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So, FE13...


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So I've been wanting to get back to FE13, lately. A game I've been pretty attached to, throughout last year. Although, it's not that I've lost my love for it, but...I just...feel out-of-tune, with it. Liek, when I play, I'd like to feel like I don't just throw a powerful character into a mosh pit and expect him to come out even stronger. But I also don't feel like going through the hardships of Lunatic Mode, at the moment.

Could you recommend me a moderately challenging playthrough, in HM (Casual, of course)? That is, nothing too gimmicky, please. I'd still like to be able to use a variety of the characters I just so happen to like.

And of course, LIBRA is all.

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Oh, it's alright. I'm actually not much of a grinder, myself. In fact, I don't touch those things.


If you don't want to take advil in the beginning.

I have too in the harder levels. Normal and Hard can be completed without touching a reeking box


I've forgot to say no skirmishes, but that too.

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I'm in the middle of a hard mode playthrough that doesn't involve utilising pair up or the Avatar, which is quite challenging. It's a lot fun, though

try a no pair up run if you are up to the challenge.

Yah, I'm doing that, now.

It feels like an actual FE game, now. :awesome: One that isn't extremely easy, I mean.

After FE13, I was sort of wondering how an FE game where characters didn't constantly rely on each other, was like. :awesome:

I am, however, using The Avatar. Don't see any need to restrict him since:

1. Veteran only works when being Paired-Up. Which is one of the main reasons he's broken.

2. I'm not one for "Min/Maxing" and constant multi-classing. I'm going to likely change his class, later. But even then, it will only be 1 or 2 instead of 10+.

Not entirely sure if I should allow myself to use Tonics. I'm thinking no, because that's part of the reason FE13 is so easy.

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Outside of Lunatic(+) and postgame, tonics are too expensive for what they are (+2 in one stat), so I don't see a reason to explicitly ban them when you probably wouldn't use them anyway.

No Second Seals/Rescue/Paralogues/wireless/DLC with full deployment, routing all chapters except 21 and at least five Gen 1 marriages is my idea of how to make Hard interesting. You can ban Risen too if you like, but I like them (as long as they're not spammed).

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With how much money the game throws at you, Tonics are hardly any cost.

I wouldn't limit Seconds Seal and Paralogues, because they're fun. Re-classing is awesome.

I am currently up to Ch.5. It feels like FE again. :awesome:

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I'm currently doing a derprun, where i generally try to do as much retarded shit as possible. It is Hard Classic mode no grind no spotpass, and with a ton of other things to hinder me. I try only to use characters I don't like or don't care for, make any pairings suboptimal (eg. VirionxNowi, MaribellexChrom), and my Avatar's asset/flaw is +Skl-Def in order to make her harder to use. Of course, using Donnel is a must, and he must be trained without the use of skirmishes.

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If you want a true derp run, try playing Normal/Cla Ironman with the bottom screen covered and a Def flaw.

Virion is one of Nowi's better husbands, believe it or not.

Yes, and...

Vaike is also a good pairing for her getting awesome Str and Def and having no flaws in anything like with Gregor's. Plus, she can inherit Counter from him. ...And like Gregor...she can also get Armsthrift and Sol which Armsthrift is a must for her to have with Dragonstone+'s being very hard to come by without Spotpass. Plus having the option to get Lethality+Luna combo is always a good thing. Lon'qu is also good...too to get her Acrobat and Lethality. No flaws in the modifiers either. Gaius, however, is probably your best choice as she can get Galeforce, Vantage, Acrobat and Astra and no flaws in her modifiers like it would with pairing Nowi with Donnel as he is better off having Tharja for Noire's late joining time and the well needed Aptitude and usually having her far behind everyone else that is if you don't use Donnel. Which hardly anyone does. Gregor is also good for her as well to get her Duel Support+, Vantage and Sol which are nice on harder difficulties. But...she cannot get Acrobat. So...it's all a matter of choie of choosing...
In order...
Edited by Barbie
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Do you have any idea how to use Nah?

There are three girls that can inherit Peg from their fathers: Nah, Noire, and Kjelle. Gaius!Noire has both Galeforce/Luna and VV, Donnel!Kjelle has Gale/Luna, Nah can't get a reliable proc from either and is thus the least important candidate for Galeforce. She can't do VV either because there are no DM/Myrm dads, so her only option is hard support, where the only things that matter are atk and Skl. Nah already has Sage, so she just needs mods to go magical, for physical she needs mods and a good class (Hero). Vaike and Gregor supply the latter.

However, Nah must marry a Galeboy to be useful. Morgan is out because Lucina has priority on him, and Owain and Brady are magical so they don't want a physical support. That leavs Inigo, who can be physical or magical dependng on his dad, just like Nah. Since magic gives range 2 Braves and enemies have lower Res in general, magical is usually the superior option.

For magical Nah's mods, Virion, king of class overlap is actually superior here- he gives +2 Skl in addition to Archer, so Nah can use LB/TF/All+2/Mag+2/Skl+2.

As for that other stuff, Lethality and Counter do nothing in Apo and not much else outside of specific challenge runs, and Dragonstone+'s are both buyable from shops and unforgeable, making them the cheapest fully powered weapon in the game sans Regalia (which require grinding and sell for nothing), Beaststones and Mire.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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