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Frontier - Act Two, Chapter One


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"Yeah, alright," muttered Cliving. "Wouldn't've minded a pint before we went in, though. Haven't seen lager since we stopped through Fort... whatever. But sure, I'll go with you."

The mousy young woman stared Arin down, slightly unimpressed. "You're one of Martane's guards, right? Well I'll say this, there's not many commoners as get t' sleep within these walls. Even the servant's quarters are in a sep'rate building. Anyway, all I know's that this was only finished about five years ago. Queen Miriam got obsessed with it near th' end, kept wantin' new things added. She feels as like it's all she's got. Prob'ly right. Designed by a Baharese, though - a Nor'n one, too. It's in that kind'f style, 'cause Miriam wanted somethin' unique t' the rest 'f th' Empire."

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And now she wore a bright smile. "Good! Let's go, then," she said, dragging the now slightly compliant sergeant, "and besides, y'get me. Hope that's as good as some lager." Bringing him by the arm to the baths, they seemed rather empty. There was only that apothecary, the female one, and a few others. Don't think I actually got her name, yet... No, wait! It was Mary, right? It was M something... Names withstanding, Sherry was let in and stood there for a moment. "So, what, d'we just lose our clothes'n get in?"


"I guess that makes us lucky?" he said with a nervous laugh. She'd stared him down, and that wasn't the sort of reaction he had been hoping for. "Five years ago, you say? I wasn't even a part of the army, at that point... Ah, well, it's a lovely place. Baharese, you said? They've a taste for buildings, if nothing else..." He took a moment to gave around and admire the craftsmanship of the interior, turning back to this mousy woman afterwards. "So, what's there to do in Tanith? We've all just come from Chenoworth, and that's been my largest experience with a...more civilized area."

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Cliving jerked his head to the side. "In these stalls, yeah. We just left 'em here and they'd be snatched away within a couple minutes."

"Th' Lady made it very... frantically clear she wanted you within the palace grounds. 'Least until th' marriage is done. There's still enough t' get on within the grounds, 'f course. There's baths, the gardens... don't worry about food, that'll get brought up t' you. 'S leftovers, mostly, w' so many noble guests around feastin', but that's better'n your usual fare I'd wager."

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"'Kay, be right back," Sherry said, marching off to stall. She left her belongings there (which wasn't much, other than her clothes, armor, and a small knife), and came out with the towel over her shoulder. She quickly got herself into the water, not out of any embarrassment of lacking clothes, but because of a rather unsightly scar on her abdomen. "Haaaaaaa, that's brisk!" she exclaimed, letting a smile grow onto her face as she slowly sunk further into the water. "Feels so nice after all o'that walkin'..."


"Uhm... Wait, a moment..." Arin paused, taking a moment to collect what had been said. "I realize that Martane was worried, and I figured that was why we were all put on the same floor as her, but...we're not allowed to leave the grounds? At all?" That seemed rather extreme, and Arin's worries of the woman were further compounded. "Well, there's plenty to see, it seems. And yes, most likely. Excuse me; thank you, too." Arin quickly left the woman to her devices, and made his way back upstairs.

Surprised to not see the hussars at the door to her room, he quietly made his way over and gave the door a quick knock. "Excuse me, Lady Martane... Could I, bother you with some questions? If you're not busy, that is..."

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"Yeah," said Cliving quietly. "Yeah... feels good t' get the dust off. Feels good t' be back in a proper city, aye?"

Martane opened the door herself. "Ah, it's... yes, come in." She sighed, and sat back on the bed. She's changed out of her riding clothing, but is wearing more or less a similar outfit - very light and practical. She looks distinctly on edge.

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The baths had been fairly quiet, until Sherry and Cliving showed up. "Oh, hi," Mary said, more startled than anything. "Didn't think I'd run into anyone here!"

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Sherry shifted over to Cliving, and then sank until it was just her head above the water. "Yeah... Gonna be even better once we're actu'lly in th'city, eh?" The quiet apothecary spoke up, not something Sherry had been expecting. She sat up slightly; if she was going to converse, being that far in the water probably wouldn't be very comfortable. "Mary, right? Sorry, been wantin' to have a soak since we started walkin'. Didn't mean t'intrude on yer...solitde, er whatever. Well, hey, actu'lly," she said, sitting up further, "what d'you think about this whole situation with Martane?"


