires a certain finesse, which most heavy-handed brutes are no good at. But, as long as this fighting never ceases, I doubt that your blade will hunger for an opponent."

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Feran continued to listen, it was bizarre for someone to remain interesting in his eyes for such a prolonged time. Mary was an interesting one, an unusual mix of kindness and contempt for her fellow man.

"What about you? Why are you with us, surely someone with your abilities would find work anywhere. The sick and injured are everywhere, why risk yourself to tend to men who choose to die?" he asked, still trying to understand the mindset of a healer.

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"My mentor's domain was the entire world," Mary started. "He said that as long as there's conflict and unsanitary living conditions, I'll be needed. He also made me promise to tend to everyone, no matter their country. As I hold nothing for contempt for my insular hometown, I accepted. The pay's nowhere near as good as if I was employed to keep some noble or other healthy, but I'm free from the illness that's known as politics, so I feel like I come out ahead."

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Su San searches Artisan Quarter for its selection of fancy places to eat. The foreigner decided against even checking the Crown Quarter, suspecting anything there would be far outside his budget range.

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None can really be described as 'fancy'. Beyond a smattering of pubs, there's only street hawkers and a small grocer.

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Picking a street hawker that looked like it had more care about personal hygiene than the rest, Su San wandered up to the stall and asked, "What food special here? Got good corn?"

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"Yeah, it's the best quality there is," said the hawker, a fairly stout young woman, breezily. "Brought in from th' veldt. You want it fried, cobbed, some other way?"

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"Which one you like more?" Su San asked Julliane. Eyeing the nice golden look to the plant, the foreigner had an inclination to a few cobs, ideally glistening with some salt on it as he really loved salt.

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Freedom, one of the few concepts Feran actually understood and cherished. Money was worthless if you were trapped, suffocating in your own cage. It was the reason he'd left the mansion in the first place. It was bizarre, for all their differences, there was a lot about Mary he could understand.

"You make more sense than the others." Feran replied, walking towards the exit, having grown tired of the temple. "Make sure the others die before you, it'd be boring if I were stuck with them."

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Probably because of the past days sleeping on the road, or maybe even from the broken bed before, Inge more than enjoyed the comfortable beds at the castle-- maybe a bit too much, as he overslept and spent the late morning asking for breakfast, but it was apparently too late--.

Sighing, and far from his best mood, he turned to Rill. "I... need something to eat, let's go outside."


Barth had left early in the morning to the Artisan's Quarter. In truth, it took him a while and some luck to get there, but results were what mattered. The man was glad enough enjoying a drink and some grub in one of the less fancy pubs.

Barth turned to the bartender casually, hoping to get some random chat and rumours while he had nothing better to do. "Hey there. Say, how's are things around here? Afraid I'm kinda new in these parts." (Roll = 4)

...The man just gave him an annoyed look and turned to serve some other customer. Some antisocial bitch, this guy. Taking the cue he's been overstaying his meal, though, Barth finished his plate quietly and left the pub after paying.

He figured he still had some time to get familiar with the Artisan's Quarter before he'd find a shop relevant to him.

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"Ha, next food you buy me," Su San answered as he paid the necessary coin to give himself three cobs of the corn and one for his companion. "Su San happy got people talk to."

Leading Jullianne to a nearby bench in the Artisan Quarter that was next to a pond, the foreigner asked, "So, where you learn to fight?"

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Mary couldn't help but smile as Feran left. A little rough around the edges, but he seems to have better intentions than he lets on. She stayed at the temple for a bit longer, wondering whether or not she'd made the right choice to let her hometown rot. Then again, I feel no kindness towards them. Let them rot.

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"It's nothing, I just really want something to eat. Haven't had anything yet." Inge vented some. "Still, I like the beds here, shame I know we can't get too used to them." He remarked, in some way shifting his own attention from his hunger.

"So that's why I'm going outside, you coming too?" He turned to Rill again, though he felt he already knew the answer to that.


Wandering through the Artisan's Quarter, Barth found himself in front of an Arsenal by happenstance. His mind thought first of finding an Armory instead, since he knew his favor lied in what helped him live, but a lingering concern about his fairly standard and run-down axe tipped his judgement.

Entering the Arsenal, Barth made no small talk and went straight to check the man's axes. Finding an exquisite axe that stood from the others (the Corvid Axe), Barth picked it up for a closer inspection. Finding himself pleased, the man of many liberties brought it to the counter, pouch ready with his off hand. "I'll take this axe, sir."

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