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Frontier - Act Two, Chapter One


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The servant gave the matter some thought. Finally, she said, "There's some tailors down in th' city proper. I think the best is Cale, he works a couple streets down from the gates. Services a lot of rich merchants but his prices are flexible."

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"Thank you," Mary said softly, before heading out for the city. The one called Cale probably sold things for more than she could afford. She could do some window shopping while she was there, though! She followed the servant's directions to Cale's place (she hoped).

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You come quickly across a small but efficient building. There's a small glass window with some fine fabrics visible on the other side, and an open door. Inside, there's yet more fine fabric, a large man in all proportions standing guard and a small, bearded man probably in his late twenties behind the counter.

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This is definitely out of my price range, but it'll also give me a good idea of how much things run in this area. "Excuse me," Mary addressed the beareded man. "How much for a new shirt and pants? This will be for me."
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"It would depend on the material," said Cale, firmly. "I pride myself on having the fabrics for every class. Fine silks, luscious velvet, sturdy linen... but you understand, as my main stock is with merchants, I only put up the best in the windows. I assume you're a castle servant?"

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"I was brought in to assist with the wedding; as such, I'd like a fresh set of clothes, as not to offend the guests," Mary replied, intentionally keeping her position vague. "The material I'd prefer is something that's both comfortable in warmer environments and sturdy; color is secondary. The style I need is something that'll allow me to move freely. Function must come before fashion, lest the higher-ups think that I'm trying to weasel out of work."

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He nods, and stands in thought for a while. "Alright," he says at last. "Do you wish to follow me behind the counter?"

He opens a door. Upon stepping inside you see his wares are densely-packed, but extensive indeed, with a small workbench in the corner, looking rather hemmed in. Finally, he comes across something he finds satisfactory, and hands it to you. It's a simple tunic with bronze buttons down the middle. It's linen on the outside, with a thin layer of wool inside - and his price seems very reasonable. "I'll allow you some time to change, if you'd like. Or if you're already satisfied, if I could just take your measurements? It should be ready for you by the time the sun starts to set."

Edited by Parrhesia
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Mary ran the tunic through her hands. It would do just fine for a showy occasion, though she'd have to take care not to sweat too much in it. The cut and seams were impressive, given the price he quoted. "This will do just fine," she told him. "Which measurements do you need?"

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"Practically everywhere, if you want this to fit well. Though I can ... estimate your bust and backside, if you'd prefer. It won't take long."

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"It would be most, uh, embarrassing if a seam split because I wouldn't give you the information you needed," Mary said with a slight smile. "Take as many measurements as you think will be necessary to do a good job."

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Cale is thorough, polite and professional, and as promised done within around ten minutes. He leads you back into the main room when he's satisfied. "As I say, they'll be ready by the time the sun starts to set. Unless you want them dyed - but even then, they'd certainly be ready by tomorrow morning. We have most colours, but red will cost you extra - supply and demand these days simply don't add up. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

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"With the wedding coming up, I wouldn't be surprised if you wind up inundated with last-minute orders and alterations. There's no need to dye my clothes," Mary concluded. "I'll come back at sunset. Thank you for your time." She left the shop, and took a look outside. Now, what else does this city have to offer?

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Arin's over thinking was interrupted by Christine, though it took him a few moments to remember her name. He hadn't spoken with her at all, nor had he thought he'd seen her talking to anyone else. "Oh, er, it's a fine morning, yes..." He straightened up, and coughed. "Sorry. Stuck in thought. Not sure if I should relax around the manse or bother leaving to see the city. I'm sure it'd be wonderful if I did, but I haven't had much chance to relax, so... Perhaps I should just leave, for the day."

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The night had been awful, Feran had slept very little. Despite how comfortable the bed had been, the manor's atmosphere was suffocating. He was rather relieved to find that they'd been given the freedom to roam. Leaving as soon as he could, he hit the town... an environment that was hopefully less daunting.

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Good bed, must know bed makers, Su San reminded himself as he got up the next day fully energized. The bed was something to add to his list of what to purchase when rich or powerful...or both. Taking by force was a valid strategy if he ever amassed an army.

Feeling happy about life, and the pleasant richness around him, the foreign myrmidon made his way to town.

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The area of the city informally known as the Crown Quarter is, unsurprisingly, opulent and filled with the well-heeled, either extremely minor nobility or merchants who intend to live nearer to the royalty, perhaps to compensate for their own common blood. Besides tailors and other largely ceremonial shops, this is the home of culture in the city, with a theatre, public baths and a garden. Temples to Rhea, patron goddess of art, and Andronicus, god of nobility (often interpreted as 'blood'), can be seen, as can a few barracks.

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Christine replied, " Well, Arin, I was thinking of leaving the mansion and exploring the city too, so I can give you some company if you'd like it." She was bored and could use someone to chat and run around with. Maybe buy a few items that would be useful for battle or something.

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"Mmmmuhhhhh..." Sherry groaned, waking up to find that what she had been hugging was Cliving's arm. That produced a smile. Rather than disturb his sleep, she did her best to uncoil her arms from his, and sat at the edge of the bed. She yawned as quietly as she could, and tried her best to wake up. "Hate mornings...but this one's not so bad."


That didn't sound like too bad an offer. It would certainly make up his mind on whether to stay or go, if he had someone to bother along the way. "Alright, sure. I suppose getting some new clothes couldn't hurt, as we are here in the presence of nobility... And these rags have seen enough action, either way." He pulled his clothes away from him a bit, rather unimpressed by the state of them. A few holes here and there, and mostly dirty. "Definitely could use something new..."

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Hash slept soundly throughout the night, glad to have such a nice bed to sleep on. When it came time to wake up he was a bit reluctant but nonetheless got out of bed, if he just sat around and did nothing he'd probably light something on fire and he was sure the nobles wouldn't appreciate him smoking indoors. Wondering what to do, he roamed the castle for a bit hoping to find something interesting or someone from the group that wasn't Feran. That man was dangerous. He eventually found his way into foyer where he spotted Arin and Christine, if he remembered her name correctly. Deciding that he really had nothing to lose he walked over to the two of them. "So, how's life treating you today?" he asked the pair, having nothing really significant to say.

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Interesting, Mary mused. Temple of Blood, eh? Wonder if they have any good info? Mary sauntered over to Andronicus' temple, not really caring about the fact that she didn't look like nobility.
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"New here? Clearly. You might be more at home in the Artisan's Quarter - all the craftsmen's guilds, merchants and the like, north of here." The fidgety man takes a sniff of Su, and recoils. "Or perhaps the Docks would be more to your ... class."

Andronicus' temple is largely marble, with a few gold ornaments, and many expensive-looking red drapings. It's perhaps unsurprising this would be the most lavish of temples. An aging priestess pores over a book, but aside from a few guards and a couple of Baharese merchants admiring the ornaments, the place is empty.

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Su San took offense to the man sniffing him, but the man did give him information for free hence the foreigner decided not to break his nose. It was also a good excuse to hit the bath, such marvelous splendor of civilization. Would do well to be presentable before visiting this Artisan's Quarter.

Walking to the baths Su San mused at the gold he had on hand and wondered if he would even be inclined to purchase something frivolous there.

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The baths are more or less the same as in Chenoworth, or as in the Palace grounds themselves - though unlike the latter, wine does cost. There's cheap ale available, at least.

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"Alright then, let's get moving! Maybe we can visit the theatre after that, it must be very good since its in the capital!" Christine replied enthusiastically before gesturing towards the exit. But at that point Hash showed up too and asked them what they were up to.

"Oh hey Hash! We were just planning to go and by new clothes to look better for the wedding. Coming?"

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