"Er, alright..." Arin came inside and closed the door behind him, noting Martane's rather jumpy mood. "I'll be frank. Are you alright? You'd think you'd be feeling safer inside Tanith than on the road, but you seem incredibly on edge, and... I've become aware of the situation of our being unable to leave the grounds?" He posed what he felt quite flatly. "I understand your worry, but surely you're... I don't want to say paranoid, but is it not a bit much?"

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"So far, we haven't run into trouble," Mary said slowly and a bit louder than usual. "And the water's pretty good. The food should be better than the stuff on the road, and the beds look comfy enough." Her gaze wandered around the area lazily. "This ain't the place for honest opinions," Mary said, lowering the volume of her voice. "Not in these baths, and most definitely not in the palace. You never know who a servant will report to." She chuckled, then cleared her throat. "Can't complain about the decor or the guards, either. Feels nice and secure," she said, back to her slightly-louder-than-comfortable voice.

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Martane attempted to regain some composure. "So... you want my leave to move freely? ... I never wanted you to be cooped up here, just... I tried to make certain you would get these rooms. I was... under a lot of pressure and that was all I could say." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fine. Fine. I can understand you'd get tired of this place. I'll make the seneschal aware of this within another ... another half an hour or so. But I don't think I can face him yet. ... I need that time. I'm sorry."

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Cliving leaned closer. "Look, if somethin' happens, it's not gonna happen for a couple more days, I judge. Martane formally makes herself known t'morrow morning, in more style. You'd be forgiven not f'r thinkin' it, but this was pretty low-key - hustled quietly into rooms, t' shake off the dust? Somethin' happens, well... it'll be in three'r four days. Wedding's in four. If her'n Avery kiss and live t' see the mornin', then we'll be fine, I'm callin' that now."

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"Guess so..." Sherry said in response to Mary's low key speaking. Guess that means whatever Cliving was told ain't gonna get retold t'us fer a while... Sherry sighed. "Not secure enough t'set Martane right, I'd say. Still seemed rather worried, though I won't exactly blame her." Sherry shivered slightly, the cold water starting to get to her. "Suppose we should..." she said, bringing her voice lower as well, "...set up some sorta guard near her room? Set up shifts, rotate, somethin' like that. Not sayin' the guards can't do their job, but she seems t'have a real trust fer us, so... I dunno, might take off her edge a bit."


"That's, er..." Arin paused a moment, before sitting himself on the bed as well, though as far away from her as he could manage as to not worry her more. "I've no problem staying within the manse if you'd feel safer having us around, I was just... You said some of what had you worried before we arrived, and you seem far more worried now. I realize the marriage has you on edge, for a multitude of reasons...Meredith," he felt odd calling her by name, but she'd said in private that himself and Bekka had been allowed, "but is there something more? Something you haven't told us? I truly hope I'm on a wild goose chase, and that my own worries are just over thinking."

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Cliving snorted. "Fuck that. She wants that, she can fuckin' ask for it, and pay us more for th' job at that."

Meredith shivered. "I made my reasons clear when I first hired you. Feeling like this is nothing new. For me, I mean. Personally." She waved a hand irritably. "It'll pass. It always does. ... I'll be fine. Surely I'll be fine. But I don't feel like I can face anyone I don't know yet. Just... need some time."

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"If she wanted us as guards, she wouldn't have split our rooms the way she did. She's got her personal guards, and I think they should be able to handle themselves. 'sides, we're her hires, so if she wants something, I'd rather she ask us, and not the other way around." Mary didn't care for whispering, but it was better to be safe. "It would be rather silly if we caught our deaths out here. Think they'll let us roam to somewhere with a nice view?" Mary spoke up.

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"Figured you'd say that," Sherry said with a bit of a shrug. "Not that I was plannin' anythin' different, just thought I'd bring it up. 'N if they think they can keep us locked up'n this mansion?" Sherry scoffed, "they've got another thing comin'... Agreed to take Martane here, not lock m'self up'n sit patiently waitin' fer somethin' t'happen." Sherry had interpreted Mary's comment to be pointing to something like that, and decided to go full tilt on it. "Seemed like there was a rather nice garden, on th'way in here. There's at least that, if the guards have somethin' t'say about some of us wantin' to walk around town... Again, not like I'd let that stop me, but if I have to hold back'n not cause a scene..."


"Well, alright... I apologize for being so pushy, I would just feel terrible if something happened that we could've stopped. Knowing as much as I can, I feel, might help, but if you say it's just a feeling, I'll take your word for it. Just remember," he began, as he stood, "that if you need to speak to anyone, you've myself and Bekka, at least. I'll leave you to your devices. Take your time to sort out whatever you need to, and all that. By your leave, Lady Martane," he said, exiting the room. He let out a rather quiet, but winded sigh, once outside. I do wonder what's going to happen over these next few days, really...

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Cliving sighed. "We can leave out th' fuckin' conspiracies 'til we've had a decent bath, a hot meal and a bed rest. Now you're welcome t' go out and scheme or panic or whatever. Me? Nothin's happenin' today. Let's just enjoy some peace and fuckin' quiet."

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They'd arrived at last... and Feran hated it already. The pristine walls, the suffocating presence of the staff, he was trapped. At least in the past he could have wandered off, giving himself a break from other people. He needed to find some space, any space.

Feran attempted to lose himself in the hallways of the mansion, there was no doubt people would gather at the baths... or at least he hoped they did.

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Enjoying the sight of finery surrounding him, Su San pondered on the amount of gold he would have to amass to live up to such a lifestyle. Perhaps a social upheaval or two and enough gold to hire his own mercenaries. Add or subtract a noble's and all his descendant's heads to carve more room for himself.

Drinking in the sights, the foreigner decided that he should at least engrave it into his memory, to know what to purchase if he ever reached such a stage. The ability to dream, such is the simple beauty of living as a free man. Rather fond of baths, Su San made his way to it, sinking into a nice then quiet corner and closed his eyes as he listened to all the conversations going on nearby. After all gathering rumours was fun from time to time.


Conversing with Mary taught her a bit. It was not a lot but knowledge was knowledge and as soon as the group was in civilised quarters, the fiery woman sought out a quite lonely place to sit and put down what she had learned into words and notes.

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"Sorry, sarge," said Sherry, as she decided to relax her head on his shoulder. "Was just on m'mind. I can stop if it's botherin' ya." Sherry glanced over at Mary, wondering what was on her mind. "So, what're your plans, Mary? Don't suppose you'd wanna come t'the taverns and get some drinks with us..."


Worries slightly shoved aside, Arin found himself walking the halls, until he spotted Feran. He quickly hid himself behind a nearby pillar and wondered if he'd been seen. This is not something I need right now, not in the least... Please, walk along, don't notice me.

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Feran walked past Arin, barely even acknowledging his existence, he wasn't even in the mood to give him a hard time. Hurrying away, he found it ironic thay for once he was the one dreading Arin approaching him.

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"There'll be somewhere you can get grog," said Cliving breezily. "Servants'd fucken revolt otherwise, yeah?"

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Do I really want to drink whatever sorry excuse of alcohol the servants drink? "Hmm, yeah, that's a good point. As long as they'll let some, ahem, guests in," Mary replied lightly.
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"Achoo!" Sherry sneezed slightly, shaking her head a bit after. "And it'll be half decent, 'cause they'd revolt over that, too, heheh." Sherry sighed. "Think we should switch baths? I'm gettin' real chilly in this one. Was nice at first, but now it's just cold..."


Arin let his shoulders sink in relief as Feran walked by. He almost felt inclined to ask him what was wrong, and if he had been any other member of their party, he probably would've. Alas. He made his way out of the manse and towards the gardens, wanting to take some time to enjoy the scenery and perhaps speak to anyone other than the aforementioned crazy, if they came outside.

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"Yeah, alright," said Cliving. He leaned back to glance at one of the servants. "Hey, kid! Fetch us some jugs of ale, yeah?"

The nervous looking kid nodded, and hustled off.

He's back by the time you've changed to the warm bath - three jugs of ale brought, no expectation of payment. Public or not, the baths here still benefit from some perks.

The garden is nearly empty. Rows of neatly-choreographed flowers in all sorts of colours litter the place, with smooth stone paths in clean tiles. There's a lot of fountains, and marble statues. A few unfamiliar birds rest in the trees, perhaps imported from the mainland or even abroad.

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